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Topics - duartel

Pages: [1]
DNA - General / Newbye question
« on: March 16, 2011, 07:17:12 PM »
Hi! I'm duartel and I'm new to the forums.
I created an account because I want to code a bot but I have absolutely no idea of what does what.
So if anyone knows a good tutorial...
Yes, I tried the official guides.
I just can't understand the conditions and everything...
In case I just wasn't made for it, I'd apreciate if someone coded a bot for me  :happy:
All I want it to be is not really clever, with a bad camp of view but, once it has a target it will go to it at a huge speed. Then kill it and eat it.
It would target anything except its own children for 3 seconds. Then it's back to FFA.
Hope it's not too hard to code, and sorry for my dumbness.
I never learned how to code :s

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