Darwinbots Forum

Code center => Suggestions => Topic started by: Shadowgod2 on August 05, 2014, 12:25:55 AM

Title: disable fix
Post by: Shadowgod2 on August 05, 2014, 12:25:55 AM
ok so i thought there should be a "disable fix" button/check box to better simulate real life because nothing really fixes it's self, not even plants. they use other things to hold onto and harden themselves as well as size to stay in place.
Title: Re: disable fix
Post by: Botsareus on August 05, 2014, 01:03:21 PM
Good enough, I'll add it.
Title: Re: disable fix
Post by: Botsareus on August 05, 2014, 01:42:48 PM
Just a note:  I am really beginning to reach the limits on how much condition logic (and logic in general) I am willing to push on the cpu per robot w/o the simulation getting annoyingly slow, the only reason I am adding this one is I found some pointless logic that I deleted. I am adding this instead as a 'trade off.'
Title: Re: disable fix
Post by: Testlund on August 06, 2014, 02:14:08 PM
ok so i thought there should be a "disable fix" button/check box to better simulate real life because nothing really fixes it's self, not even plants. they use other things to hold onto and harden themselves as well as size to stay in place.

As long as it is optional I don't mind. There are a lot of algea and bacteria that needs to fix itself to a surface to be able to have a fully functional metabolism and to be able to multiply. So when it comes to the DB environment it depends on how you see it. I like to see it as a square shaped petri dish made of glass with a thin layer of water. :-) I guess Shadowgod looked at it more as just open space in which fixing yourself in mid air doesn't make sense at all. :-) With that said, I have to admit that it can become annoying sometimes with bots fixing themselves as a first choice whenever there has been some mutation or multiplying because of alzeimers, so if this feature is added I would like to try it out. :-)
Title: Re: disable fix
Post by: Shadowgod2 on August 06, 2014, 11:30:36 PM
well the main reasons are (other than the one up top) to keep from fixing at random times even when there is no fix command in the dna, a 0 bang eco sim without fixing, and i want to start a pond mode sim and don't want fixing in midair.