Author Topic: Bug Reporting  (Read 7697 times)

Offline Ulciscor

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Bug Reporting
« on: October 27, 2005, 10:53:27 AM »
Hi everyone  :D

OK well this is where we are gonna be chucking all reports of bugs that have been found in DB, so go ahead and do your worst.


When you find a bug, preferably from running 2.37.4 in VB itself, make a note of what you did (if you did anything) just before the bug occurred.

If you are running the program from VB, click 'Debug' when the error box appears. This will bring the VB code to focus with the offending code highlighted in yellow. This highlighted code should be copied along with the name of the function it is from (if applicable) and the form or module, which will be shown on the right.

The highlighted code will also display the values of the various variables and properties, at the point when the program crashed, when you hover your mose over them. It is a good idea to note down the values of each part of the code and post them up with everything else.

If the error occurs from the EXE, then describe what was happening in the sim or what you did before the glitch, or possibly provide the sim file, which should be zipped to save space.

All this info will help us track down the error and its cause, and so to work out possible solutions.

« Last Edit: October 27, 2005, 06:43:49 PM by Ulciscor »
:D Ulciscor :D

I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

Offline Botsareus

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Re: Bug Reporting
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2013, 05:24:45 PM »
If the error occurs from the EXE, then describe what was happening in the sim or what you did before the glitch, or possibly provide the sim file, which should be zipped to save space.

There are now better ways to track errors, I will put a visual tutorial together...