Author Topic: Moon changes to sun when loading a save  (Read 2651 times)

Offline Testlund

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Moon changes to sun when loading a save
« on: June 17, 2006, 11:25:21 AM »
I was wondering if Eric could fix this issue for the next drop? I have day/night cycle set to 10000, wich means it will start with the sun and then change to the moon at 10000 and then back to the sun at 20000, but if I save at 15000 for instance and then load it it will change to sun, and then it will change to moon at 25000 instead. This screws up the day/night rythm in my sim. So I'm forced to only save the sim at every 20000 cycles wich means I sometimes have to wait for the sim to get there before I can quit and do something else with my computer. Just pausing the sim and minimizing it and running another application will sometimes screw up the field in my sim when I put it back up. I think Eric said he whould look into this once, but I guess he forgot. ..or there were more important things to fix.

Also, it whould be nice if I could set day/night cycles longer than 10000. If I try to do that now it will crash the program. Hmm... When I think about it it whould be great if I could have REAL TIME day/night. How about real time metabolism and day night so it gets closer to realism, with the ability to speed it up ofcourse. I'm thinking I could have a high speed simulation while I wait for the bots to evolve into something interesting. Then later when it all looks nice I could slow down the speed for more realism. Ok, I'm getting carried away here.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2006, 11:31:22 AM by Testlund »
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Offline EricL

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Moon changes to sun when loading a save
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2006, 02:37:17 PM »
Fixed in 2.42.7.  Here are the details:

18) The day/night cycle counter and the daytime state are now saved and loaded from sim files (but not settings files - I think it inappropriate to save sim-specific state such as this in settings files).  They were not saved before.   This should allow saved sims using day/night cycles to not get reset to dawn when reloaded.  Additionally, the maximum allowable day/night cycle interval was increased to 32000 cycles, making an entire "day" configurable for up to 64000 cycles long.  This value was already being stored in sim files, but as an integer, hence the limit.  I could change this to a long and add some backward compatability logic if people really wanted longer day/night cycles than this, but I think this should probably meet the needs.
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