« on: February 19, 2008, 06:32:52 PM »
Since any of the 5 outs could contain the conspec for that species, a simple check for a dnalen conspec system would be:
*.refeye *.refpoison add *.refmulti *.refshoot add *.reftie *.refvenom add add add
It can bring you an answer within (+/-) 5%-7%, but again, the bot designs include completely customized genes taht account for a lot more somtimes. A comparison run on all outs would reveal if there even is a dna conspec in use by the bot. From there even easier checks on the outs of the bot would show if it even had one easily identifiable. For those who find another way to do conspec recog, I salute you, but I do not think too many bots dont use the conspec with some piece of dna information; becuase numbers preset change with mutations. So if there are no forms of the conspec from the outs, we can assume that it is in fact a veggie, or neutral or enemy; but we know now its definitely not social. We then play the respectable card of standing our ground, the observing bot would tag along, but maintain a distance, any time a bot came between them, it would recall the last palce the bot was and look for it. If lost the bot is to be remembered in partial, and used later for immediate attempts to identify the next bot without any outs but not a veggie. The ability of the bot to use its memory is so much, that I canot begin to develop such a bot until the release of DB 3, or the bizzarre and rare addition of Tie-Custom-Memory in the 2.4 series. As it observes more and more bots, it will begin to quickly know who is neutral and not worth bothering, and who must be destroyed, and those who will share. A distinct line must be established for the memory of its own consepcs, those who respond to its own pre-built communications, and those capable of their own pre-built communications. Theoretically, it would not matter what numbers meant what for a bot, the Multi-Communicator could record every in from every in location for a finite number of bots, and use this information to translate its own language system into theirs. An individual Single-Bot could be observed by the 'head' of the multi-bot and a tendancy/behavior could be observed and remembered point by point every 3 cycles (the more cycles, less accurate longer the behavior; the less cycles the more accurate less space). The logic for this is simple, Boolean in form; I can help those interested, as it would bring us closer to Universal Conspec recognition. But to start, I say design your own language.
The function of most language with a stranger is basic, Q and A. I see a new bot and I'm older, I say 777? (Are you a Slim Evo?) It Responds with out2 - 777 meaning Yes. Liars are easily caught because the out2 is openly available for reference. Say I want to know how many others its met (15?). It responds with some memloc containing total encountered new bots. If he knows more bots, it might be better to know some of them, but we only want the true friends. So we say family (16?). It would then list every bot in its clan it knew for up to 10 bots, so every response would be shifted to a new location. So you can see how a normal bot conversation looks like. The esaiest way to achieve language is to use two seperate sources for in and out, like hearing and speaking. Crossovers for a single source might confuse a bot. So I used out4 for answer and out5 for question. But with the use of the memory stored for what a species uses for commands is stored as well, a lot of this will require trial and error on behalf of the Multi-Bot, but it will eventually learn. Sending simmilair information into the same outs as the target to see if a change happens, then it would read from the memory on in/out and try for a result. Each result would be stored with a -1 for success bad 0 for nothing 1 for success good. (So EricL, it may be best to use 3000 variables in the tie memory, so that we ca really make some intelligent bots/ or 1000 variables for three categories of memory ).
If anyone would like to use a universal language, I have the Slim Evo 4's language made up, but it has some 'special' species only commands. I will release the translation genes once I have them built, the design is on paper, but DB 3 is too.
Information on a species built before DB 3 would be identifiable with this system, so all bots could theoretically be used as a friend by Slim Evo 4. By properly disguising itself it would allow itself to trick some enemies, the problem may rise that it turns on a friend. Some detailed Interspecies Communications would have to be established, since not every robot was programed to communicate beyond a command of only 5, with no real conversing involved. Over 30 timers would have to be used, for the majority of the memory used will be time-based and dependent. One feature I have recently come across was the idea of emotions and how they effect group behavior in reproduction. In Nature this is a wonderful survival tool. Say a bot was recognized as family, and it was last seen at age 500, and its been 1250 (or 3 times - .5 times) that many cycles without seeing that bot, it is safe to assume that the bot has died, this would cause many of us to become upset. So the idea of identity becomes important; for every cycle experienced with a friend or family would grow the happiness levels significantly. So we establish a mood value: + for happy - for sad and a set range for neutral within both confies of happy and sad. The loss of family outways the lost of a friend, so the effect is more dramatic, but the effect of believing and seeing are important. So assume the last time you so the bot with less than 300 energy and it was displaying distress for help and you failed, the bot died making a greater effect towards sad. These basic principles lead us towards an eveolutionary process that relies on emotional logic. Companionships are formed, clan relations already exsist in the current Slim Evo, but the pull towards a particular veggie, or tie, or location. I could see these genes being the founding parts of a new organism that has yet to happen in DB. Since we have sexrepro working, inter-species relations are possible, meaning that a mating call could be identifed and used to create a better bot. The more multi-friends, the more memory for the group.