Author Topic: Multiple errors in teleporting sims  (Read 2978 times)

Offline The_Duck

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Multiple errors in teleporting sims
« on: April 11, 2008, 07:22:22 PM »
OK, so the bug I reported a few days ago wasn't a teleport problem at all. Maybe these are.

I set up a linear chain of three sims again connected by teleports and let it run for a while. When I checked back only one sim was left running.

The left-hand end-point sim had crashed with "Darwinbots2.43.1h.exe has stopped working...". The right-hand end-point sim had crashed because some kind of corrupted organism file had gotten into the teleport directory it was trying to import from, so it halted with "Non dbo file found in [teleport direction]. Inbound teleport deleted." The central sim, which was hooked up to the other two, was still running fine.

I don't think I had any funky settings set this time. OK, another possible bug--the sim claimed that it had deleted the inbound teleport but didn't, and kept reporting this error until I went and deleted the file. The "non dbo file" is attached as a .txt, but in reality it had no extension (which annoyed the forum software). The central sim, which must have generated the bad file and sent it to the right-hand sim, is attached. The left-hand sim, which crashed with the "stopped working" error, is attached as left.sim, but the save is likely from some time before the crash.