Author Topic: What determines bot size?  (Read 4256 times)

Offline Ammeh

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What determines bot size?
« on: April 04, 2010, 02:03:40 PM »
My webfungus bot is trying to survive while being entirely defensive. It doesn't kill anything, just sticks to it like a parasite. The main problem with this is that when it's being attacked, it has no way to destroy the attacker. After running a few sims, I noticed a trend.

The smaller bots survive better because they're so hard to target.

So what determines bot size? can it be set by the bot?

Offline ashton15

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What determines bot size?
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2010, 03:03:46 PM »
Quote from: Sammeh
My webfungus bot is trying to survive while being entirely defensive. It doesn't kill anything, just sticks to it like a parasite. The main problem with this is that when it's being attacked, it has no way to destroy the attacker. After running a few sims, I noticed a trend.

The smaller bots survive better because they're so hard to target.

So what determines bot size? can it be set by the bot?

.body determines the bots size, it can be increased or decreased with .strbody and .fdbody respectivly, advantages to bieng big include: More powerful shots, longer eyesight, large energy reserves (every one unit of body converted to energy gives ten units and vice versa) and more resilient to -6 shots disadvantages to body are: makes you a bigger target, costs a small ammount of energy to upkeep and if you get hit by a -6 shot you will lose the equivelent of ten points of enrgy, not one.

This gene here makes you super small (1000 is the ammount of body a bot starts with, here a bot is only left with 5 body, sure you'll be able to work out how to modify it). Bear in mind if you get hit with a -6 shot whilst using this gene you will very likely die instantly and so it's a good idea to make shell using .mkshell look on the wiki for it, just search shell.

*.body -- -- .fdbody 5 *.body sub sgn 0 floor -- - mult store

Hope that helped

Offline Ammeh

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What determines bot size?
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2010, 09:05:57 AM »
Awesome, tiny bit of tweaking and it goes from being killed instantly to outnumbering Animal Minimalis 10 to 1  
