Darwinbots Forum

Code center => Darwinbots Program Source Code => Topic started by: Botsareus on May 31, 2005, 06:28:46 PM

Title: A new approch to making a killer DarwinBot
Post by: Botsareus on May 31, 2005, 06:28:46 PM
I think I finaly found a way to evolve a darwinbot form scratch. Did some patches...

Anyway right now I am working on loop holes the bots have found...

LoopHole #1
The Program saves the bot with the most population , so all the bot did was reproduce and wait for its opponent to  run out of luck hunting food.

Fix #1 , now the program only saves bots if one of the species members has over the ammount of energy they begain the simulation with.

LoopHole #2
When all robots die auto restart happens. But I forgot to make my avrage total population of species counters reset. So even if the robots are all garbedge its still finds the better one by chance game. (Robots evolved complex system of chance movment to die out randomly)

Fix #2 , Fixed it just now, now all the new counters reset correctly. grew to impasint and went to tell you guys what I am up to.

My favorate patch is the external vb opperator patch, resets vb execution , presses buttons in executions to load settings. saves a robots history dnas. by using a .txt file as a timer...
Title: A new approch to making a killer DarwinBot
Post by: Numsgil on May 31, 2005, 06:53:11 PM
1.  I've toyed with finding the bot who's family has the most nrg assetss.  (That is, the best bot has the most nrg + body * 10 between it and kids).  That would work better.

2.  Huh?

3.  Huh?
Title: A new approch to making a killer DarwinBot
Post by: Botsareus on May 31, 2005, 07:04:36 PM
Dont worry , when (if) I get my killer bot out this time, I will post the "DarwinBots Bau Edition" source codes on my website.