Author Topic: The State of the Simulation  (Read 32539 times)

Offline Numsgil

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The State of the Simulation
« Reply #30 on: February 21, 2008, 08:34:34 PM »
We've been having technical difficulties with the program and server.  We aren't totally sure if it's the server of the program, so it's been hard to fix.

Offline rsucoop

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The State of the Simulation
« Reply #31 on: February 21, 2008, 09:15:03 PM »
Quote from: Numsgil
We've been having technical difficulties with the program and server.  We aren't totally sure if it's the server of the program, so it's been hard to fix.

Have you tried ping requesting the server? It could be that the weather has interupted whatever network its on.

Offline Numsgil

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The State of the Simulation
« Reply #32 on: February 21, 2008, 09:53:59 PM »
web server (forum) and ftp server are run from the same place, so if one were down they'd all be down.  We're thinking either it's a problem with the Visual Basic control, or with the number of sessions from the same IP.

Offline rsucoop

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The State of the Simulation
« Reply #33 on: February 23, 2008, 02:59:55 PM »
Quote from: Numsgil
web server (forum) and ftp server are run from the same place, so if one were down they'd all be down.  We're thinking either it's a problem with the Visual Basic control, or with the number of sessions from the same IP.
Is the FTP on a seperate switch or router, or is it all the same?

Offline Numsgil

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The State of the Simulation
« Reply #34 on: February 23, 2008, 09:25:01 PM »
All the same, as far as I know.  The FTP for the program uses an FTP account that gets limited access to a folder on the web server.  However, GoDaddy (our host) has a two session limit per IP thing.  So at least part of what I think happens is that Darwinbots loses track of a session, and after  a while tries to create a third session and fails.

That doesn't explain why some people can't get even a first session going, of course, so I'm a little stumped.  What I need to do is create a test app in C# that uploads and downloads to/from the server, to check if it's something bogus with the VB controls, or with our server.

Offline rsucoop

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The State of the Simulation
« Reply #35 on: February 25, 2008, 10:01:04 PM »
Quote from: Numsgil
All the same, as far as I know.  The FTP for the program uses an FTP account that gets limited access to a folder on the web server.  However, GoDaddy (our host) has a two session limit per IP thing.  So at least part of what I think happens is that Darwinbots loses track of a session, and after  a while tries to create a third session and fails.

That doesn't explain why some people can't get even a first session going, of course, so I'm a little stumped.  What I need to do is create a test app in C# that uploads and downloads to/from the server, to check if it's something bogus with the VB controls, or with our server.

I've noticed that when I didn't shutdown properly from DB when in IT mode, it did not always start up again on restart. My guess is that the VB controls aren't reseting the IT settings when this happens, so the server thinks its still there. Also, the server could be confusing the portion of the bot called, Incoming, where it can say RSUCOOP after its gone through teleporter a couple of times. So you end up with all these identical IPs on bots all over the place, I'm guessing it could be confusing references with the bots, casuing duplicating IPs. If it was still there after you loged off, it could be reading the server as full.

Offline Moonfisher

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The State of the Simulation
« Reply #36 on: February 26, 2008, 02:49:24 AM »
Quote from: rsucoop
I would suggest making a stronger antiviral gene before using your Pacifist.

Pacifist uses no antiviral gene or slime, it doesn't need it.
It's problems in IM aren't the viruses, it's more the fact that it's a pacifist, so if an enemy is present and controlls the alge it won't be able to get to the food.
Works well in leagues though, except it takes a while, again because it's a pacifist

And it sounds like I'm having the whole "not shutting down correctly" problem... DB always freezes when I try to close it after IM.

Offline EricL

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The State of the Simulation
« Reply #37 on: April 04, 2008, 01:04:26 AM »
A_Supremus has taken over IM.  It managed to wiped out Preditor13, Locust and Guardian in short order today and now owns both my sims.  

On the veggy front, the non-mutating Shrinking Violet 2 has reined supreme for weeks now, but was never able to completly exterminate the orginal, mutating version Shrinking Violet.  It's popualtion was below 100 for quite a while, but it has now made a convincing comeback, largly taking over the EricL2 sim and making good gains in the much larger EricL sim.

The perf improvements in 2.43.1g have allowed me to double the population target for EricL to 1500 and it still runs considerably faster than it did in previous versions.
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Offline asterixx

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The State of the Simulation
« Reply #38 on: April 04, 2008, 03:23:26 PM »
I've been trying a Zerobot simulation so I've neglected to use the IM over the past few days. It doesnt surprise me that the Shrinking Violet is still dominating, it really has a way of taking over.
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Offline Moonfisher

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The State of the Simulation
« Reply #39 on: April 04, 2008, 06:04:33 PM »
Shrinking violet is anoying  damn slippery !
When I started working on Tiefighters I had shrinking violet in mind, but the tie angles on multibots got messed up when trying to tie, so had to use reproduction to spawn 2 bots and make 3 ties at the same time, one to prevent the tie prom breaking, and 2 to moake the alge feed you all the energy.
But appart from the thick slimelayer keeping ties off, the repro thing was just way too slow to hit shrinking violet. (Still looks cool when it works though, like a deathstar beam or something)
Could be fun to try to make an alge, they seem like they would be overpowered, but the veggy cap can be realy inhibitting. If you make a combat veggy it just risks loosing a bot leaving SV a chance to reproduce and fill the slot. I might try toying with the idea of attacking anything that flees from us and flee from anything that attacks us, maybe test ways to reconize dangerous bots, or something like that, seems to work well in nature.
Had an algy virus at one point that simply set it's own aim to enemy's aim and used same dx value and some extra to up... would make it chace anything that flees and flee from anything that attacks. But it was more effective to just go one way in that specific case.
Either way I think maybe a system like that could be effective to test oponents to see if we're prey or predator.
Obvisouly that system can be exploited, anyone else see that video with the chubby white guy who crawls up to some lions with a toilet roll as his only weapon ? The lion just doesn't know what to do... he looks wierd and acts wierd... not scared... not agressive... just wierd and relaxed... and he has a toilet roll... if it was human it would still be confused !

Offline EricL

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The State of the Simulation
« Reply #40 on: May 01, 2008, 03:59:02 PM »
Seasnake 1.2 and Spinner 1.3 continue to duke it out as they have for days.  Seasnake owns one of my sims, Spinner the other.  Neither seems to be able to teleport enough soliders into the other sim to take it over.    I've seen populations of the minority bot reach 50 or so in either sim before being beaten back by the owner.  Duplo remains a periodic entry, long surviving in Shvarz's periodicly connected sim.  It seems to be suited to whatever the conditions there are, appearing in other sims rarely and not long surviving there but able to defend it's own territory effectively.

Other bots show up in small numbers occasionally but those sims don't stay long and those bots have been unable to colinize any of the permanent IM sims.
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Offline shvarz

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The State of the Simulation
« Reply #41 on: May 02, 2008, 01:38:41 PM »
Eric, I'm getting strange Alga Minimalis from you - some of them have a huge single gene and others have no DNA at all. Weird.
Duplo is doing quite well in my sim, the "follow the leader" behavior that I described elsewhere is still present. But it figures that it does not survive in other sims - it's adapted to conditions with no costs other than body upkeep and movement.
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Offline EricL

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The State of the Simulation
« Reply #42 on: May 02, 2008, 03:36:19 PM »
Quote from: shvarz
Eric, I'm getting strange Alga Minimalis from you - some of them have a huge single gene and others have no DNA at all. Weird.

That big single gene is the Seasnake 1.2 genome.  Your getting Seasnake infected veggies as well as ones that have been infected, subsequently mutated chanign their dna length and then committed suicide (by deleting their single gene).
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Offline Trooper5445

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The State of the Simulation
« Reply #43 on: May 06, 2008, 10:55:05 PM »
That seasnake is evil. Brought my sim (and soon my computer) to its knees. Anyhow can we get an update. I sent the latest build of my L_Sesillia on it and last I checked it had a small stable community but it might have been eliminated since then.
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Offline EricL

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The State of the Simulation
« Reply #44 on: May 07, 2008, 01:35:26 AM »
EricL2 continues to be ruled by Spinner V1.3.  The snake makes occasional inroads, but Spinner beats it back.

EricL where the snake resides has been up and down the past few days as I work on a really nasty bug having to do with locked arrays and a bug in VB where if you exit or goto out of a With block, the variable or array or whatever referrred to in the With statement remains locked and cannot be redimensioned.  A real royal pain this one is as I work to make the rob array dynamic and thus remove the 10k bot limit in sims (as well as shrink the working set considerably for smaller sims).  Think I have it now though.  2.43.1k out tomorrow hopefully.
Many beers....