Have you played with ant-bots Num?
Only in thought. I haven't tried any code yet. Here's wht I'm thinking:
At birth an ant is defined to either be a mating male/new queen or a worker. Worker's aren't allowed to become queens. Only a new queen can become a queen.
So if the old queen dies, what happens? Either the colony dies or an new queen that's in the area claims leadership.
The idea then is that the 5 bots you start with are all new queens and each forms a different colony.
I'll start playing with ant bots when the env grid allows for 'dirt' that can be dug into (for a nest) and pheremone trails.
Having workers become queens would make league rules for an ant league very difficult. If you can design an ant bot using the two rules I outlined above you definately have an ant like species.
Also, any ant bot league should have a much larger field size. The tiny tiny F1 size isn't appropriate for any kind of ant species.
And the new queens should probably start with a lot more energy than normal F1 bots.
Here's what I imagine:
The green specks show where food may be found, and where bots are placed at the start of the simulation.
This obviously implies a fairly advanced:
1. Robot placement tool
2. Env Grid:
- For phermone trails
- For "dirt"