Looking good, but there are some errors...
'Gene 3 Shooting Body Particles
'Shoots a stream of -6 particles forward
*.eye5 18 >
*.refeye *.myeye = or
*.body *.nrg <
-1 .shoot store
Didn't you want body shots -6?
*.refeye *.myeye = or will shoot at your own species. I suggest "!=" and leave off the "or".
*.body *.nrg < This will look at the own bot and not the other, do you mean *.refbody ...
'Gene 7 Altruism Gene
'Sharing is caring
*.eye5 100 =
*.refeye *.myeye = or
*.refnrg 500 <
*.nrg 1500 >
-2 .shoot store
*.eye5 100 =
*.refeye *.myeye = or This will give nrg to anything at *.eye5 == 100 or any relative. Maybe *.eye5 80 > and leaving off the "or"
In your Waste Gene, I think -4 is for shooting waste, not -6 (body shots).
Last, I think the standard formatting for uploaded dna is the what I presented, mainly because it is easier to read.
(But you may present your creation in whatever form you desire.)
Overall, you'll make Numsgil proud.