B,C,D and E are all user defined, ranging basically from 100% to 0%. Becauset they are independant, B + C + D + E do not have to add up to be 100%, or 0% or 300% or any other value.
So, OK, something is amiss because right now I have:
All values are probabilities between 0-100%
Your original relationship is:
Prob A = (prob B ) or (prob C) or (prob D) or (prob E)
A, then, is the value of the highest prob in the list.
Which means that if B=20, C=10, D=50 and E=5 then A=50%, the value of D, yes?
Now you want A = 10%? Yet maintain the ratio balance between BCDE?
So the highest prob (D) must come down to 10%. The ratios with the others is just basic math. Reduce A (and thus D) to 1/5, reduce all values to 1/5. Divide everything by 5. A=10% thus B=4, C=2, D=10, E=1%
I'll take the shvarz route here and say that something is missing and I do not understand the question.