Author Topic: ICE  (Read 2648 times)

Offline Ulciscor

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« on: June 23, 2005, 06:03:08 PM »
I think I mentioned in in a post in the Biology section before...

Interlocus Contest Evolution!

I think it's basically forget an environment of organisms competing and think of an organism with genes competing. I think the example I gave was the sex determining chromosomes X and Y. Since X only finds itself in males, it accumulates genes which are beneficial for males but deleterious for females. The X gene, so to speak, spends more time in females and so accumulates genes which help females. When they are in the same organism, the chromosomes compete to express the genes they have. They may have genes to silence the expression of their counterparts, who must then evolve methods to counteract this surpression. This allows genes to mutate beneficially at the expense of the other. The counterpart chromosome provides the varying situation required for evolution.

Not sure what the actual suggestion would be other than to somehow implement this in some way?  :rolleyes:
:D Ulciscor :D

I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

Offline Numsgil

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« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2005, 07:57:15 PM »
Well, from as near as I can figure, the current system I'm working on will allow genes to suppress other genes that come before it in the same chromosome.

I've never wanted DB to become a battle between genes.  Genes don't care if they're expressed or not, only if they get replicated into new organisms (as near as I can figure anyway).  That's my understanding anyway.

The idea of Noble genes I presented a while ago allowed some genes to control if other genes are expressed or not, but it does so in a very specific, heirarchial system.