hmm first *.tienum < 3 --> *.tienum 3 <
Second Maybe i just overlooked it, but I have not seen anywhere where you specify the tailbot to match the heads speed.
*.tin2 .aimright store <-- direction but not speed, also aimright means turning acertain amount right based on the direction your bots currently facing its not independent of robot orientation like aim. (so bad if your tail looks elsewhere)
*.tin1 .eye5 store <-- maybe I am wrong but I think the refreshing of sensory variables is done pretty early in the turn and as this store command is almost at the end of the code is the changed eyevalue even read by something?
I think once the tie is hardened the angle might not only be fixed for the head but also the tail(again not 100% sure)
if thats so any attempt to turn would result in the tie working like a lever.