Author Topic: Fruit Flies v0.2 (F1) (Moonfisher) 25-09-08  (Read 4403 times)

Offline Moonfisher

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Fruit Flies v0.2 (F1) (Moonfisher) 25-09-08
« on: September 25, 2008, 09:47:20 AM »
This version uses natural selection to adapt to the oponent... finaly some evolution in F1
Bit slower against Etch II... but faster against a lot of others...
And it DOES beat Pacifist in version L... atleast every time I tried it, but so did v0.1... not sure how it performs in other versions, only tryed it in DB 2.43.1L...
Also don't use a 600 maxpop, should be at least 700... and the popcap doesn't stop reproduction now it just slows it down considerably.
If a fight is taking too long and the pop is getting too high, then you can change :

This :
Code: [Select]
'-- Reproduction
*.body 5 >
*.nrg 80 > and
*.maxvel .dn store
50 .repro store

To this :
Code: [Select]
'-- Reproduction
*.body 5 >
*.totalmyspecies .maxpop < and
*.nrg 80 > and
*.maxvel .dn store
50 .repro store

And the popcap should be more stable... was tring to make the thing as short as possible, that may have been one condition I shouldn't have cut

Code: [Select]
'Fruit Flies v0.2 (for DB2.43.1L)
'By Moonfisher
'A very simple tie feeder for F1.
'Beats EtchII and everything else I've tried it on so far. So it should beat the current F1 league I think.
'The reproduction gene is capped at 1000, if it's still too slow try 700, although that could change the results.
'No fancy eyes or conspec or anything of that sort, just a very simple strategy.
'v0.2 : Now addapts to it's oponent through natural selection.
'It also beats most oponents a lot faster, but has a slightly harder time beating Etch II.
'It's also now one gene and generaly shorter, planning to use it as a virus for an alge.

def maxpop 1000
def rand 110
def type 973

*.nrg 10 >
*.numties 0 != or
.fixpos dec

'-- Birth
*.robage 0 =
628 rnd 314 sub .aimright store
300 .eye5width store
.dnalen .memloc store
.dnalen .tmemloc store
15 rnd .rand store

*.rand 3 < and
*.rand .type store

*.type 0 =
4 rnd .type store

'-- Reproduction
*.body 5 >
*.nrg 80 > and
*.maxvel .dn store
50 .repro store

*.totalmyspecies .maxpop <
*.nrg 200 > and
60 *.body 10 mult sub .strbody store

'-- Shrinking
*.body 1 > and
*.body 10 mult 10 sub 0 floor .fdbody store

'-- Tie feeding
*.numties 0 !=
*.tiepres .tienum store
*.trefxpos *.trefypos angle .setaim store

*.tmemval *.dnalen =
*.numties 1 > or and
*.numties .deltie store

*.numties 0 !=
*.robage 1 > and
*.maxvel .up store
*.velsx .dx store

*.type 1 = and
.tieval .tieloc store
1000 .tieval store
.tieloc .shoot store
-1 .shootval store

*.type 1 > and
.tieloc .tieloc store
-1 .tieval store
.tieval .shoot store
1000 .shootval store

'-- Hunting
*.numties 0 =
*.body 1 = and
*.eye5 0 =
*.memval *.dnalen = or and
350 .aimright store

*.eye5 0 != and
*.memval *.dnalen != and
*.refbody 20 >
*.totalmyspecies 600 > or and
*.refxpos *.refypos angle .setaim store
.tie inc
*.velsx .dx store
*.maxvel .up store
.fixpos .shoot store
1 .shootval store


(Did a quick edit, added 2 conditions for the main gene as a way of semi hibernating, nothing major, just makes them last a litle longer )
« Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 06:59:35 AM by Shasta »

Offline bacillus

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Fruit Flies v0.2 (F1) (Moonfisher) 25-09-08
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2008, 06:56:46 PM »
Fruit Flies 0.2 is in sixth place as it was unable to beat the original. Looking at the contests, it seems 0.1 was simply much better at hogging the veggies.
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Offline Moonfisher

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Fruit Flies v0.2 (F1) (Moonfisher) 25-09-08
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2008, 06:50:13 AM »
In DB 2.43.1L and DB 2.44 Fruitflies 0.1 and 0.2 both beat Pacifist..... pacifist isn't even a challenge, it just last a bit longer than other bots, but there are no idications that it would be able to win a fight. I ran those fights fully (Took a lot of patience) and they where all flawless victories for fruitflies....

So I just want it to be clear that :
Pacifist does NOT beat Fruit Flies 0.1 or 0.2 in version 2.43.1L and 2.44.
I know you're running a different version for the league, but in the newer version pacifist isn't a threat to it, so I suspect there's something in fruitflies that doesn't work in the version you're running. Probably some sysvar that wasn't made yet or something... since I'm not sure what version is being used for the leagues it's kind of hard to plan for...

It's probably true that v0.1 beats v0.2... but they're virtualy the same bot... I know the strategy isn't exactly the same, but still... wasn't realy seing it as a new bot, so didn't realy care if it would beat the old version...
But v0.2 is better all round, and finishes a lot of fights a lot faster, so I recomend just removing 0.1 and replace it with 0.2, I don't think it should take up 2 places in the league and even though v0.1 can beat v0.2 I would still recomend using v0.2 since the code is a lot less messy and easier to understand, the strategy is simpler, and better and faster against most bots.... plus it's SG'fied so the bot can be used as a virus.

And speaking of which... I just logged on IM again with an empty sim and it looks like the fly fruits I was fidling with yesterday actualy managed to take over some sims...
But the cool part is that I got some VC and seasnakes in, and it looks like they've all been infected with the fruitfly virus
I have to confess I did this so my own sim wouldn't freeze while trying to spread fruitflies on IM
Wasn't sure if it would work though... had a FlyFruit 0.9 that looked realy promising.... but it looks like FlyFruit_5 and 6 where the strongest on IM. (I might have broken some code in 0.9)

Either way was just surprised to see that it actualy worked, all VC and seasnakes I've gotten in my sim so far have been fully assimilated by the Fruit Fly virus...
« Last Edit: September 27, 2008, 07:22:17 AM by Moonfisher »

Offline bacillus

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Fruit Flies v0.2 (F1) (Moonfisher) 25-09-08
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2008, 07:13:31 PM »
Um yes, they did beat the others in version .43L and .44, they just didn't in the latest version I had (.43K). Fruit Flies 0.1 is now top of the league.
"They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."
- Carl Sagan

Offline Moonfisher

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Fruit Flies v0.2 (F1) (Moonfisher) 25-09-08
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2008, 10:30:21 PM »
But is it possible to run leagues in 2.44 ? I haven't been able to run leagues so far, and Eric sais he's still working on that part...
Either way it'll probably get fixed soon

Shame that v0.1 beats v0.2 though, the new version is better in a lot of ways... fights end faster, it adapts to it's oponent instead of asuming things about it's oponent wich is a strength against v0.2 but could be a potential weakness against new bots, and the code had been cleaned up, less cost effective but in one gene and short enough to use as a virus (Could probably make a v0.3 that beats v0.1... get the new version in there the right way... just hate adding stuff... I want to keep it as short and simple as possible)

Offline Botsareus

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Re: Fruit Flies v0.2 (F1) (Moonfisher) 25-09-08
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2014, 02:37:53 PM »
Moving to SB.