Author Topic: [Idea] Thinking about multibot organisation 'Social Heirachy' [Idea]  (Read 3522 times)

Offline spike43884

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Currently the standard way is a 'head' sysvar which is either 0 or 1, but we have tonnes of why do it this way...why not:
An Epigenetic (heridetary) sysvar called 'generation' and if its not age 0 and numties is 0 then it resets it to 1, if its age 0 it increases by 1, and because its copied down each generation (or expanse from the 'head') there is, the higher this value gets, then you can specify generation = 0 for it to act like the head in RBF directing the entire colony in 1 direction, if you have generation = 1 you could make it control all with a lower generation (I just realised, an operator 'join' would be brilliant then I could do *.generation - join *.eye5 join .tout1 store giving me for generation 2 with nothing in eye5 *.tin1 = 2-0) To move in that direction...A social heirachy...
Be much better for organising the colony to be useful?
Autism can allow so much joy, and at the same time sadness to be seen. Our world is weird, and full of contradiction everywhere, yet somehow at moments seems to come together, and make near perfect sense.

Offline spike43884

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Re: [Idea] Thinking about multibot organisation 'Social Heirachy' [Idea]
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2015, 12:20:18 PM »
Oh btw. It legitimately is tonnes better to do a social heirachy because if the head dies, no new head is made normally, or multiple heads form, or they split heirachy can overwrite when the leader dies.
Autism can allow so much joy, and at the same time sadness to be seen. Our world is weird, and full of contradiction everywhere, yet somehow at moments seems to come together, and make near perfect sense.