Author Topic: Helios Evolved (Eco)(Eric)-24.07.06  (Read 6787 times)

Offline EricL

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Helios Evolved (Eco)(Eric)-24.07.06
« on: July 24, 2006, 02:15:34 PM »
'This guy is currently dominating my 4 computer inter-connected evo-sim.  Multplies explosivly, forms
'interconnected colonies with 100's of tiny, connected bots that share energy.  Seems to out-reproduce and
' out feed just about anything.  Given any food source at all, it seems to win.  Surpisingly short DNA.
' Started out as Helios, but that was 1000 mutations ago.

'#name: Helios.txt
'#generation: 5619
'#mutations: 1030
 rnd store
 angle cond
 25 ^ dec
 315 sqr *50 *-750 and
 *.eye3 %=
 -5 *-213 !%=
 ~ cond
 5 .up dec
 52 cond
 *.tmemloc start
 526 0 store
 37 .repro store
 .tie store
 *145 *-238 *671 ~=
 699 100 inc
 | and
 461 abs .up store
 69 cond
 ~ stop
 ++ start
 830 and
 angle and
 4 431 *104 store
 *.body cond
 *.body cond
 mult *.nrg and
 1274 cond
 | and
 ++ 313 start
 pow %=
 *-770 dec

'#hash: P;*7[c5$]&"$Wxh5@f=O
« Last Edit: December 19, 2006, 08:30:32 AM by Jez »
Many beers....