Yet you complain when people are offended when you insult them.
Do not! Do not do not do not!!!!!!
I disagree on both counts. It was not my intent to insult anyone and to my knowlege I have not done so. Webster's defines insult as "To treat with gross insensitivity, insolence or contempuous rudeness, to afront or demean". I can find nowhere in this topic where I am rude or demeaning and if I was, it was unintentional. But I could hardly make the point of my argument without, well, making the point of my argument and that is that those who beleive things contrary to evidence and refuse to offer a defense of their position are either ignorant or arrogant. That is my claim. It you find that offensive, well then, I apologize, but that is no reason not to make the point.
Additionally, it's quite a stretch to term defense of one's position as complaining....
That's not the point. I didn't say that there was anything wrong with debating. The point was you're insulting people, which is a different thing entirely.
Was not was not was not!!!!!!
I think the issue you have might be that the term 'arrogant' is generally viewed as deragatory in our society and thus I imagine you might claim that any use of the term, whatever the setting, even when used descriptivly in a logical argument, must therefor be meant as an insult. Perhaps your right and there is no way to even state my premise without giving offense. If so, then so be it, but that would be a pity. Think about that for a minute - that some positions cannot even be articulated without giving offense. What kind of world is that?
Funny. About the only thing I truly find offensive are people who are easily offended...
That would be interesting. But can you disprove all accounts of the supernatural, or religion for that matter? I agree that I would suspect most are bogus, but one can't rule out the faint possibility of some cases being genuine. The saying goes, just because it can't be disproven, doesn't mean it exists. But, I'd like to add, that it doesn't mean it doesn't exist either.
Certainly I can't (disprove all accounts...). Nor can I disprove the existance of a magical teapot orbiting Mars or an infinity of other equally improbable things one might imagine. Lack of evidence against something does not constitute evidence for it. We all live by probabilities. I will grant you that the probability of any supernatural claim we might choose, no matter how nonsensical, is non-zero. But the evidence overwhelming says that that probability is so vanishingly small as to essentually be zero for all intents and purposes. My claim is that to place the liklehood of the supernatural within even a hundred orders of magnitude of a scientific explanation is irrational and based either in ignorance or arrogance.
I don't think its right to put your whole faith into - or even think about - something that probably doesn't even exist, but it works for some people, some people live by it. Don't they have that right?
Sure. Everybody has the right to their own opinions. But they don't have the right to their own facts. To beleive something contrary to evidence, people have that right I suppose. I'm just saying that to do so is either ignroant or arrogant...... blah blah blah, I sound like a broken record....
There is a whole other side to this by the way that has to do with cognisant dissonence. Namly, there is good evidence that many people, particulary those who grew up in a religious environment, have problems functioning when their world view is threatened by contrary evidence. Even when they know in their front brain they should change positions on something, evolution v. creationism for example, due to obvious evidence, they can't do it because of how deeply rooted it is and what it would cost them w.r.t. their world view. So to function, they don't rationalize their internal inconsistencies and end up believing contradictory things. They know better, but don't force the issue so they can function. IMHO, this may be part of why some people feel so threatened when their beliefs are contradicted. Forced recociliation of cognative dissonance is physcologically tramatic.
Your point is fair, but I do think it is just ignorance. For example, my boyfriend, who is religious, didn't believe in evolution when I first met him. But he was definately not arrogant, just ill-informed. I'm sure if I'd opened up with the same agression you exhibit, he wouldn't have continued the conversation. Instead I explained to him what I knew of theory - which was vastly different from what he had been poorly taught about it - and he's now very accepting of the theory. He may not believe in it, but he's accepting of the likelihood of it being true, and talks about it as matter-of-fact rather than "if it happened...".
Your boyfriend is a rarity. As I mention in the first topic, very few people ever change their minds on anything once they hit adulthood, particularly when it comes to their deeply held beliefs in the supernatural.
I can tell you're much against the soft approach but if you want your evidence to be heeded, maybe you should use a bit less fire.
Yep, I'm forthright to be sure, as I freely admit elsewhere. But in this forum, fire is permitted.
The bolded area is what I'm concerned about. See, the thing is there isn't evidence to say that these people are all arrogant. Saying so would mean that they all think they're superior in their beliefs, which is not true at all. Many are very open minded about it.
I claim it is arrogant to hold entrenched positions in opposition to evidence when you are aware that evidence exists, whether you have examined it our not. If someone says "I don't know if palm readers are for real, I've never studied the matter and have no clue whether science has anything to say on the topic" then they are truly ignorant, probably about a great many things. They simply arn't aware there is evidence to contradict their beliefs and thus their beliefs are excusable. (Although in today's society, it is becoming harder and harder to claim unawareness of the scientific evidence.) There is nothing necessarily wrong with being ignorant. I am ignorant of a great many things, East Indian Curry recipies not the least. But if someone claims knowledge, to "know" the earth was created in 7 days or that mystics can tell their future by the stars or whetever, and they are aware this violates scientific evidence, even if they have never examined or explored that evidence, then I claim they are arrogant even though as I illustrate in the first post, they may not be aware of the depth of their arrogance.
If your going to hold a belief, then you better examine it and be able to defend it and be willing to change it. Otherwise I'm going to call you arrogant.
In my experience, those that are "open minded" don't pretend to knowledge. They are ignorant and freely admit to such.
You are using words - insulting generalizations to accessorize your argument, rather than just biting your tongue and taking the civil approach without being so narrow-minded.
Yep, I'm using words though I disagree that they are insulting. What should I use instead? Suicide vests? I've never been one to bite my tongue though I always try to be civil. Besides, if I can't speak my mind in the RANT forum of this board, where can I?
not all people who believe in the supernatural or religion stick by their beliefs through pride alone. Many are simply ignorant to evidence, some already accept the evidence (but wuld still like to be keep to their religious beliefs in peace), at the end of the day,
Wholy cow, I think I agree with you! Many people do indeed live with cognisant dissonance.
people don't deserve name-calling just because they won't change their views to suit you.
Do to! Do to do to do to!
Besides - faith is a whole different world altogether. Faith is not about scientific evidence, it's about believing in something in the absence of evidence. Sounds silly to you? It does to me too! But for some people it's the very foundation of their lives, the way they can make sense of the world - in many cases alongside science - and why should they have to put up with prejudice just because of a lifestyle choice that harms nobody? (obviously excluding some pushy enthusiasts)
I have elaborated elsewhere on my opinion that blind faith is in fact extremely harmful but I won't digress here...
(by the way, I have an incidence I'd like you to comment on - about a psychic medium, if you don't mind, can I PM you? A second opinion from the other end of the spectrum would be nice)
Of course. Please do so.