Author Topic: Hive 0.4  (Read 3123 times)

Offline goffrie

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Hive 0.4
« on: May 25, 2008, 10:15:21 PM »
In this version, I implemented a simple scout which finds veggies and drags them within 3200 units of the hive, then fixes them there. I also have various improvements such as a dynamically scaling queen probability (about body/32000 chance) as well as scout probability. I did not manage to implement the "look around" feature I was talking about, but it isn't the most important thing.

DB code:
Code: [Select]
'PyHive0.4.txt compiled by PyBot V2 from PyHive0.4.pyr.
def hivexpos 971
def hiveypos 972
def status 973
def queen 974
def conspec 975
def look 51
def counter 52
def return 53
def cc 54
def seen 55
def v1 57
def v2 58
def v3 59
def v4 60
def v5 61
def v6 62
def v7 63
def v8 64
def v9 65
def x1 66
def x2 67
def x3 68
def x4 69
def x5 70
def x6 71
def x7 72
def x8 73
def x9 74
def y1 75
def y2 76
def y3 77
def y4 78
def y5 79
def y6 80
def y7 81
def y8 82
def y9 83
def c1 84
def c2 85
def c3 86
def c4 87
def c5 88
def c6 89
def c7 90
def c8 91
def c9 92
*.status 0 =
*.refveldx dup *.dx != .dx store
*.refvelup 30 add dup *.up != .up store
*.robage 0 =
1 dupbool dup *.timer != and .timer store dropbool
dropbool *.eye5 45 >
-1 dupbool dup *.shoot != and .shoot store dropbool
8 dupbool dup *.shootval != and .shootval store dropbool
*.refvelup dupbool dup *.up != and .up store dropbool
dropbool *.eye5 0 >
1 dupbool dup *.timer != and .timer store dropbool
*.refxpos *.refypos angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
dupbool not dupbool *.eye6 0 > and
34 dupbool dup *.aimdx != and .aimdx store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye4 0 > and
-34 dupbool dup *.aimdx != and .aimdx store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye7 0 > and
69 dupbool dup *.aimdx != and .aimdx store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye3 0 > and
-69 dupbool dup *.aimdx != and .aimdx store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye8 0 > and
104 dupbool dup *.aimdx != and .aimdx store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye2 0 > and
-104 dupbool dup *.aimdx != and .aimdx store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye9 0 > and
139 dupbool dup *.aimdx != and .aimdx store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye1 0 > and
-139 dupbool dup *.aimdx != and .aimdx store dropbool
not and dupbool *.timer 10 < and
314 dupbool dup *.aimdx != and .aimdx store dropbool
not and not or not  
628 *.timer div dupbool dup *.aimdx != and .aimdx store dropbool
dropbool *.waste 1000 >
-4 dupbool dup *.shoot != and .shoot store dropbool
*.waste dupbool dup *.shootval != and .shootval store dropbool
dropbool *.nrg 25000 > *.body 6000 > and
32000 rnd dupbool dup *.conspec != and .conspec store dropbool
*.conspec dupbool dup *.out5 != and .out5 store dropbool
*.conspec dupbool dup *.tout5 != and .tout5 store dropbool
*.xpos dupbool dup *.hivexpos != and .hivexpos store dropbool
*.ypos dupbool dup *.hiveypos != and .hiveypos store dropbool
.status inc
.fixpos inc
*.eye5 *.eye6 =
*.eye7 dupbool dup *.up != and .up store dropbool
*.robage 0 = *.status 1 = and
*.queen rnd 0 = *.hivexpos 0 = or *.hiveypos 0 = or
0 dupbool dup *.queen != and .queen store dropbool
dupbool not dupbool *.queen 2 div rnd 0 = and
3 dupbool dup *.status != and .status store dropbool
not and not or not  
2 dupbool dup *.status != and .status store dropbool
*.conspec dup *.out5 != .out5 store
*.conspec dup *.tout5 != .tout5 store
*.status 1 =
*.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and *.seen 0 = and *.refeye *.myeye = and
*.refkills 1 add dupbool dup *.seen != and .seen store dropbool
dupbool not dupbool *.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and *.seen *.refkills 1 add = and *.refeye *.myeye = and and
0 dupbool dup *.seen != and .seen store dropbool
.tie inc
not and not or not  
0 dupbool dup *.seen != and .seen store dropbool
-34 dup *.eye5width != .eye5width store
50 dup *.sharenrg != .sharenrg store
.tieang1 dec
.tieang2 dec
.tieang3 dec
.tieang4 dec
1 dup *.fixpos != .fixpos store
*.waste 500 >
-4 dupbool dup *.shoot != and .shoot store dropbool
*.waste dupbool dup *.shootval != and .shootval store dropbool
1256 rnd dupbool dup *.aimshot != and .aimshot store dropbool
dropbool *.body 2000 > *.nrg 31000 < and
1000 dupbool dup *.fdbody != and .fdbody store dropbool
dropbool *.body 2000 < *.nrg 10000 > and
1000 dupbool dup *.strbody != and .strbody store dropbool
dropbool *.nrg 25000 >
dupbool dupbool *.shell 30000 < and
300 dupbool dup *.mkshell != and .mkshell store dropbool
dropbool dropbool dupbool dupbool *.poison 30000 < and
300 dupbool dup *.strpoison != and .strpoison store dropbool
dropbool dropbool
*.shoot dup *.ploc != .ploc store
*.robage 5 > *.hivexpos *.xpos = and *.hiveypos *.ypos = and
50 dupbool dup *.aimdx != and .aimdx store dropbool
dupbool dupbool *.nrg 10000 > *.body 1000 > and *.eye5 35 < and and
32000 *.body div dupbool dup *.queen != and .queen store dropbool
10 *.body 1000 div add dupbool dup *.repro != and .repro store dropbool
dropbool dropbool
*.xpos dup *.hivexpos != .hivexpos store
*.ypos dup *.hiveypos != .hiveypos store
*.status 2 = *.return 0 = and
*.robage 0 =
.tie inc
.mkshell dupbool dup *.vloc != and .vloc store dropbool
.shoot dupbool dup *.ploc != and .ploc store dropbool
2 dupbool dup *.delgene != and .delgene store dropbool
1 rnd 2 mult 1 sub 2 mult dupbool dup *.cc != and .cc store dropbool
420 dupbool dup *.eye1dir != and .eye1dir store dropbool
315 dupbool dup *.eye2dir != and .eye2dir store dropbool
210 dupbool dup *.eye3dir != and .eye3dir store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye4dir != and .eye4dir store dropbool
-105 dupbool dup *.eye6dir != and .eye6dir store dropbool
-210 dupbool dup *.eye7dir != and .eye7dir store dropbool
-315 dupbool dup *.eye8dir != and .eye8dir store dropbool
-420 dupbool dup *.eye9dir != and .eye9dir store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye1width != and .eye1width store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye2width != and .eye2width store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye3width != and .eye3width store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye4width != and .eye4width store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye5width != and .eye5width store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye6width != and .eye6width store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye7width != and .eye7width store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye8width != and .eye8width store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye9width != and .eye9width store dropbool
dropbool *.numties 0 >
*.tiepres dupbool dup *.deltie != and .deltie store dropbool
dropbool *.v1 *.timer >
-1 dupbool dup *.v1 != and .v1 store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c1 != and .c1 store dropbool
dropbool *.v2 *.timer >
-1 dupbool dup *.v2 != and .v2 store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c2 != and .c2 store dropbool
dropbool *.v3 *.timer >
-1 dupbool dup *.v3 != and .v3 store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c3 != and .c3 store dropbool
dropbool *.v4 *.timer >
-1 dupbool dup *.v4 != and .v4 store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c4 != and .c4 store dropbool
dropbool *.v5 *.timer >
-1 dupbool dup *.v5 != and .v5 store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c5 != and .c5 store dropbool
dropbool *.v6 *.timer >
-1 dupbool dup *.v6 != and .v6 store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c6 != and .c6 store dropbool
dropbool *.v7 *.timer >
-1 dupbool dup *.v7 != and .v7 store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c7 != and .c7 store dropbool
dropbool *.v8 *.timer >
-1 dupbool dup *.v8 != and .v8 store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c8 != and .c8 store dropbool
dropbool *.v9 *.timer >
-1 dupbool dup *.v9 != and .v9 store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c9 != and .c9 store dropbool
dropbool *.focuseye 0 = *.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and *.refeye *.myeye 3 add *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult sub = *.in5 *.conspec = and or not and *.eyef 0 > and
*.refveldx dupbool dup *.dx != and .dx store dropbool
*.refxpos *.refypos angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
dupbool dupbool *.eyef 40 > and
8 dupbool dup *.shootval != and .shootval store dropbool
dupbool dupbool *.refeye 0 = and
-1 dupbool dup *.shoot != and .shoot store dropbool
not and not dupbool not dupbool *.venom 30 >= *.refshell 100 > and and
-3 dupbool dup *.shoot != and .shoot store dropbool
30 dupbool dup *.shootval != and .shootval store dropbool
not and not or not  
-6 dupbool dup *.shoot != and .shoot store dropbool
*.refvelup dupbool dup *.up != and .up store dropbool
not and  
*.refvelup 40 add dupbool dup *.up != and .up store dropbool
dupbool dupbool *.hivexpos *.hiveypos dist 1600 < and
*.hivexpos *.hiveypos angle 628 add dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
not and  
*.cc dupbool dup *.aimdx != and .aimdx store dropbool
10 dupbool dup *.up != and .up store dropbool
dupbool dupbool *.eyef 0 > and
dupbool dupbool *.v1 *.v2 <= *.v1 *.v3 <= and *.v1 *.v4 <= and *.v1 *.v5 <= and *.v1 *.v6 <= and *.v1 *.v7 <= and *.v1 *.v8 <= and *.v1 *.v9 <= and and
*.timer dupbool dup *.v1 != and .v1 store dropbool
*.refxpos dupbool dup *.x1 != and .x1 store dropbool
*.refypos dupbool dup *.y1 != and .y1 store dropbool
dupbool dupbool *.refeye 0 = and
1 dupbool dup *.c1 != and .c1 store dropbool
not and not dupbool not dupbool *.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and *.refeye *.myeye 3 add *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult sub = *.in5 *.conspec = and or and
2 dupbool dup *.c1 != and .c1 store dropbool
not and not or not  
3 dupbool dup *.c1 != and .c1 store dropbool
not and not dupbool not dupbool *.v2 *.v1 <= *.v2 *.v3 <= and *.v2 *.v4 <= and *.v2 *.v5 <= and *.v2 *.v6 <= and *.v2 *.v7 <= and *.v2 *.v8 <= and *.v2 *.v9 <= and and
*.timer dupbool dup *.v2 != and .v2 store dropbool
*.refxpos dupbool dup *.x2 != and .x2 store dropbool
*.refypos dupbool dup *.y2 != and .y2 store dropbool
dupbool dupbool *.refeye 0 = and
1 dupbool dup *.c2 != and .c2 store dropbool
not and not dupbool not dupbool *.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and *.refeye *.myeye 3 add *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult sub = *.in5 *.conspec = and or and
2 dupbool dup *.c2 != and .c2 store dropbool
not and not or not  
3 dupbool dup *.c2 != and .c2 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.v3 *.v1 <= *.v3 *.v2 <= and *.v3 *.v4 <= and *.v3 *.v5 <= and *.v3 *.v6 <= and *.v3 *.v7 <= and *.v3 *.v8 <= and *.v3 *.v9 <= and and
*.timer dupbool dup *.v3 != and .v3 store dropbool
*.refxpos dupbool dup *.x3 != and .x3 store dropbool
*.refypos dupbool dup *.y3 != and .y3 store dropbool
dupbool dupbool *.refeye 0 = and
1 dupbool dup *.c3 != and .c3 store dropbool
not and not dupbool not dupbool *.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and *.refeye *.myeye 3 add *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult sub = *.in5 *.conspec = and or and
2 dupbool dup *.c3 != and .c3 store dropbool
not and not or not  
3 dupbool dup *.c3 != and .c3 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.v4 *.v1 <= *.v4 *.v2 <= and *.v4 *.v3 <= and *.v4 *.v5 <= and *.v4 *.v6 <= and *.v4 *.v7 <= and *.v4 *.v8 <= and *.v4 *.v9 <= and and
*.timer dupbool dup *.v4 != and .v4 store dropbool
*.refxpos dupbool dup *.x4 != and .x4 store dropbool
*.refypos dupbool dup *.y4 != and .y4 store dropbool
dupbool dupbool *.refeye 0 = and
1 dupbool dup *.c4 != and .c4 store dropbool
not and not dupbool not dupbool *.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and *.refeye *.myeye 3 add *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult sub = *.in5 *.conspec = and or and
2 dupbool dup *.c4 != and .c4 store dropbool
not and not or not  
3 dupbool dup *.c4 != and .c4 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.v5 *.v1 <= *.v5 *.v2 <= and *.v5 *.v3 <= and *.v5 *.v4 <= and *.v5 *.v6 <= and *.v5 *.v7 <= and *.v5 *.v8 <= and *.v5 *.v9 <= and and
*.timer dupbool dup *.v5 != and .v5 store dropbool
*.refxpos dupbool dup *.x5 != and .x5 store dropbool
*.refypos dupbool dup *.y5 != and .y5 store dropbool
dupbool dupbool *.refeye 0 = and
1 dupbool dup *.c5 != and .c5 store dropbool
not and not dupbool not dupbool *.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and *.refeye *.myeye 3 add *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult sub = *.in5 *.conspec = and or and
2 dupbool dup *.c5 != and .c5 store dropbool
not and not or not  
3 dupbool dup *.c5 != and .c5 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.v6 *.v1 <= *.v6 *.v2 <= and *.v6 *.v3 <= and *.v6 *.v4 <= and *.v6 *.v5 <= and *.v6 *.v7 <= and *.v6 *.v8 <= and *.v6 *.v9 <= and and
*.timer dupbool dup *.v6 != and .v6 store dropbool
*.refxpos dupbool dup *.x6 != and .x6 store dropbool
*.refypos dupbool dup *.y6 != and .y6 store dropbool
dupbool dupbool *.refeye 0 = and
1 dupbool dup *.c6 != and .c6 store dropbool
not and not dupbool not dupbool *.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and *.refeye *.myeye 3 add *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult sub = *.in5 *.conspec = and or and
2 dupbool dup *.c6 != and .c6 store dropbool
not and not or not  
3 dupbool dup *.c6 != and .c6 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.v7 *.v1 <= *.v7 *.v2 <= and *.v7 *.v3 <= and *.v7 *.v4 <= and *.v7 *.v5 <= and *.v7 *.v6 <= and *.v7 *.v8 <= and *.v7 *.v9 <= and and
*.timer dupbool dup *.v7 != and .v7 store dropbool
*.refxpos dupbool dup *.x7 != and .x7 store dropbool
*.refypos dupbool dup *.y7 != and .y7 store dropbool
dupbool dupbool *.refeye 0 = and
1 dupbool dup *.c7 != and .c7 store dropbool
not and not dupbool not dupbool *.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and *.refeye *.myeye 3 add *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult sub = *.in5 *.conspec = and or and
2 dupbool dup *.c7 != and .c7 store dropbool
not and not or not  
3 dupbool dup *.c7 != and .c7 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.v8 *.v1 <= *.v8 *.v2 <= and *.v8 *.v3 <= and *.v8 *.v4 <= and *.v8 *.v5 <= and *.v8 *.v6 <= and *.v8 *.v7 <= and *.v8 *.v9 <= and and
*.timer dupbool dup *.v8 != and .v8 store dropbool
*.refxpos dupbool dup *.x8 != and .x8 store dropbool
*.refypos dupbool dup *.y8 != and .y8 store dropbool
dupbool dupbool *.refeye 0 = and
1 dupbool dup *.c8 != and .c8 store dropbool
not and not dupbool not dupbool *.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and *.refeye *.myeye 3 add *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult sub = *.in5 *.conspec = and or and
2 dupbool dup *.c8 != and .c8 store dropbool
not and not or not  
3 dupbool dup *.c8 != and .c8 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.v9 *.v1 <= *.v9 *.v2 <= and *.v9 *.v3 <= and *.v9 *.v4 <= and *.v9 *.v5 <= and *.v9 *.v6 <= and *.v9 *.v7 <= and *.v9 *.v8 <= and and
*.timer dupbool dup *.v9 != and .v9 store dropbool
*.refxpos dupbool dup *.x9 != and .x9 store dropbool
*.refypos dupbool dup *.y9 != and .y9 store dropbool
dupbool dupbool *.refeye 0 = and
1 dupbool dup *.c9 != and .c9 store dropbool
not and not dupbool not dupbool *.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and *.refeye *.myeye 3 add *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult sub = *.in5 *.conspec = and or and
2 dupbool dup *.c9 != and .c9 store dropbool
not and not or not  
3 dupbool dup *.c9 != and .c9 store dropbool
dropbool dropbool dropbool
dropbool dropbool dupbool dupbool *.x1 *.y1 dist 1200 < *.c1 3 = and *.timer *.v1 sub *.timer *.v2 sub <= and *.timer *.v1 sub *.timer *.v3 sub <= and *.timer *.v1 sub *.timer *.v4 sub <= and *.timer *.v1 sub *.timer *.v5 sub <= and *.timer *.v1 sub *.timer *.v6 sub <= and *.timer *.v1 sub *.timer *.v7 sub <= and *.timer *.v1 sub *.timer *.v8 sub <= and *.timer *.v1 sub *.timer *.v9 sub <= and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
*.x1 *.y1 angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c1 != and .c1 store dropbool
not and not dupbool not dupbool *.x2 *.y2 dist 1200 < *.c2 3 = and *.timer *.v2 sub *.timer *.v1 sub <= and *.timer *.v2 sub *.timer *.v3 sub <= and *.timer *.v2 sub *.timer *.v4 sub <= and *.timer *.v2 sub *.timer *.v5 sub <= and *.timer *.v2 sub *.timer *.v6 sub <= and *.timer *.v2 sub *.timer *.v7 sub <= and *.timer *.v2 sub *.timer *.v8 sub <= and *.timer *.v2 sub *.timer *.v9 sub <= and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
*.x2 *.y2 angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c2 != and .c2 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.x3 *.y3 dist 1200 < *.c3 3 = and *.timer *.v3 sub *.timer *.v1 sub <= and *.timer *.v3 sub *.timer *.v2 sub <= and *.timer *.v3 sub *.timer *.v4 sub <= and *.timer *.v3 sub *.timer *.v5 sub <= and *.timer *.v3 sub *.timer *.v6 sub <= and *.timer *.v3 sub *.timer *.v7 sub <= and *.timer *.v3 sub *.timer *.v8 sub <= and *.timer *.v3 sub *.timer *.v9 sub <= and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
*.x3 *.y3 angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c3 != and .c3 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.x4 *.y4 dist 1200 < *.c4 3 = and *.timer *.v4 sub *.timer *.v1 sub <= and *.timer *.v4 sub *.timer *.v2 sub <= and *.timer *.v4 sub *.timer *.v3 sub <= and *.timer *.v4 sub *.timer *.v5 sub <= and *.timer *.v4 sub *.timer *.v6 sub <= and *.timer *.v4 sub *.timer *.v7 sub <= and *.timer *.v4 sub *.timer *.v8 sub <= and *.timer *.v4 sub *.timer *.v9 sub <= and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
*.x4 *.y4 angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c4 != and .c4 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.x5 *.y5 dist 1200 < *.c5 3 = and *.timer *.v5 sub *.timer *.v1 sub <= and *.timer *.v5 sub *.timer *.v2 sub <= and *.timer *.v5 sub *.timer *.v3 sub <= and *.timer *.v5 sub *.timer *.v4 sub <= and *.timer *.v5 sub *.timer *.v6 sub <= and *.timer *.v5 sub *.timer *.v7 sub <= and *.timer *.v5 sub *.timer *.v8 sub <= and *.timer *.v5 sub *.timer *.v9 sub <= and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
*.x5 *.y5 angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c5 != and .c5 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.x6 *.y6 dist 1200 < *.c6 3 = and *.timer *.v6 sub *.timer *.v1 sub <= and *.timer *.v6 sub *.timer *.v2 sub <= and *.timer *.v6 sub *.timer *.v3 sub <= and *.timer *.v6 sub *.timer *.v4 sub <= and *.timer *.v6 sub *.timer *.v5 sub <= and *.timer *.v6 sub *.timer *.v7 sub <= and *.timer *.v6 sub *.timer *.v8 sub <= and *.timer *.v6 sub *.timer *.v9 sub <= and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
*.x6 *.y6 angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c6 != and .c6 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.x7 *.y7 dist 1200 < *.c7 3 = and *.timer *.v7 sub *.timer *.v1 sub <= and *.timer *.v7 sub *.timer *.v2 sub <= and *.timer *.v7 sub *.timer *.v3 sub <= and *.timer *.v7 sub *.timer *.v4 sub <= and *.timer *.v7 sub *.timer *.v5 sub <= and *.timer *.v7 sub *.timer *.v6 sub <= and *.timer *.v7 sub *.timer *.v8 sub <= and *.timer *.v7 sub *.timer *.v9 sub <= and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
*.x7 *.y7 angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c7 != and .c7 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.x8 *.y8 dist 1200 < *.c8 3 = and *.timer *.v8 sub *.timer *.v1 sub <= and *.timer *.v8 sub *.timer *.v2 sub <= and *.timer *.v8 sub *.timer *.v3 sub <= and *.timer *.v8 sub *.timer *.v4 sub <= and *.timer *.v8 sub *.timer *.v5 sub <= and *.timer *.v8 sub *.timer *.v6 sub <= and *.timer *.v8 sub *.timer *.v7 sub <= and *.timer *.v8 sub *.timer *.v9 sub <= and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
*.x8 *.y8 angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c8 != and .c8 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.x9 *.y9 dist 1200 < *.c9 3 = and *.timer *.v9 sub *.timer *.v1 sub <= and *.timer *.v9 sub *.timer *.v2 sub <= and *.timer *.v9 sub *.timer *.v3 sub <= and *.timer *.v9 sub *.timer *.v4 sub <= and *.timer *.v9 sub *.timer *.v5 sub <= and *.timer *.v9 sub *.timer *.v6 sub <= and *.timer *.v9 sub *.timer *.v7 sub <= and *.timer *.v9 sub *.timer *.v8 sub <= and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
*.x9 *.y9 angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c9 != and .c9 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.x1 *.y1 dist 1200 < *.c1 1 = and *.timer *.v1 sub *.timer *.v2 sub <= and *.timer *.v1 sub *.timer *.v3 sub <= and *.timer *.v1 sub *.timer *.v4 sub <= and *.timer *.v1 sub *.timer *.v5 sub <= and *.timer *.v1 sub *.timer *.v6 sub <= and *.timer *.v1 sub *.timer *.v7 sub <= and *.timer *.v1 sub *.timer *.v8 sub <= and *.timer *.v1 sub *.timer *.v9 sub <= and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
*.x1 *.y1 angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c1 != and .c1 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.x2 *.y2 dist 1200 < *.c2 1 = and *.timer *.v2 sub *.timer *.v1 sub <= and *.timer *.v2 sub *.timer *.v3 sub <= and *.timer *.v2 sub *.timer *.v4 sub <= and *.timer *.v2 sub *.timer *.v5 sub <= and *.timer *.v2 sub *.timer *.v6 sub <= and *.timer *.v2 sub *.timer *.v7 sub <= and *.timer *.v2 sub *.timer *.v8 sub <= and *.timer *.v2 sub *.timer *.v9 sub <= and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
*.x2 *.y2 angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c2 != and .c2 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.x3 *.y3 dist 1200 < *.c3 1 = and *.timer *.v3 sub *.timer *.v1 sub <= and *.timer *.v3 sub *.timer *.v2 sub <= and *.timer *.v3 sub *.timer *.v4 sub <= and *.timer *.v3 sub *.timer *.v5 sub <= and *.timer *.v3 sub *.timer *.v6 sub <= and *.timer *.v3 sub *.timer *.v7 sub <= and *.timer *.v3 sub *.timer *.v8 sub <= and *.timer *.v3 sub *.timer *.v9 sub <= and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
*.x3 *.y3 angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c3 != and .c3 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.x4 *.y4 dist 1200 < *.c4 1 = and *.timer *.v4 sub *.timer *.v1 sub <= and *.timer *.v4 sub *.timer *.v2 sub <= and *.timer *.v4 sub *.timer *.v3 sub <= and *.timer *.v4 sub *.timer *.v5 sub <= and *.timer *.v4 sub *.timer *.v6 sub <= and *.timer *.v4 sub *.timer *.v7 sub <= and *.timer *.v4 sub *.timer *.v8 sub <= and *.timer *.v4 sub *.timer *.v9 sub <= and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
*.x4 *.y4 angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c4 != and .c4 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.x5 *.y5 dist 1200 < *.c5 1 = and *.timer *.v5 sub *.timer *.v1 sub <= and *.timer *.v5 sub *.timer *.v2 sub <= and *.timer *.v5 sub *.timer *.v3 sub <= and *.timer *.v5 sub *.timer *.v4 sub <= and *.timer *.v5 sub *.timer *.v6 sub <= and *.timer *.v5 sub *.timer *.v7 sub <= and *.timer *.v5 sub *.timer *.v8 sub <= and *.timer *.v5 sub *.timer *.v9 sub <= and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
*.x5 *.y5 angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c5 != and .c5 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.x6 *.y6 dist 1200 < *.c6 1 = and *.timer *.v6 sub *.timer *.v1 sub <= and *.timer *.v6 sub *.timer *.v2 sub <= and *.timer *.v6 sub *.timer *.v3 sub <= and *.timer *.v6 sub *.timer *.v4 sub <= and *.timer *.v6 sub *.timer *.v5 sub <= and *.timer *.v6 sub *.timer *.v7 sub <= and *.timer *.v6 sub *.timer *.v8 sub <= and *.timer *.v6 sub *.timer *.v9 sub <= and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
*.x6 *.y6 angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c6 != and .c6 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.x7 *.y7 dist 1200 < *.c7 1 = and *.timer *.v7 sub *.timer *.v1 sub <= and *.timer *.v7 sub *.timer *.v2 sub <= and *.timer *.v7 sub *.timer *.v3 sub <= and *.timer *.v7 sub *.timer *.v4 sub <= and *.timer *.v7 sub *.timer *.v5 sub <= and *.timer *.v7 sub *.timer *.v6 sub <= and *.timer *.v7 sub *.timer *.v8 sub <= and *.timer *.v7 sub *.timer *.v9 sub <= and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
*.x7 *.y7 angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c7 != and .c7 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.x8 *.y8 dist 1200 < *.c8 1 = and *.timer *.v8 sub *.timer *.v1 sub <= and *.timer *.v8 sub *.timer *.v2 sub <= and *.timer *.v8 sub *.timer *.v3 sub <= and *.timer *.v8 sub *.timer *.v4 sub <= and *.timer *.v8 sub *.timer *.v5 sub <= and *.timer *.v8 sub *.timer *.v6 sub <= and *.timer *.v8 sub *.timer *.v7 sub <= and *.timer *.v8 sub *.timer *.v9 sub <= and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
*.x8 *.y8 angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c8 != and .c8 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.x9 *.y9 dist 1200 < *.c9 1 = and *.timer *.v9 sub *.timer *.v1 sub <= and *.timer *.v9 sub *.timer *.v2 sub <= and *.timer *.v9 sub *.timer *.v3 sub <= and *.timer *.v9 sub *.timer *.v4 sub <= and *.timer *.v9 sub *.timer *.v5 sub <= and *.timer *.v9 sub *.timer *.v6 sub <= and *.timer *.v9 sub *.timer *.v7 sub <= and *.timer *.v9 sub *.timer *.v8 sub <= and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
*.x9 *.y9 angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.c9 != and .c9 store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye2 0 > *.focuseye -3 < and and
-3 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye3 0 > *.focuseye -2 < and and
-2 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye4 0 > *.focuseye -1 < and and
-1 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye5 0 > *.focuseye 0 < and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye6 0 > *.focuseye 1 < and and
1 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye7 0 > *.focuseye 2 < and and
2 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye8 0 > *.focuseye 3 < and and
3 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye9 0 > *.focuseye 4 < and and
4 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye1 0 > and
-4 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye2 0 > and
-3 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye3 0 > and
-2 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye4 0 > and
-1 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye5 0 > and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye6 0 > and
1 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye7 0 > and
2 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye8 0 > and
3 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and not or not  
8 rnd 4 sub dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
dropbool *.body 800 < *.nrg 15000 > and
500 dupbool dup *.strbody != and .strbody store dropbool
dropbool *.body 800 > *.nrg 30000 < and
500 dupbool dup *.fdbody != and .fdbody store dropbool
dropbool *.nrg 10000 > *.venom 1000 < and
200 dupbool dup *.strvenom != and .strvenom store dropbool
dropbool *.fixed 0 !=
.fixpos dec
dropbool *.shflav -1 = *.refeye 0 = *.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and *.refeye *.myeye 3 add *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult sub = *.in5 *.conspec = and or or and *.poison 500 < and
500 *.poison sub dupbool dup *.strpoison != and .strpoison store dropbool
dropbool *.shflav -6 = *.refeye 0 = *.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and *.refeye *.myeye 3 add *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult sub = *.in5 *.conspec = and or or and *.shell 500 < and
500 *.shell sub dupbool dup *.mkshell != and .mkshell store dropbool
0 dup *.shflav != .shflav store
*.waste 1000 > *.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and *.refeye *.myeye 3 add *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult sub = *.in5 *.conspec = and or not and
-4 dupbool dup *.shoot != and .shoot store dropbool
*.waste dupbool dup *.shootval != and .shootval store dropbool
dropbool *.nrg 30000 >= *.body 800 >= and
.return inc
*.status 2 = *.shflav 0 != and *.shflav -2 != and *.return 0 != and
0 dup *.return != .return store
*.shell 500 <
500 *.shell sub dupbool dup *.mkshell != and .mkshell store dropbool
500 dup *.strpoison != .strpoison store
*.status 2 = *.return 0 != and
*.nrg 10000 <
0 dupbool dup *.return != and .return store dropbool
dropbool *.eye5 0 = *.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and not or
*.hivexpos *.hiveypos angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
30 *.velup sub 0 ceil 30 floor dupbool dup *.up != and .up store dropbool
dropbool *.eye5 35 < *.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and and
*.refvelup 40 add dupbool dup *.up != and .up store dropbool
*.refveldx dupbool dup *.dx != and .dx store dropbool
dropbool *.eye5 35 >= *.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and and
-2 dupbool dup *.shoot != and .shoot store dropbool
1000 dupbool dup *.shootval != and .shootval store dropbool
dupbool dupbool *.refxpos 0 != *.refypos 0 != and and
*.refxpos *.refypos angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
*.refxpos dupbool dup *.hivexpos != and .hivexpos store dropbool
*.refypos dupbool dup *.hiveypos != and .hiveypos store dropbool
dropbool dropbool
*.refvelup dupbool dup *.up != and .up store dropbool
*.refveldx dupbool dup *.dx != and .dx store dropbool
dropbool *.numties 0 >
*.tiepres dupbool dup *.deltie != and .deltie store dropbool
dropbool *.hivexpos *.hiveypos dist 200 <
.counter inc
0 dupbool dup *.counter != and .counter store dropbool
dropbool *.counter 600 >
1 dupbool dup *.status != and .status store dropbool
0 dup *.focuseye != .focuseye store
*.status 3 =
*.robage 0 =
2 dupbool dup *.delgene != and .delgene store dropbool
1 rnd 2 mult 1 sub 2 mult dupbool dup *.cc != and .cc store dropbool
420 dupbool dup *.eye1dir != and .eye1dir store dropbool
315 dupbool dup *.eye2dir != and .eye2dir store dropbool
210 dupbool dup *.eye3dir != and .eye3dir store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye4dir != and .eye4dir store dropbool
-105 dupbool dup *.eye6dir != and .eye6dir store dropbool
-210 dupbool dup *.eye7dir != and .eye7dir store dropbool
-315 dupbool dup *.eye8dir != and .eye8dir store dropbool
-420 dupbool dup *.eye9dir != and .eye9dir store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye1width != and .eye1width store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye2width != and .eye2width store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye3width != and .eye3width store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye4width != and .eye4width store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye5width != and .eye5width store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye6width != and .eye6width store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye7width != and .eye7width store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye8width != and .eye8width store dropbool
105 dupbool dup *.eye9width != and .eye9width store dropbool
31998 rnd 2 add dupbool dup *.seen != and .seen store dropbool
.tie inc
.numties dupbool dup *.memloc != and .memloc store dropbool
0 dup *.fixpos != .fixpos store
*.numties 0 =
dupbool dupbool *.eyef 0 > *.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and *.refeye *.myeye 3 add *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult sub = *.in5 *.conspec = and or not and *.refxpos *.hivexpos sub *.refypos *.hiveypos sub pyth 3200 >= and *.memval 0 = and and
dupbool dupbool *.refkills 0 = *.refshoot 0 = and *.reftie 0 = and and
*.refxpos *.refypos angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
*.seen dupbool dup *.tie != and .tie store dropbool
*.seen dupbool dup *.tienum != and .tienum store dropbool
*.seen dupbool dup *.readtie != and .readtie store dropbool
.fixed dupbool dup *.tmemloc != and .tmemloc store dropbool
not and  
*.hivexpos *.hiveypos angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
30 dupbool dup *.up != and .up store dropbool
not and not dupbool not dupbool *.eyef 0 > *.refeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.in5 *.conspec = and *.refeye *.myeye 3 add *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult sub = *.in5 *.conspec = and or not and *.refkills 0 != *.refshoot 0 != or *.reftie 0 != or and and
*.refxpos *.refypos angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
-6 dupbool dup *.shoot != and .shoot store dropbool
8 dupbool dup *.shootval != and .shootval store dropbool
not and not or not  
dupbool dupbool *.hivexpos *.hiveypos dist 1600 < and
*.hivexpos *.hiveypos angle 628 add dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
not and  
*.cc dupbool dup *.aimdx != and .aimdx store dropbool
10 dupbool dup *.up != and .up store dropbool
dupbool dupbool *.eye2 0 > *.focuseye -3 < and and
-3 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and not dupbool not dupbool *.eye3 0 > *.focuseye -2 < and and
-2 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye4 0 > *.focuseye -1 < and and
-1 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye5 0 > *.focuseye 0 < and and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye6 0 > *.focuseye 1 < and and
1 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye7 0 > *.focuseye 2 < and and
2 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye8 0 > *.focuseye 3 < and and
3 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye9 0 > *.focuseye 4 < and and
4 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye1 0 > and
-4 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye2 0 > and
-3 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye3 0 > and
-2 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye4 0 > and
-1 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye5 0 > and
0 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye6 0 > and
1 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye7 0 > and
2 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and dupbool *.eye8 0 > and
3 dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
not and not or not  
8 rnd 4 sub dupbool dup *.focuseye != and .focuseye store dropbool
dupbool not dupbool *.numties 1 = *.tiepres *.seen = and *.trefeye *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult *.myeye add = *.tin5 *.conspec = and *.trefeye *.myeye 3 add *.status 1 sub sgn 3 mult sub = *.tin5 *.conspec = and or not and and
*.seen dupbool dup *.tienum != and .tienum store dropbool
*.seen dupbool dup *.readtie != and .readtie store dropbool
.fixed dupbool dup *.tmemloc != and .tmemloc store dropbool
dupbool dupbool *.nrg 4000 < *.nrg *.trefnrg add 2000 >= and *.multi 1 = and and
4000 100 mult *.nrg *.trefnrg add div 1 add dupbool dup *.sharenrg != and .sharenrg store dropbool
dropbool dropbool dupbool dupbool *.waste *.waste *.trefwaste add 100 div > and
1 dupbool dup *.sharewaste != and .sharewaste store dropbool
dropbool dropbool dupbool dupbool *.trefxpos *.hivexpos sub *.trefypos *.hiveypos sub pyth 3200 >= and
*.hivexpos *.hiveypos angle dupbool dup *.setaim != and .setaim store dropbool
dupbool dupbool *.multi 1 = and
*.velsx dupbool dup *.dx != and .dx store dropbool
*.veldn 45 add dupbool dup *.up != and .up store dropbool
not and  
1 dupbool dup *.fixpos != and .fixpos store dropbool
dropbool dupbool dupbool *.tmemval 0 != and
.fixpos dupbool dup *.tieloc != and .tieloc store dropbool
0 dupbool dup *.tieval != and .tieval store dropbool
dropbool dropbool
-10 dupbool dup *.fixang != and .fixang store dropbool
1 dupbool dup *.fixlen != and .fixlen store dropbool
not and  
dupbool dupbool *.tmemval 0 = and
.fixpos dupbool dup *.tieloc != and .tieloc store dropbool
1 dupbool dup *.tieval != and .tieval store dropbool
not and  
*.seen dupbool dup *.deltie != and .deltie store dropbool
not and not or not  
*.tiepres dupbool dup *.deltie != and .deltie store dropbool
dropbool *.body 300 >
500 dupbool dup *.fdbody != and .fdbody store dropbool
dup ^ inc

PyBot code:
[code] #omit-original-code
  def hivexpos at 971
  def hiveypos at 972
  def status at 973 # 0 = initial, 1 = "queen", 2 = worker, 3 = scout
  def queen at 974 # 0 = normal, 1 = forced queen
  def conspec at 975 # conspec number
  def look at 51 # currently unused
  def counter at 52
  def return at 53
  def cc at 54
  def seen at 55
  # v(x) means cycle (timer) in which something was seen (not necessarily in eye (x))
  def v1 at 57
  def v2 at 58
  def v3 at 59
  def v4 at 60
  def v5 at 61
  def v6 at 62
  def v7 at 63
  def v8 at 64
  def v9 at 65
  # x(x) and y(x) mean the x and y positions of the "somethings" seen
  def x1 at 66
  def x2 at 67
  def x3 at 68
  def x4 at 69
  def x5 at 70
  def x6 at 71
  def x7 at 72
  def x8 at 73
  def x9 at 74
  def y1 at 75
  def y2 at 76
  def y3 at 77
  def y4 at 78
  def y5 at 79
  def y6 at 80
  def y7 at 81
  def y8 at 82
  def y9 at 83
  # c(x) means whether the seen bot was 0=nothing 1=veggy 2=conspec 3=enemy
  def c1 at 84
  def c2 at 85
  def c3 at 86
  def c4 at 87
  def c5 at 88
  def c6 at 89
  def c7 at 90
  def c8 at 91
  def c9 at 92
  define t1: (timer - v1)
  define t2: (timer - v2)
  define t3: (timer - v3)
  define t4: (timer - v4)
  define t5: (timer - v5)
  define t6: (timer - v6)
  define t7: (timer - v7)
  define t8: (timer - v8)
  define t9: (timer - v9)
  # define isqueen: (in5 == (timer - 1)
  # define isconspec: (in6 == (timer - 1))
  define isqueen: ((refeye == (sgn(status - 1) * 3 + myeye)) and (in5 == conspec))
  define isworker: ((refeye == (myeye + 3 - (sgn(status - 1) * 3))) and (in5 == conspec))
  define isconspec: (isqueen or isworker)
  define istqueen: ((trefeye == (sgn(status - 1) * 3 + myeye)) and (tin5 == conspec))
  define istworker: ((trefeye == (myeye + 3 - (sgn(status - 1) * 3))) and (tin5 == conspec))
  define istconspec: (istqueen or istworker)
  if (status == 0): # initial stage
      dx = refveldx # match velocity
      up = refvelup + 30 # catch up
      if (robage == 0):
          timer = 1
      if (eye5 > 45):
          shoot = -1
          shootval = 8
          up = refvelup # follow
      if (eye5 > 0):
          timer = 1
          setaim = angle(refxpos, refypos) # aim
      # rotation
      elif (eye6 > 0):
          aimdx = 34
      elif (eye4 > 0):
          aimdx = -34
      elif (eye7 > 0):
          aimdx = 69
      elif (eye3 > 0):
          aimdx = -69
      elif (eye8 > 0):
          aimdx = 104
      elif (eye2 > 0):
          aimdx = -104
      elif (eye9 > 0):
          aimdx = 139
      elif (eye1 > 0):
          aimdx = -139
      elif (timer < 10):
          # fast turning (to find enemies in range)
          aimdx = 314
          # slow turning (slows down)
          aimdx = 628 / timer
      if (waste > 1000):
          # eject waste
          shoot = -4
          shootval = waste
      if ((nrg > 25000) and (body > 6000)):
          # become a queen
          conspec = rnd 32000 # per-hive conspec
          out5 = conspec
          tout5 = conspec
          hivexpos = xpos
          hiveypos = ypos
  if (false):
      # use a bunch of eye statements
      if (eye5 == eye6):
          up = eye7
  if ((robage == 0) and (status == 1)):
      if (((rnd queen) == 0) or (hivexpos == 0) or (hiveypos == 0)):
          # become a queen
          queen = 0
      elif (rnd(queen / 2) == 0):
          # become a scout
          status = 3
          # become a worker
          status = 2
      out5 = conspec
      tout5 = conspec
  if (status == 1):
      # queen actions
      if (isqueen and (seen == 0) and (refeye == myeye)):
          # queen conspec?
          seen = (refkills + 1)
      elif (isqueen and (seen == (refkills + 1)) and (refeye == myeye)):
          # queen conspec, tie
          seen = 0
          seen = 0
      # share energy around
      eye5width = -34
      sharenrg = 50
      # free rotation
      # stay fixed
      fixpos = 1
      if (waste > 500):
          # shoot waste
          shoot = -4
          shootval = waste
          aimshot = (rnd 1256) # random direction
      if ((body > 2000) and (nrg < 31000)):
          fdbody = 1000
      if ((body < 2000) and (nrg > 10000)):
          strbody = 1000
      if (nrg > 25000):
          # protection and energy "sink"
          # slowly create defences
          if (shell < 30000):
              mkshell = 300
          if (poison < 30000):
              strpoison = 300
      # poison inhibits shooting
      ploc = shoot
      if ((robage > 5) and (hivexpos == xpos) and (hiveypos == ypos)):
          aimdx = 50
          if ((nrg > 10000) and (body > 1000) and (eye5 < 35)):
              # reproduce normally
              # scale probability of becoming a queen or scout with amount of body
              queen = (32000 / body)
              # same with the size of the offspring
              repro = (10 + (body / 1000))
      # tell children where parent is
      hivexpos = xpos
      hiveypos = ypos
  if ((status == 2) and (return == 0)):
      # worker actions
      if (robage == 0):
          # initialization
          tie++ # replace birth tie
          vloc = &mkshell # venom removes shell
          ploc = &shoot # poison inhibits shooting
          delgene = 2 # delete some random eye statements to reduce myeye
          cc = ((rnd 1) * 2 - 1) * 2
          # 360 degree vision from Welwordion
          eye1dir = 420
          eye2dir = 315
          eye3dir = 210
          eye4dir = 105
          eye6dir = -105
          eye7dir = -210
          eye8dir = -315
          eye9dir = -420
          eye1width = 105
          eye2width = 105
          eye3width = 105
          eye4width = 105
          eye5width = 105
          eye6width = 105
          eye7width = 105
          eye8width = 105
          eye9width = 105
      if (numties > 0):
          # delete all ties
          deltie = tiepres
      # eye-based commands
      # remove eye values when timer overflows
      if (v1 > timer):
          v1 = -1
          c1 = 0
      if (v2 > timer):
          v2 = -1
          c2 = 0
      if (v3 > timer):
          v3 = -1
          c3 = 0
      if (v4 > timer):
          v4 = -1
          c4 = 0
      if (v5 > timer):
          v5 = -1
          c5 = 0
      if (v6 > timer):
          v6 = -1
          c6 = 0
      if (v7 > timer):
          v7 = -1
          c7 = 0
      if (v8 > timer):
          v8 = -1
          c8 = 0
      if (v9 > timer):
          v9 = -1
          c9 = 0
      if ((focuseye == 0) and !isconspec and (eyef > 0)):
          # follow
          dx = refveldx
          setaim = angle(refxpos, refypos)
          if (eyef > 40):
              shootval = 8
              if (refeye == 0):
                  shoot = -1
  #                if (look == 1):
  #                    look = 0 # looking is over
  #                    # don't move!
  #                    dx = 0
  #                    up = 0
  #                    aimdx = 0
  #                    setaim = aim
  #                else:
  #                    look = 1 # just looking around
  #                    focuseye = ((rnd 3) + 1) * ((rnd 1) * 2 - 1) # anything except 0
              elif ((venom >= 30) and (refshell > 100)):
                  shoot = -3
                  shootval = 30
                  shoot = -6
              up = refvelup
              up = refvelup + 40
          if (dist(hivexpos, hiveypos) < 1600):
              setaim = angle(hivexpos, hiveypos) + 628
              aimdx = cc
          # drift
          up = 10
          if (eyef > 0):
              # fancy eye stuff - remember where things are
              if ((v1 <= v2) and (v1 <= v3) and (v1 <= v4) and (v1 <= v5) and (v1 <= v6) and (v1 <= v7) and (v1 <= v8) and (v1 <= v9)):
                  v1 = timer
                  x1 = refxpos
                  y1 = refypos
                  if (refeye == 0):
« Last Edit: May 26, 2008, 05:06:08 PM by goffrie »

Offline goffrie

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« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2008, 05:07:35 PM »
I fixed a rather stupid bug in this version - the conspec was not working correctly for the scouts. Post edited.

Offline bacillus

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« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2008, 03:54:27 AM »
IN fact, this seems quite a big step down from the last version. Your older version was well into the hundreds by the time this version started its colony, and even then it doesn't do much.
"They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."
- Carl Sagan