Author Topic: Best numbers  (Read 3988 times)

Offline Tj3

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Best numbers
« on: March 15, 2010, 04:57:22 PM »
Hi. I just found out about DB a few days ago, and haven't really made any good bots yet. Im working on a basic bot now, and I was just wondering if somebody could tell me some good "numbers" to use in it, for things like storing poison, slime, and shell, storing to body, and reproducing. If someone could give me some examples or general rules to use, that would be great!

Offline Houshalter

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Best numbers
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2010, 06:18:26 PM »
It really all depends on the enviroment your bot is put into. The ultimate bot would be able to adapt its numbers to match the enviroment its in. I think fruitflies works somewhere along these lines, but it uses random mutations and natural selection in its racial memory to achieve this. Body is good for powering up your shots, but it makes you slower and a bigger target for other bots, plus you can't change your body weight rapidly, it takes time. So I would try to have a bot that can somehow calculate how much nrg it wastes by storing to body and trying to move when its fat, as well as how many times it gets shot at (not a problem if you have shell and poison) vs how much more powerfull it is with shots. See how complicated this can get? Shell, poison, and slime are easy though, just calculate how many times you are attacked and how much nrg you have to spend on defenses. Reproduction is tricky. It really depends on how much nrg you want or need your bot to have. As I said, body gives you an advantage, so reproducing constantly lowers you and your offsprings individual power. You also need to calculate age costs.

Geez, now that I think about it, this really is kind of complicated.

Offline Numsgil

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Best numbers
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2010, 08:24:08 PM »
Well, bots start out with 1000 body.  And bots with less than 2 body (I think that's the number) aren't allowed to reproduce.  Shot power also increases linearly with body.  Though larger bots take more energy to move.  So within that [2,1000] range pick a number and try it out.  The exact magic value depends strongly on the exact behavior.

Poison, venom, etc. cost either 1 or .1 nrg to produce (you can check in the costs window).  They used to be capped at 200.  So I would aim below that to begin with.