Calling it an evo bot since it does randomly adjust values and all that.
But it's made using the neural net mod I've been working on.
The mod isn't complete yet, but was good enough to run a sim, and I'm thinking of taking a break from working on the mod.
Anyway, it may not resemble single cell evolution, but it is an evo bot in it's own way.
It has some advantages, the mod only matches valid input and outputs and generaly handles a lot of the syntax on it's own.
But mostly it has 20 coustom inputs and outputs and the base bot had some rather helpfull ones. (Mainly in the areas that a neural network would have a hard time acomplishing, like pushing -1 or -6 into shoot)
It required a base bot since the mutations creating the network only happen during reproduction.
But all the genes in the base that require a certain DNA length have been disabled as the code grew. (It's DNa length is about 1300 and the last gene (The one in charge of reproduction) gets deactivated when reaching 700 dna length.)
So apart from the robage 0 gene and the genes providing the coustom inputs and outputs, the network is all that controlls the bot.
It's evolved using poison at earlier stages, but seemed to drop it again every time (Could be because of a bug in 2.43.1h wich is the source I used for the mod).
It's fragile in some ways, it only has 1 nrg once fully grown. It also seems to behave oddly when eating alge, but this is because the environment it was evolved in was size 13, with thin fluids, 70% gain to body on the alge and 150 energy per cycle to the alge.
So instead of eating the alge it nudges it along slowly and aims next to the alge so it only hits it when it's large enough to survive getting hit. Sooner or later something usualy bumps into the alge and sets things in motion. It also strafes... took me a while to figure out how obvious the advantage was The eye isn't very wide, but it's long, so if you need to "scan" a large area with few alge to find food, you'll cover more ground moving sideways So simple, but not as obvious as it seems.
Apart from that it doesn't do anything realy special... it took ages for it to learn how to turn... it used to just adjust it's position when chacing an alge (Since it's probably a lot easyer to use movement in the network since oversteering isn't a problem, but if you don't turn exactly right you'll be facing the wrong way)
Anyway it was mostly to test the mod, and the bot evolved past it's base, so I'm satisfied with the result for now. (But the mod still need some work before it's realy good, and still haven't figured out exactly how I'll proceed yet).
It managed to beat purple iflama (The bot at the bottom of F2, or atleast in the last league table I have)
Other than that it's not well suited for leagues since it's used to very different sim settings.
But it works and it evolved rather fast... about 250 hours, 1.4 mil cycles. Most of the good stuff happened early on though, there was a "pause" for several days before it learned how to aim.
In the sim I uploaded I unlocked global mutations to let the bots adjust their mutation rates, and it looks like it didn't take long for mutation rates to get turned very far down.
If you want to reenable and take controll over global mutation rates you need to open the mutation rates window (It will look different since the NN mod is active) and enable and then disable the checkbox in there. (This is because I havent fixed the GUI yet)
You can also see more details about the mod in the NeuralNetwork topic in the bot challenge section.
The bot may not be league material, but it's faily close and it proves that the mod works as intended.
You may need to pull a big bot away from it's alge to get the ball rolling at first, but then things should pick up.
I think this might also be a good evo base for regular sims.
(NNTEstBot7 is the base the network evolved from, I think it's needed for loading the sim)
You can only load the sim using the mod, and only v0.4. You can ofcourse run the evolved bot in any drop you like, but it won't evolve the network like intended. (You should still be able to use it as an evo bot with regular mutations though)
Also to continue evolving the network using the mod you need to load the sim, it won't parse the bot or anything, the network information is in the saved sim.
'''''''''''''''''''''''' Gene: 1 Begins at position 1 '''''''''''''''''''''''
*.robage 0 =
7 .ploc store
7 .vloc store
-2 .venval store
'''''''''''''''''''''''' Gene: 1 Ends at position 15 '''''''''''''''''''''''
'''''''''''''''''''''''' Gene: 2 Begins at position 16 '''''''''''''''''''''''
*.dnalen 400 <
*.robage 1500 <
40 .up store
'''''''''''''''''''''''' Gene: 2 Ends at position 27 '''''''''''''''''''''''
'''''''''''''''''''''''' Gene: 3 Begins at position 28 '''''''''''''''''''''''
*.dnalen 500 <
*.robage 2000 <
*.eye5 0 >
*.refage 500 >
*.refeye 0 =
*.refshoot 0 =
-6 .shoot store
'''''''''''''''''''''''' Gene: 3 Ends at position 55 '''''''''''''''''''''''
'''''''''''''''''''''''' Gene: 4 Begins at position 56 '''''''''''''''''''''''
*.dnalen 600 <
*.robage 0 =
628 .aimleft store
*.eye5 0 =
*.body 1000 >
*.robage 2000 <
314 .aimleft store
'''''''''''''''''''''''' Gene: 4 Ends at position 81 '''''''''''''''''''''''
'''''''''''''''''''''''' Gene: 5 Begins at position 82 '''''''''''''''''''''''
*.dnalen 700 <
*.eye5 0 =
*.body 1000 >
*.robage 2500 <
50 .repro store
*.robage 4500 >
-2 .shoot store
32000 .shootval store
'''''''''''''''''''''''' Gene: 5 Ends at position 110 '''''''''''''''''''''''
'''''''''''''''''''''''' Gene: 6 Begins at position 111 '''''''''''''''''''''''
*.refxpos *.refypos angle 70 store
*.body 1000 sub 71 store
*.refeye *.myeye sub abs 72 store
*.refshoot *.myshoot sub abs 73 store
*.refdx *.mydx sub abs 74 store
*.nrg 3000 sub 75 store
*.shell 500 sub 76 store
*.poison 500 sub 77 store
*.venom 500 sub 78 store
*.shang - *.aim add 79 store
*.eyef 80 store
*.aim 81 store
*.refshell 82 store
*.refvelup 83 store
*.refvelsx 84 store
*.refveldx 85 store
*.refvelup 86 store
*.eye9 87 store
*.eye1 88 store
*.pain 89 store
'''''''''''''''''''''''' Gene: 6 Ends at position 197 '''''''''''''''''''''''
'''''''''''''''''''''''' Gene: 7 Begins at position 198 '''''''''''''''''''''''
*100 0 >
50 .repro store
*101 0 >
-1 .shoot store
*102 0 >
-6 .shoot store
*103 0 >
-3 .shoot store
*104 0 !=
*104 .mkshell store
*105 0 !=
*105 .mkpoison store
*106 0 !=
*106 .strvenom store
*107 0 !=
*107 .strbody store
*108 0 !=
*108 .fdbody store
*109 0 !=
*109 .up store
*110 0 !=
*110 .dn store
*111 0 !=
*111 .dx store
*112 0 !=
*112 .sx store
*113 0 !=
*113 .setaim store
*114 0 !=
*114 .aimleft store
*115 0 !=
*115 .aimright store
*116 0 !=
*116 .aimshoot store
*117 0 !=
*117 .shootval store
*118 0 !=
*118 .focuseye store
*119 0 !=
*119 .eye5width store
'''''''''''''''''''''''' Gene: 7 Ends at position 320 '''''''''''''''''''''''
'''''''''''''''''''''''' Gene: 8 Begins at position 321 '''''''''''''''''''''''
0 674 store
0 109 store
0 909 store
0 107 store
0 .eye2dir store
0 .readtie store
0 .eye3dir store
0 104 store
0 110 store
0 874 store
0 106 store
0 .sharewaste store
0 175 store
0 .sharewaste store
0 100 store
0 112 store
0 109 store
0 .stifftie store
0 .backshot store
0 109 store
0 110 store
0 .eye6width store
0 106 store
0 109 store
0 .genes store
0 108 store
0 106 store
0 .mkvirus store
0 116 store
0 105 store
0 883 store
0 .readtie store
0 .eye3dir store
0 108 store
0 113 store
0 182 store
0 105 store
0 .in8 store
0 .eye2dir store
0 .eye1dir store
0 116 store
0 .readtie store
0 107 store
0 .strvenom store
0 .sharewaste store
'''''''''''''''''''''''' Gene: 8 Ends at position 457 '''''''''''''''''''''''
'''''''''''''''''''''''' Gene: 9 Begins at position 458 '''''''''''''''''''''''
*674 *73 24 mult add *78 -31 mult add *109 -70 mult add 119 div 674 store
*102 *82 -35 mult add *674 -66 mult add *100 18 mult add *.paralyzed 24 mult add 134 div 102 store
*110 *80 137 mult add *674 -63 mult add *82 31 mult add *.shup 4 mult add *73 11 mult add 35 div 110 store
*109 *.trefvelyourdn -68 mult add *.sharewaste -37 mult add 100 div 109 store
*102 *102 -28 mult add 168 div 102 store
*909 *.hitdx -9 mult add *75 42 mult add 100 div 909 store
*107 *102 -35 mult add 148 div 107 store
*101 *.eye3dir -57 mult add *115 -3 mult add 100 div 101 store
*.eye2dir *85 -123 mult add *.myties 95 mult add 148 div .eye2dir store
*.sharewaste *85 57 mult add *.slime 31 mult add 281 div .sharewaste store
*.eye3width *.genes 59 mult add *82 141 mult add *.in3 -37 mult add 100 div .eye3width store
*.eye3dir *109 25 mult add 113 div .eye3dir store
*101 *81 73 mult add 73 div 101 store
*.readtie *109 29 mult add *70 28 mult add *105 -7 mult add 131 div .readtie store
*.eye3dir *108 -155 mult add *.eyef 27 mult add *.eye9 120 mult add 101 div .eye3dir store
*104 *84 11 mult add *76 -43 mult add 126 div 104 store
*110 *.readtie 1 mult add 94 div 110 store
*874 *.shsx -47 mult add *.shup -20 mult add *74 -22 mult add 100 div 874 store
*101 *106 8 mult add *71 45 mult add 91 div 101 store
*100 *78 -10 mult add *.trefvelyourup 50 mult add *674 -62 mult add *101 185 mult add *79 73 mult add *76 -29 mult add 131 div 100 store
*106 *102 42 mult add *.tieang 9 mult add *.in3 87 mult add 95 div 106 store
*.sharewaste *.multi 102 mult add 87 div .sharewaste store
*175 *.eye3dir 20 mult add *100 8 mult add 100 div 175 store
*.sharewaste *101 31 mult add *.trefxpos -31 mult add *.trefbody -5 mult add 100 div .sharewaste store
*100 *102 -67 mult add *83 -4 mult add 100 div 100 store
*112 *.velsx 51 mult add 119 div 112 store
*101 *.trefvelmydx -34 mult add *114 52 mult add 100 div 101 store
*109 *110 -51 mult add *71 -38 mult add *.eye5 -68 mult add 100 div 109 store
*.stifftie *84 -22 mult add 94 div .stifftie store
*109 *.refvelscalar 33 mult add 100 div 109 store
*.backshot *.trefvelyourdx 73 mult add 75 div .backshot store
*109 *.fertilized -57 mult add *.eye3dir 52 mult add 156 div 109 store
*110 *115 18 mult add *106 -156 mult add *.hitup -83 mult add 89 div 110 store
*.eye6width *74 27 mult add *.refvelup -54 mult add 100 div .eye6width store
*106 *.vel 63 mult add *87 -31 mult add *.in5 138 mult add 100 div 106 store
*111 *85 160 mult add 100 div 111 store
*109 *.out6 -100 mult add 144 div 109 store
*109 *82 102 mult add 52 div 109 store
*.genes *.out2 -65 mult add *.shdx 32 mult add 20 div .genes store
*.fixlen *89 -25 mult add 100 div .fixlen store
*108 *.tout2 -20 mult add 84 div 108 store
*106 *109 -115 mult add *110 91 mult add 100 div 106 store
*.in5 *.mysx -39 mult add *81 -16 mult add 101 div .in5 store
*.mkvirus *.refveldx 52 mult add *112 -2 mult add *.shsx 1 mult add 100 div .mkvirus store
*116 *109 -128 mult add 100 div 116 store
*105 *.shup 41 mult add *.rdboy 78 mult add 101 div 105 store
*883 *.refmulti -78 mult add *101 59 mult add 142 div 883 store
*.readtie *.trefvelmysx 87 mult add *79 28 mult add 100 div .readtie store
*.eye3dir *.poisoned 51 mult add 100 div .eye3dir store
*106 *72 5 mult add 139 div 106 store
*108 *107 -36 mult add *.eye1 7 mult add 84 div 108 store
*113 *70 100 mult add 100 div 113 store
*182 *.out9 0 mult add *.dnalen -23 mult add 100 div 182 store
*105 *.eye1 -4 mult add 100 div 105 store
*.in8 *.eye2dir 63 mult add 100 div .in8 store
*.eye2dir *116 -145 mult add *85 -113 mult add 100 div .eye2dir store
*.eye1dir *84 -56 mult add *.eye5 75 mult add 100 div .eye1dir store
*116 *182 -23 mult add 100 div 116 store
*.readtie *.trefvelmysx 87 mult add *71 28 mult add 100 div .readtie store
*105 *874 18 mult add *.stifftie -33 mult add 101 div 105 store
*101 *.eye3dir -57 mult add *115 -3 mult add 100 div 101 store
*883 *.eye2dir -22 mult add *175 8 mult add 117 div 883 store
*.in3 *892 -2 mult add 100 div .in3 store
*.sharewaste *85 57 mult add *.slime 38 mult add 281 div .sharewaste store
*107 *909 42 mult add *.refveldx 96 mult add 127 div 107 store
*.strvenom *78 75 mult add 100 div .strvenom store
*.sharewaste *101 31 mult add *.trefxpos -31 mult add *.trefbody -5 mult add 100 div .sharewaste store
*.eye4width *.refaim -44 mult add 100 div .eye4width store
*.in8 *84 23 mult add 100 div .in8 store
'''''''''''''''''''''''' Gene: 9 Ends at position 1336 '''''''''''''''''''''''