Author Topic: Timebomb (mutation)  (Read 12350 times)


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Timebomb (mutation)
« on: December 17, 2021, 09:42:09 PM »
It doesn't actually explode, but it's interesting enough that its reproduction criteria isn't energy, but age. When it reaches 5000 cycles old, it will reproduce itself to death. If it's lucky, it will have gathered enough energy in its short lifespan to leave behind some offspring with enough energy to survive to find food and do it all over again. The environment this bot evolved in was a pretty dense high energy environment, with harsh aging penalties of 0.001 more upkeep per cycle and base living cost of 1 energy. That's probably why it decided reproducing to death was better, since it's more energy efficient than having a really old bot, like a 50000 cycle old bot has living cost of 6 energy.

Code: [Select]
'#generation: 289
'#mutations: 56

 *.eye3 *.refnrg >
 313 805 *.body *.trefvelyourup *.eye5 =
 *.tin10 538 *.in2 store
 *.aim 6460
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  1 Ends at position  18  '''''''''''''''''''''''
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  2 Begins at position  19  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 5 .up store
 29003 store
 .memloc store
 *.in4 - sgnstore
 *.eye3 *.aim >

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  2 Ends at position  32  '''''''''''''''''''''''
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  3 Begins at position  33  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 -1 .shoot addstore
 .eye8width absstore
 *.robage 5000 >

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  3 Ends at position  41  '''''''''''''''''''''''
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  4 Begins at position  42  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 50 .repro store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  4 Ends at position  46  '''''''''''''''''''''''