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Messages - Endy

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Simulation Emporium / Ways to increase natural selection?
« on: May 10, 2008, 08:09:05 AM »
Cancerous veggies and cannibots aren't very aesthetically pleasing, but they play well together in an evo sim, if you can afford to have 10x the number of veggies as animals.

Had an evobot that actually regained their conspec recognition to a degree. Had to become a full canni to get there though... I think that randomly shooting a fellow member is okay in the bot's world, but deliberatly hunting is the more destructive behavior.

Uses the oddball *.eye5 *777 *.in2 ~= to ID older species members(in2 is randomly increased, 777 is zero). I'm still trying to figure out exactly how it's working so we can make use of it. I think it might just be because of the veggies' *.in2 being zero, but I've yet to test it.

Bot Challenges / Conspec Challenge
« on: May 10, 2008, 07:45:10 AM »
When viewed by another bot .thisgene will return the last active gene. It's relatively fool proof since it would be difficult for bots to deliberately up their own gene count(you could yes, just very very hard  ). Gets quickly messed up by viruses though, that was the main reason I stopped using it  

Newbie / Evolution sims
« on: April 25, 2008, 12:39:25 AM »
Is kind of a weird devolution then evolution that goes on. At first it can be depressing to watch the bots' population drop, but after awhile their population gradually climbs again. A simple hand authored bot is probably best, the bot I've been evolving has yet to die out after several days.

Internet Mode Commentary / A multibot now owns IM
« on: April 23, 2008, 05:58:39 AM »
I think I starved it to death...  

Was cool to see it mow down the others.

DNA - General / Sysvar Question
« on: April 21, 2008, 02:30:10 AM »
I think you're right. I added some code to prevent backshooting and noticed a big improvement.

Newbie / Hello! (and newbie questions)
« on: April 21, 2008, 02:00:22 AM »
It's actually better to use setaim for MB turning. Bots turning via setaim don't effect the rest of the MB structure, so bots can hunt/search as individuals, but still reap the bennefits of being a multibot.

314 rnd *.aim .setaim store

I still think the standard turning commands could be useful in MBs as a sort of evasion technique, suddenly spinning the whole MB at once to confuse/counterattack enemies.

DNA - General / Sysvar Question
« on: April 20, 2008, 06:01:23 AM »
I actually thought something similar, but in tests a bot with the command did better each time, than an otherwise identical bot without it. The rate of reproduction is the same, although it's reproducing whenever 32000 rnd is equal to 2 instead of 1. I'll probably just end up testing the sysvars individually and seeing if one of them has a noticable effect.

DNA - General / Sysvar Question
« on: April 19, 2008, 09:34:51 AM »
Alright, this has been bugging me for the last few days. One of my bots mutated their repro dna:

.repro 32000 rnd mult inc

by adding a >> (right bit shift) before the inc.

there's nothing before the .repro command, so it is basically functioning as a 2 div.

The question is what's so useful about it that it's been conserved across the whole species for the last few days. I've looked at all the multiples of 150 and only 300, 450 and 900 look they actually do something.

Newbie / Hello! (and newbie questions)
« on: April 19, 2008, 08:59:31 AM »
Bots can't currently be killed by crushing, sounds like a cool idea though. Feel free to ask questions, it's nice to get fresh ideas.

Newbie / Hiya and wiki
« on: April 13, 2008, 04:53:47 AM »
What EricL is saying is that the "random" seed number is the same for both sims. Therefore everything else should follow along the same path as before(mutations, motion, etc.).

It's both weird and cool to see in action. You can even use it to sim what parallel universes would look like, changing the physics or just moving a single bot and watching how the different sims evolve.

There's a seed number setting in the menu, if you want to specify a number yourself. Assuming the rest of the conditions are the same, you can restart a sim and have the same simulation.

DNA - General / How do they reproduce?
« on: April 06, 2008, 12:23:26 AM »
Could try turning off altzheimers and seeing if they still repro at the same rate.

Suggestions / .shootval not working as advertised
« on: March 21, 2008, 10:31:13 PM »
My main concern is more towards pointless mutations that don't have any action. Why waste the processing power if we don't have to? Also I'm concerned about the number of artificial caps in the dna, like 99 for the sharing commands. We could easily make them more open to mutations and impossible to get pegged at the highest value.

Suggestions / .shootval not working as advertised
« on: March 20, 2008, 11:12:18 PM »
We could just pass the buck directly to the dna in terms of finding useful values. I've been thinking for awhile that we could use a basic Right command for string manipulations. Basically something like:

50 3101 1 right store

would result in 50 being stored in up.

Preferably the number in front of right would itself be abs, moded to just the last digit and have 4 subtracted from it if greater than 5, making it more useful in terms of mutations.

Darwinbots3 / Elemental Out/In Trace
« on: March 19, 2008, 02:57:54 AM »
Wouldn't really be a nose, be more like a general sensing ability around a bot. Although they wouldn't be able to tell a specific location for a bot (unless it's kind enough to upload it); they could still have an idea of what the other bots around them are doing or even communicate to previously sighted conspecs.

Be really cool to create true swarming/pack/herd behaviors with it.

Like the idea about eliminating most of the refvars, except for the more useful/accurate refbody/refnrg types.

Errr... With a fair degree of certainty the bots could use epigenetic locations to tell if they're one of the first few. Wouldn't be perfect though, since they'd be in trouble if another bot messed with their system.

Darwinbots3 / Bot DNA
« on: March 16, 2008, 05:14:37 AM »
Had an idea about possibly combining a basic genetic algorithm in with standard DB dna. Basically the GA would allow evolution to easily get over the initial hump of becoming a self replicator, allowing a low level of replication. It could also handle a basic method of feeding and perhaps a determine bot shapes. Still not sure how you'd determine when the GA should relinquish control over to the rest of the dna. Might just wind up having the bot easily become a replicator only to face another hurdle.

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