Author Topic: Anti bigberta gene..  (Read 3850 times)

Offline peterb

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Anti bigberta gene..
« on: April 09, 2010, 02:33:40 PM »
Something fun against large enemy cells..
Since a lot of bots get stronger when they are big, how could a small bot win from such larger one ?
Here is a surprising way, how about forcing the stronger one to do a repro 50% size  
So here i'm presenting a viagra shooting gene  

I used this code.
With a sneaky parameter which is reset to zero if the bot doesnt see anything.
Now it forces biger cells to repro smaller, every 5 cycles as long as it is insight.  
So other shots can be normal shots, and i use it as the last gene.

*.body *.refbody <
*.sneaky 20 <
*.robage 5 mod 0 =
.repro .shoot store
50 .shootval store
*.sneaky 1 add .sneaky store

I've included the gene in Evolve-2C  who got a nice repro system itself (shoots it's offspring around in a circle).
Well that is unless it is attacked by its own kind, this cell is cannibal cell, and so above gene would fire on its own kind too.
But being small is not such a big problem now as it has this gene above...
« Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 02:35:02 PM by peterb »