Author Topic: Strawberry Flies (Spike43884)(F1)12-14-2014  (Read 4871 times)

Offline spike43884

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Strawberry Flies (Spike43884)(F1)12-14-2014
« on: December 14, 2014, 12:11:29 PM »
Now, you'll notice the name is similar to another F1 competitor, a very successful one...Yes, fruit flies...This is a derivative from it, a few variable and such changes, (and It should attack fruit flies as I added in a extra eye5 reference...also stopping bots that check for fruitflies number of eye references...) Well, this 1...Appropriately is always pinkish red, as I put that into DNA, appropriate to the name...And well, is a nasty bot...Only ran 1 simulation with it...but as with F1 costs (and a slightly larger arena) with just them 2 and alga_minimalis...Fruitflies died, from its totally uncontrolled roughly 300 of this were left, its better energywise...and honestly, Im not a pro in inline conditioning, so I wasn't sure if it would be a good just seems err....EVERY bot I make or highly aggressive :/ Honestly, it was easy to upgrade, how moon didn't notice this I did not know, he understands his inline code more than I do...
Anyway, its less about solo strength now and more about numbers. yes.
Anyway, onto DNA File:
Code: [Select]
'Strawberry Flies v1
'By spike43884 (Adapted from Moonfishers fruitflies v0.21)
'Upgraded majorly, though only a few DNA changes, huge behavior upgrade.

def red 250
def green 76
def blue 77
def maxpop 3000
def alge 14
def rand 110
def type 973
*.nrg 15 >
*.numties 0 != or
.fixpos dec
'-- Birth
*.robage 0 =
314 .aimright store
.deltie inc
300 .eye5width store
.dnalen .memloc store
.dnalen .tmemloc store
16 rnd .rand store
*.rand 5 < and
*.rand .type store
*.type 0 =
32 rnd .type store
'-- Reproduction
*.body 5 >
*.nrg 80 > and
*.totalmyspecies .maxpop 2 mult < and
*.maxvel .dn store
45 .repro store
45 .repro store
*.totalmyspecies .maxpop <
*.nrg 200 > and
51 *.body 10 mult sub 0 floor 2 add .strbody store
'-- Shrinking
*.body 1 > and
*.body 11 mult 10 sub 0 floor .fdbody store
'-- Tie feeding
*.numties 0 !=
*.tiepres .tienum store
*.tmemval *.dnalen =
*.numties 1 > or and
*.numties .deltie store
*.numties 0 !=
*.robage 1 > and
*.trefxpos *.trefypos angle .setaim store
99 99 mult 90 mult .sharenrg store
*.memval .alge = and
*.trefxpos *.xpos sub abs *.trefypos *.ypos sub abs pyth 5 div 10 sub 0 floor *.maxvel ceil .up store
*.velsx .dx store
*.type 1 = and
.tieval .tieloc store
3200 .tieval store
*.memval .alge = and
.tieloc .shoot store
-1 .shootval store
 .tieloc .shoot store
-6 .shootval store
 .tieloc .shoot store
-2 .shootval store
*.type 2 = and
.shootval .tieloc store
-31999 .tieval store
*.type 3 = and
.tieloc .tieloc store
-6 .tieval store
*.memval .alge = and
.tieval .shoot store
3200 .shootval store
*.type 3 > and
.tieloc .tieloc store
-1 .tieval store
*.memval .alge = and
.tieval .shoot store
3200 .shootval store
'-- Hunting
*.numties 0 =
*.body 1 = and
*.eye5 0 =
*.memval *.dnalen = or and
349 .aimright store
*.eye5 0 != and
*.memval *.dnalen != and
*.refbody 20 >
*.totalmyspecies 10000 > or and
*.refxpos *.refypos angle .setaim store
.tie inc
*.memval .alge = and
*.velsx .dx store
*.refvelup 17 add *.maxvel ceil 0 floor .up store
.fixpos .shoot store
1 .shootval store
*.eye5 12 =
3 .tie store
-40 .sharenrg store
*.nrg 500 = *.pain 100 =
314 .aimdx store
20 .up store
10 .up store
'Nice little evac
'#tag:Strawberry Flies (Spike43884) Credit to moonfisher for the bot which it derived from (fruitflies).txt

Hopefully this can enter just 1 single F1 competition
« Last Edit: June 08, 2015, 04:15:54 PM by Botsareus »
Autism can allow so much joy, and at the same time sadness to be seen. Our world is weird, and full of contradiction everywhere, yet somehow at moments seems to come together, and make near perfect sense.

Offline Moonfisher

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Re: {14/12/2014}Strawberry Flies (Spike43884)(F1){14/12/2014}
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2015, 10:09:21 PM »
Maybe you could elaborate on what's changed compared to fruit flies, as they seem very similar.
Haven't compared them, but seems to just have an extra offensive gene at the end? And sharenrg value has been changed. (I thought 99 was the max value, maybe it's not, if so you should just put 3200 or something I think)
I any case an easy way to boost it would also be to change maxpop at the beginning to 32000 if you want. FF has been handicapped on purpose because too many bots slowed down the sim too much.

Also you should try running it against Saber and Quickdraw if sexrepro works.

Offline spike43884

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Re: {14/12/2014}Strawberry Flies (Spike43884)(F1){14/12/2014}
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2015, 12:06:06 PM »
Maybe you could elaborate on what's changed compared to fruit flies, as they seem very similar.
Haven't compared them, but seems to just have an extra offensive gene at the end? And sharenrg value has been changed. (I thought 99 was the max value, maybe it's not, if so you should just put 3200 or something I think)
I any case an easy way to boost it would also be to change maxpop at the beginning to 32000 if you want. FF has been handicapped on purpose because too many bots slowed down the sim too much.

Also you should try running it against Saber and Quickdraw if sexrepro works.
Thats a good idea. I'll try it V saber and run the sim as long as I can.

A reasonable chunk of values changed.
Autism can allow so much joy, and at the same time sadness to be seen. Our world is weird, and full of contradiction everywhere, yet somehow at moments seems to come together, and make near perfect sense.