Author Topic: 2.43u delgene defect? RESOLVED 2.43w  (Read 6837 times)

Offline EricL

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2.43u delgene defect? RESOLVED 2.43w
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2007, 10:58:32 AM »
Quote from: Peter
Is gues there has something gone wrong with the change, after reproduction bots seem to have no genes.

Atleast that is what I see after ''number of genes. And the sysvar genes also gives zero.
It's a bug.  For perf reasons, instead of calculating the number of genes in every bot every single cycle, like the code did before, I now just do it once and update it when mutations or viruses happen.  Big perf improvement.  But I missed the case for bots when they are born (it's correct when they are added manually, teleported in or injected at sim start or repopulated).  I don't calculate their number of genes, so it will be 0 until they mutate or get infected.  Fixed in 2.43y.
Many beers....