Darwinbots Forum

Welcome To Darwinbots => Newbie => Topic started by: Jasper on March 31, 2007, 05:10:57 PM

Title: System vars not working
Post by: Jasper on March 31, 2007, 05:10:57 PM
Hi, I learned about this game about a week ago. Like it, and made a bunch of (none-too complicated) bots. I allready knew some sysvars werent working, like .myeye, .numties, .tienum, .tiepres but I thought this was due to that I was using Wine on Ubuntu Linux.  (BTW it runs on wine after adding a single *.DLL file, but crashes often when new simulation, and an old one already exists, but restarting program is quick)
But now on this win98 computer it still doesnt work. I really want to experiment with ties a bit. (allready wrote code for a worms basic growth) Anyone have the same problem/answer?

BTW I_Flamma is a pushover! It does quite good, but not as good as description says. Perhaps because of my bug?
BTW2 Read elsewhere in this forum about metabolism and digestion. Pleassee keep it simple.. Pretty sure damn complicated stuff can probably already be done with virii and things like that. (Maybe I will read/post about it later)
Title: System vars not working
Post by: Jasper on March 31, 2007, 07:42:53 PM
I figured it out, had to download newer sysvar.txt and newer .exe. Hope it will work for Wine in Linux aswel.
Really changed the dynamics, some bots really behave differently, but prolly for the betterment of the game. (not for the bots I made though )

BTW reading more in the forum about digestion and differentiation was reassuring that it will be done in a good  way. Esspecially: http://www.darwinbots.com/Forum/index.php?showtopic=89 (http://www.darwinbots.com/Forum/index.php?showtopic=89)
Title: System vars not working
Post by: abyaly on March 31, 2007, 07:45:58 PM
Hi. Could you post some bot DNA to give an example of the sysvars not working? I haven't had a problem with this so far.

As for I_Flamma being a pushover, as far as I know, it was the first bot (or close to) that was designed to compete with and exterminate other bots - the bragging in the description can be explained by the amount of competition it had. Also, I_Flamma was designed for an older version of DB and things no longer work the same way, so it has more of a hard time

There are quite a few bots that were neutered by the version transition, so if you post some of the ones you made you can help bump them off the league tables