Author Topic: Bump  (Read 9136 times)

Offline Botsareus

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« on: May 30, 2016, 10:55:40 PM »
Well I have been evolving some robots and they seem to exploit some bugs that my hacks inadvertently caused.
For example, I have a robot that does not recognize its primary food source which is alga unless F1 mode full fudging is turned on. (that means it will not survive outside F1 mode, and a good chance if only eye fudge us turned on which may dq it from the classic F1 league) Another robot seems to turn big birtha unless it is killed at 2.5K body cheating prevention. It will try to test the waters and suicide itself once in a while because under normal conditions it wants to become a big birtha. That same robot does not care that mrepro mutates it more than normal repro so under normal conditions (no delta2 enabled) it mutates even if the disable mutations is checked (because in normal delta mrepro overwrites the disable mutations marker)

So for now it is looking like I may not able to evolve robots for the classic F1 league as is configured right now. But I will continue to evolve them in my slightly modified F1 league because I do not feel like wasting 4 months of evolution or doing more majors updates to db2.

Offline spike43884

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Re: Bump
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2016, 07:35:34 AM »
Well I have been evolving some robots and they seem to exploit some bugs that my hacks inadvertently caused.
For example, I have a robot that does not recognize its primary food source which is alga unless F1 mode full fudging is turned on. (that means it will not survive outside F1 mode, and a good chance if only eye fudge us turned on which may dq it from the classic F1 league) Another robot seems to turn big birtha unless it is killed at 2.5K body cheating prevention. It will try to test the waters and suicide itself once in a while because under normal conditions it wants to become a big birtha. That same robot does not care that mrepro mutates it more than normal repro so under normal conditions (no delta2 enabled) it mutates even if the disable mutations is checked (because in normal delta mrepro overwrites the disable mutations marker)

So for now it is looking like I may not able to evolve robots for the classic F1 league as is configured right now. But I will continue to evolve them in my slightly modified F1 league because I do not feel like wasting 4 months of evolution or doing more majors updates to db2.
The bots have evolved.
They're becoming sentient.
Anyway... Possibly make some new leagues, like a mb league perhaps, or something weighted in favour of big berthas?
Autism can allow so much joy, and at the same time sadness to be seen. Our world is weird, and full of contradiction everywhere, yet somehow at moments seems to come together, and make near perfect sense.

Offline Botsareus

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Re: Bump
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2016, 03:59:11 PM »
The bots have evolved.
They're becoming sentient.

Lol. But it is so weird though. They much rather get super massive and die at times due to 'cheating' (aka bigbirtha) prevention. This is more efficient to them than being smaller and never killing themselves. More or less 20 robots with 2K body seems to be more successful than 90 robots with 1K body, at least for this specific robot. :P

Offline spike43884

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Re: Bump
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2016, 04:49:33 AM »
The bots have evolved.
They're becoming sentient.

Lol. But it is so weird though. They much rather get super massive and die at times due to 'cheating' (aka bigbirtha) prevention. This is more efficient to them than being smaller and never killing themselves. More or less 20 robots with 2K body seems to be more successful than 90 robots with 1K body, at least for this specific robot. :P
Well, I reckon I know why this might be.
The cost of using all the sysvars is pretty much fixed. So, no matter who or what you are, to do 10 .up store costs the same for you.
Say this cost is simply 1. If there was 10 bots with 10k energy/body/whatever, they for all those 10 bots to move up, it'd use up 10 of their energy, however, for 10k bots, with only 10 energy/body/whatever, it'd cost in total 10k to move up.

Thats what I bet is causing this, because fruitflies and such have mastered being small, but, as far as efficiency goes with energy (and I guess you could win F1 by just outlasting the opponent?) then, being big is better.
You can either keep it the same, and have some interesting bots jump into the leagues perhaps, or you can adjust it so the larger you are, the higher the cost to move.
Autism can allow so much joy, and at the same time sadness to be seen. Our world is weird, and full of contradiction everywhere, yet somehow at moments seems to come together, and make near perfect sense.

Offline Botsareus

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Re: Bump
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2016, 12:32:05 PM »
Meh, now they "de-evolved" the ability to not shoot continuously. Possibly due to the fact that robot reposition was removed. I should really just experiment with erasing all shots when base robots pop back on the screen. Btw, this is the first time I have seen a deevolution using my system.

So yea, huge robots that shoot all the time kill smaller robots that don't. All I can add is Woot!

Offline spike43884

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Re: Bump
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2016, 03:29:54 AM »
Meh, now they "de-evolved" the ability to not shoot continuously. Possibly due to the fact that robot reposition was removed. I should really just experiment with erasing all shots when base robots pop back on the screen. Btw, this is the first time I have seen a deevolution using my system.

So yea, huge robots that shoot all the time kill smaller robots that don't. All I can add is Woot!
Well, in the right circumstances a really unhelpful trait can be spectacular.
I mean, Banta was carnivorous, but because it was so carnivorous, it turned into a weird form of MB sharing.
Autism can allow so much joy, and at the same time sadness to be seen. Our world is weird, and full of contradiction everywhere, yet somehow at moments seems to come together, and make near perfect sense.