Author Topic: Inertia (Bot)  (Read 4307 times)

Offline spike43884

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Inertia (Bot)
« on: November 14, 2014, 04:54:46 PM »
I've dubbed this one, inertia because its movement is just fun to look at, and reminds me of space debris, when it see's nothing it just sort of flops around without putting in any force and just flopping as it goes, when 1 see's something they start to kick into action, its actually relatively useless against my other bots like teriyaki (which I still haven't got running past cycle 40) and alleyes or BANTA! etc. (not testing it against aggressive dwarfs, I just know the outcome...) So, just for you to be entertained in your sims really...I got this from botties manualsexrepro crossover program (I decided to run all the applications in the DB folder seperately :D)
Code: [Select]
 *.eye1 *.eye5 0 >
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 mult -100 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  1 Ends at position  13  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  2 Begins at position  14  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 90 >
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 mult 100 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  2 Ends at position  24  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  3 Begins at position  25  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 >
 mult -25 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  3 Ends at position  31  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  4 Begins at position  32  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 mult 25 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  4 Ends at position  36  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  5 Begins at position  37  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 0 >
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.refveldx .dx store
 *.refvelup 30 add .up store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  5 Ends at position  53  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  6 Begins at position  54  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 30 >
 *.refeye 10 !=
 1 .tie store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  6 Ends at position  65  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  7 Begins at position  66  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.numties 0 >
 -1 .tieloc store
 -1000 .tieval store
 1 .tienum store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  7 Ends at position  80  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  8 Begins at position  81  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 50 >
 -1 .shoot store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  8 Ends at position  89  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  9 Begins at position  90  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.refeye 9 =
 mult 180 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  9 Ends at position  97  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  10 Begins at position  98  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *50 0 >
 mult 628 50 dec
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  10 Ends at position  107  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  11 Begins at position  108  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 0 =
 *.refeye *.myeye =
 314 rnd .aimright store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  11 Ends at position  121  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  12 Begins at position  122  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.tiepres 0 >
 453 .tieloc store
 1000 .tieval store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  12 Ends at position  133  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  13 Begins at position  134  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.nrg 5000 >
 50 .repro store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  13 Ends at position  142  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  14 Begins at position  143  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 .aimright store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  14 Ends at position  147  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  15 Begins at position  148  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.robage 0 =
 .tie inc
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  15 Ends at position  155  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  16 Begins at position  156  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.robage 1 =
 .deltie inc
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  16 Ends at position  163  '''''''''''''''''''''''
Not sure what I crossed over to get t'is I think it was animal_minimalis & banta-solocus or aggressive dwarfs possibly (or maybe all eyes come to think of it)
Autism can allow so much joy, and at the same time sadness to be seen. Our world is weird, and full of contradiction everywhere, yet somehow at moments seems to come together, and make near perfect sense.