Author Topic: [F3 BOT] Sentry [Spike] 4-19-2015  (Read 6722 times)

Offline spike43884

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[F3 BOT] Sentry [Spike] 4-19-2015
« on: April 19, 2015, 06:18:08 AM »
This bot I tested under F1 conditions but im sure it doesn't break the rules for F3.
It'd also be nice if it could be used in a little bot tutorial in the wiki, one for an alternative method of attack. This bot uses the finally refined and functioning version of my infamous "Blind Retaliation" gene, which means that it doesn't need eyes. It also doesn't need conspec recognition. Because it ONLY attacks things which attack it, it relies on aggressive enemies. They just bring the NRG from the plants to it. Its also immune to my vegetable vucaris, which in a sim where vucaris is the only vegetable, sentry would outlive its opponents. The biggest benefit is that its automatically in hibernation, unless told otherwise by the blind retaliation or birth genes. It also uses a -6 (body) shot which is 10 times as powerful as your generic -1 shots (A DIRTY TRICK NOT BANNED BY F3 ;D) so it really, really can eliminate opponents.
Some statistics for your likings:
-NRG expended while no attackers around = 0
-NRG gained per shot = 100 I think (or is it 10, whatever it is, its 10 times the usual)

Code: [Select]
'Sentry - Simplest bot ever for me to make.
'It's good for beginners to look at as well as I programmed it very self-explanatory.
'Programmed and given life by Spike43884 (and one bugfix by shadowgod2) on 19th of April 2015

'Gene 1 Blind Retaliation
*.shdn 0 !=
*.shup 0 != or
*.shdx 0 != or
*.shsx 0 != or
*.shang .aimshoot store
-6 .shoot store

'Gene 2 Reproduction
*.nrg 30000 >
50 .repro store

'Gene 3 I was born!
*.robage 0 =
180 .aimdx store

'Gene 4 Moving out
*.robage 1 =
10 .up store

'Gene 5 Almost moved out
*.robage 3 =
10 .up store
« Last Edit: June 08, 2015, 04:33:07 PM by Botsareus »
Autism can allow so much joy, and at the same time sadness to be seen. Our world is weird, and full of contradiction everywhere, yet somehow at moments seems to come together, and make near perfect sense.