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Messages - Endy

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Interesting behaviour bots / Snap Tie bot
« on: November 02, 2008, 12:01:56 PM »
Thought I'd show a different way for bots to move via ties. This one snaps it's ties by storing a large value into .fixlen, I have another bot on here that used to move similarly but I doubt its working with the changes in .tielen. Once it gets going it'll work okay, generally needs to start at 30 bots for tie snapping to begin.

Code: [Select]
'Snap Tiebot
'uses tie snapping to move

'dnalen conspec id
.dnalen .tmemloc .dnalen *.tmemloc sub sgn abs mult store

'rnd tieing
.tie 1 rnd mult inc

'rnd turning
314 rnd .aimdx store

'reproduction is somewhat uncontrolled, by product of it's snap-tie movement strategy
50 .repro *.numties sgn -- - mult store

'Snaps the tie, allowing the bot to move
10000 .fixlen *.numties sgn mult store

'body managment

 *.nrg 3 div *.body sub dup .strbody swap sgn sqr mult store
 *.body *.nrg 3 div sub dup .fdbody swap sgn sqr mult store

'uses tied body feeding and sharenrg

-6 .tieloc *.tmemval *.tmemloc * sub sgn abs mult *.trefage sgn mult store
-1000 .tieval *.tmemval *.tmemloc * sub sgn abs mult *.trefage sgn mult store

100 .sharenrg *.numties sgn mult store

Newbie / an awsome gene that needs fixing
« on: October 29, 2008, 08:48:17 PM »
As of 2.43.1L zero stores don't appear to cost anything. I set up a test bot with 20 some zero stores at a cost of 1 each, didn't see any nrg lost from them.

Newbie / an awsome gene that needs fixing
« on: October 28, 2008, 08:01:08 PM »
Did you mean to mult the values? Multi refers to the sysvar for multibot checking.

Simulation Emporium / Co-Evolution
« on: October 25, 2008, 10:58:21 PM »
I think it has to do with relying on Mitochondria vs. Chloroplast.

Still weird to think about having a long-term symbiotic relationship with it. Is it part of our species or not? Makes me wonder how a sexrepro'ing bot would do with an asex helper bot, maybe the union is somehow better than either alone.

We do actually use solar nrg to some degree for vitamin E. Pigmentation is probably the only real evolution going on with the movement of people from different areas with differing UV levels.

F3 bots / My first (functional... well sort of) bot
« on: October 24, 2008, 08:32:47 PM »
Only the focus eye can read back refvars, it defaults to eye5.

Need to remove:

*.refeye *.myeye !=

from the conditions except for the shooting gene. Right now the bots are only turning if they see a non-friend in eye5.

Tips and Tricks / Random Stuff
« on: October 24, 2008, 02:37:38 PM »
Found something weird about zero stores, they don't remove the value that was going to be stored.


60 0 store 50 store

would store 60 in 50.

Probably not too much of an issue for most people, but it'll mess up the code if attempting to use the stack more than normal. Found that using "swap dup dup etc." works well for clearing out the unwanted value. Might actually be useful since you could tell if a prior store didn't occur, haven't tried this myself though.

Not sure if this was mentioned anywhere else, but I figured I should mention it in case anyone else was having trouble.

Bot Tavern / The F3 league.
« on: October 22, 2008, 10:23:42 PM »
Waste should be okay, its not too easy to use as a weapon. All another bot has to do is shoot it off again.

Simulation Emporium / Co-Evolution
« on: October 18, 2008, 04:20:56 PM »
Inchworm2 still works somewhat well. I think .tielen may be broken, with the version changes. Could probably improve the MB's using the new eyepos, could scan around the MB and then use setaim to turn.

Simulation Emporium / Co-Evolution
« on: October 18, 2008, 11:28:09 AM »
1: Where will I find a bot that only moves with ties?

Several of the inchworm type mb's can move without using up, using a combination of fixing/unfixing while lengthening/shortening their tie. May still be able to move using tieang, haven't seen anyone try it since Vermis_P though. Might be interesting to see if the zerobots could come up with something on their own.

Simulation Emporium / Co-Evolution
« on: October 17, 2008, 01:45:52 PM »
Maybe adding in Day/Night cycles, would help out. If the veggies are abusing the free nrg they get during the day then the night cycle would cause those to die off. Maybe implement the seperate costs for the veggies idea, if their movement costs were high enough they'd be less likely to develop as extreme evasion behaviors.

I wonder why real world veggies don't evade animals more, pretty much everything they do is a passive defense. Anything even close to active motion seems to require pretty extreme circumstances for them.

Bug reports / Tied Waste Transfer bug
« on: October 16, 2008, 12:15:21 AM »
The Receiver gains pwaste but no regular waste.

Bug reports / Tied Waste Transfer bug
« on: October 16, 2008, 12:00:48 AM »
Ah, the strange oddity that is negative waste transfer...

Pwaste is building up in the tied bot when a bot uses:

-4 .tieloc store
-32000 .tieval store

I thought this was fixed already, but guess not.

On a related note:

Is setting tienum still supposed be required for tiefeeding and the like? I have several bots happily feeding without it.

Kind of like it, should make it easier for the zerobots to develop tie feeding.

Newbie / Gene structure
« on: October 13, 2008, 03:50:28 PM »
The definitions of a gene have changed since that was posted. All you need for a gene is either a "start" or an "else" command, the "cond" and "stop" are optional now. The cond flow command is used to reset the condional stack but I think clearbool would work just as well. If there's another gene before the lone start/else command then the gene becomes controlled by the earlier gene.

Not sure about the dna between genes, I don't think its supposed to have an impact though.


Nums was too fast for me

Simulation Emporium / zerobot evolution
« on: October 13, 2008, 03:20:07 PM »
Normally I'll use a few zerobot veggies with point mutations set to 1 to rapidly generate the initial dna. After the useful dna builds up, I keep an eye out for any bots that develop shooting or feeding and then change point mutations to the default to make sure the trait doesn't go away.

I'll start them out as normal bots, with a few veggies providing nrg via sharenrg/ties and reproduction via memshots. Brownian motion is set to high and the sim is torroidal to help them initially find food. After awhile I'll reduce the amount of brownian motion and encourage the evolution of normal movement.

I've taken to using another bot to force the zerobots to produce "viruses" to duplicate useful dna. Have to be careful to avoid cross contamination, but it can considerably speed up evolution. I used it once with my own bot to duplicate it's movement dna, letting me ween them off sharefeeding. I used it again to mix one of Ikke's zerobot's reproductive dna and my zerobot's, letting them self reproduce.

Currently trying to slowly raise costs for them, they're operating under near F1 conditions with a veggie similar to Alga_Minimalis for food.

Not sure why you're getting overflow errors, haven't had any myself for awhile.

Heh, mine have done exactly the same, they just all tie-up in one big webbed swarming mass as they munch though a field of veggies and then when they are done, as they die back some break-away and scatter to find more food. A few come across a new patch and it starts over

Are your bots actually moving by themselves? I've noticed alot of the bots tend to over-rely on ties and veggies for motion and don't go searching for food themselves.

Internet Mode Commentary / IM is getting interesting
« on: October 05, 2008, 07:00:48 PM »
I'd like to see a check box that can prevent viral firing completly, then we could set-up Shepards that can safely force zero bots to fire viruses.

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