Author Topic: Mhm! My Zerobot, ITS NOT MUTATING...or dieing :/ or doing...anything  (Read 7270 times)

Offline spike43884

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Re: Mhm! My Zerobot, ITS NOT MUTATING...or dieing :/ or doing...anything
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2014, 11:22:57 AM »

Also, english. We may not all be from the US or Uk; I think you know where I will go on about this, but please- we are a multinational community. At least one Pole, one Swede (Swedish) and a few Russians and Ukrainians use this forum. Considering how many people are actually on here, that is A LOT. I am sure that if you use this, you are educated well enough to know formal english.

Whew! I don't men to hurt feelings, of course.

I use understandable grammar, I could be superb. But this is not school, and if you find it nessisary to point boring tiny mistakes (and not funny ones like botsareus telling us to 'attack a file') then you really need to find something to pass-time properly.
Autism can allow so much joy, and at the same time sadness to be seen. Our world is weird, and full of contradiction everywhere, yet somehow at moments seems to come together, and make near perfect sense.