Author Topic: Intimidating?  (Read 3482 times)

Offline Jez

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« on: August 21, 2006, 10:05:12 AM »
Having seen several new members join since I did and not having heard anything from the new members that aren't bots for spamming the forum I thought I'd open my big mouth!  

DB is a great game/sim but it can look really intimidating when you first start, 'specialy if you aren't used to programming! I still refer to the sysvars page loads and I shouldn't really need to after all the bots I've made in the past!

I made this post because I sort of thought it probably looks much more intimidating than it used to, some of the bots in the forums are minature works of art and the peeps you see talking on the forum are generally talking about the advanced functions not the simple stuff that make the bots work in the first place.

So here's a reminder! When I first met PY the top bot was I. Flamma, the last topic on the forum when I first joined was "Is I. Flamma ever going to be beaten?"
The first bot I wrote was simply one that could find/eat veg and reproduce, took me a while as well.  

I'm a born worrier I guess, don't want people to be joining DB and not posting because they don't feel there bot is any good, or their questions are too stupid. We'd love to hear from you, even if it's just to say hello, and we'd love to see your bots, even if they don't work properly or you don't feel they are competitive. DB isn't about competition anyway, that's just a game we play using DB!

PS Maybe my time would have been spent better going through the sysvars info and looking for stuff to add but it's a lot of info to trawl through, much easier for me (and others) to be lazy if other people point out what information they think is missing when they use it!!
If you try and take a cat apart to see how it works, the first thing you have in your hands is a non-working cat.
Douglas Adams

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« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2006, 11:22:29 PM »
I try not to be too mean to new users until they are regulars