Author Topic: Astronomo2 (F2)(Commander Keen)3-10-08  (Read 6005 times)

Offline Commander Keen

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Astronomo2 (F2)(Commander Keen)3-10-08
« on: October 02, 2008, 08:35:35 PM »
Code: [Select]
' F2
' Commander Keen
' 3rd October 2008
' Version 2
' Changes:
' Improved Kill method
' No longer fires -1/-6 shots
' Should do much better against tie-feeders in F1.

def badarea 51
def enemy 55
def stage 56

*.robage 0 =
140 .eye6width store
280 .eye7width store
280 .eye8width store
280 .eye9width store
-68 .eye1dir store
-68 .eye2dir store
-68 .eye3dir store
-68 .eye4dir store
-68 .eye5dir store
-140 .eye6dir store
317 .eye7dir store
634 .eye8dir store
970 .eye9dir store
-2 .focuseye store
.shoot .ploc store
.tie inc
.shoot .vloc store
-2 .venval store
1991 .out5 store
32000 rnd .out4 store
128 .badarea store

1 1 =
50 *.venom sub 0 floor .strvenom store
50 *.poison sub 0 floor .strpoison store
50 *.slime sub 0 floor 10 ceil .mkslime store
50 *.shell sub 0 floor .mkshell store
*.nrg *.body 10 mult add 20 div *.body sub 1 floor .strbody store
*.body *.nrg *.body 10 mult add 20 div sub 0 floor 30000 *.nrg sub 10 div ceil  .fdbody store
*.tiepres .deltie store
*.refshoot *.myshoot sub *.refaimdx *.myaimdx sub *.refaimsx *.myaimsx sub *.refeye *.myeye sub *.refup *.myup sub *.refdn *.mydn sub *.refsx *.mysx sub *.refdx *.mydx sub abs add abs add abs add abs add abs add abs add abs add abs .enemy store
*.tiepres .readtie store
.tieval .tmemloc store
32000 .tmemval store
*.enemy 1 =
0 .enemy store
*.enemy *.out5 *.in5 sub abs add .enemy store
1 *.out4 *.in4 sub abs sgn sub *.enemy add .enemy store

*.eye1 *.eye2 *.eye3 *.eye4 *.eye5 *.eye6 *.eye7 *.eye8 *.eye9 add add add add add add add add 0 =
*.enemy 0 = or
*.badarea 16 >=
1 *.timer 8 mod sgn sub 10 mult .up store
1 *.timer 2 add 8 mod sgn sub 10 mult .dx store
1 *.timer 4 add 8 mod sgn sub 10 mult .dn store
1 *.timer 6 add 8 mod sgn sub 10 mult .sx store

*.eye1 *.eye2 *.eye3 *.eye4 *.eye5 add add add add 0 =
*.enemy 0 = or
157 .aimdx store
.badarea inc

*.eye3 0 =
*.eye4 0 !=
34 .aimdx store
*.eye3 0 =
*.eye2 0 !=
-34 .aimdx store
*.eye3 0 =
*.eye5 0 !=
68 .aimdx store
*.eye3 0 =
*.eye1 0 !=
-68 .aimdx store

*.eyef 0 !=
*.enemy 0 !=
*.velsx .dx store
128 *.eyef sub *.velup sub *.veldn 2 div floor *.refvelup add .up store
*.refxpos *.refypos angle .setaim store
0 .badarea store
*.stage 0 =
30000 .shootval store
.shootval .shoot store
*.stage 1 =
*.refxpos *.refypos angle 628 add 1256 mod .shootval store
.setaim .shoot store
*.stage 2 =
-3 .shoot store
*.venom .shootval store
1 1 =
*.stage 1 add 3 mod .stage store

*.nrg *.body 10 mult add 2500 >
50 .repro store

*.badarea 32 >=
*.timer 4 add 8 mod 0 =
*.maxvel *.veldn sub .dn store
*.timer 8 mod 0 =
0 *.maxvel *.velup sub sub .dn store

Offline abyaly

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Astronomo2 (F2)(Commander Keen)3-10-08
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2008, 09:54:22 PM »
Astronomo sometimes loses to thisnthat. I think it's because it misjudges firing distance sometimes and ends up just sitting there.
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Offline Commander Keen

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Astronomo2 (F2)(Commander Keen)3-10-08
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2008, 11:19:46 PM »
I knew I should have tested the new version against everything  

Managed to fix it, although I didn't improve the aiming logic. Probably should, but for now the new version (hopefully) works well enough.

Offline Moonfisher

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Astronomo2 (F2)(Commander Keen)3-10-08
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2008, 09:54:32 AM »
It's a nice atack though, combining -2 shot venom with .shootval boosting mem shots makes it near impossible to resist the attack...
So there's no small fix I can make to adapt Spinner to this... the problem is simply that spinner is too big and too few... and clever defences will only work like half the time wich isn't nearly good enough considering they die the other half...

So basicaly if I want to knock this thing out I'd have to make a new type of bot.... I kind of like the way spinner works so I don't want to change it too much... and with all the instant kills in F2 now there's no way for a larger bot to survive well... so would rather work on something new and smaller... maybe... if I get boored in the following week I may try to come up with something that beats it, but I'm afraid we'd just be moving in the same direction as F1  

Offline Commander Keen

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Astronomo2 (F2)(Commander Keen)3-10-08
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2008, 07:40:43 PM »
Yeah, it is pretty powerful, although enough shell and slime will stop the shots. 200 Poison stops info shots, and shell will stop venom, but it does fire rather a lot of venom...

The shootval method isn't a precise instakill - I've seen bots with a lot of energy last a little while, but it is very potent.

Possibly an F2 version of Pacifist would be interesting. It would be much more difficult to make, but you could use venom and info shots to achieve a similar result, the only problem being that shell and slime would cancel out venom and info shots...

I'll be interested to see how well version 2.1 does in F1

Offline bacillus

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Astronomo2 (F2)(Commander Keen)3-10-08
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2008, 02:38:41 AM »
I'm working on Tribolis at the moment. It can beat Oculus 1.1, but crashes about that time. I'll manually try it against the other later.
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Offline Moonfisher

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Astronomo2 (F2)(Commander Keen)3-10-08
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2008, 02:32:17 PM »
I actualy did experiment a litle by just chaging the attacks in fruitfly to insta kill only... and it looks like it would work rather well with some modifications.... wouldn't need a different way to feed and wouldn't use natural selection to find the best attack.... haven't played much with it.... but it looks like the basic strategy would be the same, just lots of small bots and some clever tie attacks...
Just seems a litle lame to use more or less the same strategy... would kind of like to bring something new in there if I'm going to make a new F2 bot.... I'll have to think about it... if nothing else I'll try to modify the behavior a lot, use fixpos and stuff to lock people in flace holding them with ties and stuff like that...

Offline Commander Keen

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Astronomo2 (F2)(Commander Keen)3-10-08
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2008, 08:33:53 PM »

Must add anti-fixpos defences actually - it's one thing I forgot about.

Offline Moonfisher

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Astronomo2 (F2)(Commander Keen)3-10-08
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2008, 09:39:30 AM »
Actualy they don't fix the oponent, they just fix themselves and prevent the oponent from breaking ties... they then use .numties .tmemloc to monitor the amount of ties when they first tied, so they know if their role is to prevent tie breaking or work on killing it....
Played around with it a litle and it worked pretty well... but the thing needs a way to feed or it would be a shaky victory if it makes it. (Bots with lots of slime can sometimes survive)