Thank you for open-user forums, colleges, universities, freeware, and programmers with too much free time. Thank you for not understanding me. Maybe I really am crazy about the evolution stuff. To Hell with it, the evolution stuff is still more fun than [you]Doom Rider[/you] or [you]Project 3D Paintball[/you].
For the human world where people take centuries to learn something new and individuals can't even learn to listen to himself about forgetting about others.
Get this: Some Jews were celebrating, so they left the stove on and couldn't turn it off (religous thing) so it started a fire.
But a newspaper article (although its the post. Go figure, but still) said "It took the fire department almost 4 minutes (can you beleve it? Too long man) to get there"
They are blaiming the mayor for the fire not the Jews...