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Topics - MysticalDumpling

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F2 bots / Christian(F2)(MysticalDumpling)8.3.14
« on: March 08, 2014, 11:50:11 AM »
This is the first in my religion-named bots. It is reasonably effective- the larger the sim, the better it can retreat
Code: [Select]
'Has anti-chameleon conspec (checks if in1/out1= and in2/out2 != a 1/31000 chance of failure)

'--------Quickdraw baby booms- Moonfisher--------
50 .repro store
341 .aimsx store
500 .dn store
500 .dx store
*.thisgene .delgene store

50 .repro store
341 .aimsx store
500 .dn store
500 .dx store
*.thisgene .delgene store

50 .repro store
341 .aimsx store
500 .dn store
500 .dx store
*.thisgene .delgene store

'----Fixpos and Ties----
.fixpos dec
*.myeye *.trefeye =
.deltie inc

'-------- Eyes & Junk---------
*.robage 0 =

-436 .eye9dir store
-327 .eye8dir store
-218 .eye7dir store
-109 .eye6dir store
 109 .eye4dir store
 218 .eye3dir store
 327 .eye2dir store
 436 .eye1dir store
109 .eye1width store
109 .eye2width store
109 .eye3width store
109 .eye4width store
109 .eye5width store
109 .eye6width store
109 .eye7width store
109 .eye8width store
109 .eye9width store

10 .out1 store
*.out1 .tout1 store
31000 rnd .out2 store
*.out2 .tout2 store

.eye9 .ploc store
1000 .pval store

'---------Aiming, Movement, and Veggie "Hunting"----------

'Turn towards things
*.in1 *.out1 !=
*.out2 *.in2 =
*.eyef 0 >
*.refxpos *.refypos angle .setaim store

'Move away from anything dangerous approaching me
*.in1 *.out1 !=
*.in2 *.out2 =
*.refkills 0 >
*.eyef 0 >
*.refvelup 0 >
*.refvelup 10 add *.maxvel ceil .dn store

'Move towards prey
*.in1 *.out1 !=
*.refkills 0 =
*.eyef 0 >
*.eyef 30 <
*.refveldx .dx store
*.refvelup abs 30 add *.maxvel ceil .up store

'Shoot and link
*.in1 *.out1 !=
*.out2 *.in2 =
*.refkills 0 =
*.eyef 0 >
*.eyef 30 >=
*.refveldx .dx store
-6 .shoot store
.tie inc

'Force target to share (no, it's not tie-feeding!)
*.tin1 *.tout1 !=
*.tout2 *.tin2 =
*.numties 0 !=
*.tiepres .tienum store
*.trefxpos *.trefypos angle .setaim store
.tieval .tieloc store
1000 .tieval store
.fixlen1 inc

'Boot shootval
*.nrg 695 >
15 .shootval store

*.shflav -2 =
*.shang .setaim store

'-----Enemy Evasion-----

*.shflav 0 !=
*.shflav -2 !=
*.shang .setaim store
*.maxvel .dn store

*.paralyzed 0 !=
*.poisoned 0 !=
0 .shoot store
0 .sexrepro store
0 .mrepro store
0 .fixpos store
0 .paralyzed store
0 .poisoned store
'-----Adaptive Defences-----
*.numties 1 >=
*.pain 100 >
*.tiepres .deltie store
*.nrg 1000 >
100 .mkslime store

*.shflav -2 !=
*.shflav 0 !=
*.shang setaim store
*.maxvel .dn store
0 .timer store

*.shflav -6 =
*.shflav -3 =
*.nrg 3 div 10 ceil .mkshell store
.out3 inc

*.shflav -1 =
*.nrg 3 div 10 ceil .strpoison store
.out4 inc

*.shflav 0 >
0 .shoot store
0 .sexrepro store
0 .mrepro store
0 .fixpos store

*.shflav -2 =
*.shflav 0 =
100 *.timer =
0 .out3 store
0 .out4 store

*.in1 *.out1 !=
*.in2 *.out2 =
*.nrg 1000 >
*.in3 0 >
*.in4 0 =
*.nrg 3 div 10 ceil .mkshell store
*.in4 0 >
*.in3 0 =
*.nrg 3 div 10 ceil .strpoison store
*.in3 *.in4 mult 0 !=
*.nrg 5 div 10 ceil .mkshell store
*.nrg 5 div 10 ceil .strpoison store

'------Bodily Fluids------
*.nrg 3000 >
*.poison 1000 <
20 .strpoison store
*.shell 1000 <
20 .mkshell store

*.body 80 >
50 .fdbody store

*.nrg 3000 >
*.robage 2 >
100 .strbody store

*.waste 100 >
.backshoot inc
*.waste .shootval store
-4 shoot store

'-------Children Production---------
*50 1 =
628 .aimsx store
0 50 store

*.nrg 1000 >
*.body 500 >
*.eye5 50 <
628 .aimsx store
50 .repro store
1 50 store
'Change only if there is nothing noteworthy in current eyef
'Order: 9,1,8,2,7,3,6,4,5
*.eyef 0 =
*.eye9 0 !=
9 .focuseye store
*.eye9 0 =
*.eye1 0 !=
1 .focuseye store
*.eye9 0 =
*.eye1 0 =
*.eye8 0 !=
8 .focuseye store
*.eye9 0 =
*.eye1 0 =
*.eye8 0 =
*.eye2 0 !=
2 .focuseye store
*.eye9 0 =
*.eye1 0 =
*.eye8 0 =
*.eye2 0 =
*.eye7 0 !=
7 .focuseye store
*.eye9 0 =
*.eye1 0 =
*.eye8 0 =
*.eye2 0 =
*.eye7 0 =
*.eye3 0 !=
3 .focuseye store
*.eye9 0 =
*.eye1 0 =
*.eye8 0 =
*.eye2 0 =
*.eye7 0 =
*.eye3 0 =
*.eye6 0 =
6 .focuseye store
*.eye9 0 =
*.eye1 0 =
*.eye8 0 =
*.eye2 0 =
*.eye7 0 =
*.eye3 0 =
*.eye6 0 =
*.eye4 0 !=
4 .focuseye store
*.eye9 0 =
*.eye1 0 =
*.eye8 0 =
*.eye2 0 =
*.eye7 0 =
*.eye3 0 =
*.eye6 0 =
*.eye4 0 =
*.eye5 0 !=
0 .focuseye store

*.in1 *.out1 =
*.in2 *.out2 !=
10 .aimsx store

*.in1 *.out1 =
*.in2 *.out2 !=
*.eyef 0 =
100 .aimsx store

'----Pack Motion----
*.in1 *.out1 !=
*.refkills 0 =
*.eyef 0 !=
*.refxpos .out9 store
*.refypos .out10 store

*.in1 *.out1 =
*.in2 *.out2 !=
*.in9 *.in10 mult 0 =
*.in9 *.in10 angle .setaim store

*.eyef 0 =
*.in9 *.in10 mult 0 =
*.xpos *.in9 %=
*.ypos *.in10 %=
0 .out9 store
0 .out10 store
618 rnd .aimsx store
*.maxvel .dn store

*.in1 *.out1 =
*.in2 *.out2 !=
*.in9 *.in10 mult 0 =
*.in9 .out9 store
*.in10 .out10 store

Mutations / Hybrid of the Wiki's tiefeeder tutorial bot and Flitter
« on: March 05, 2014, 04:26:28 PM »
Out of all of my demented hybrids (thanks to Botsareus), this one is by far the best. It both tie-feeds and shoots.
Code: [Select]
 -4 *.eye1 *.eye9 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye8 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye4 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye3 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye2 sub sgn 0 floor mult 4 *.eye9 *.eye8 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye4 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye3 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye2 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add -3 *.eye2 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye2 *.eye8 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye4 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye3 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add 3 *.eye8 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye8 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye8 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye8 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye8 *.eye4 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye8 *.eye3 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye8 *.eye2 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye8 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add -2 *.eye3 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye3 *.eye8 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye3 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye3 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye3 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye3 *.eye4 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye3 *.eye2 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye3 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add 2 *.eye7 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye7 *.eye8 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye7 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye7 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye7 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye7 *.eye4 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye7 *.eye2 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye7 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add -1 *.eye4 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye8 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye7 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye4 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye4 *.eye3 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye2 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add 1 *.eye4 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye8 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye7 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye6 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye4 *.eye3 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye2 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add 0 *.eye5 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye5 *.eye8 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye5 *.eye7 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye5 *.eye6 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye5 *.eye4 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye5 *.eye3 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye5 *.eye2 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye5 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add .focuseye store
 336 .memloc store
 *.nrg 3 div *.body sub dup .strbody store
 - .fdbody store
 *.maxvel .up store
 *.dnalen *.memval sub sgn abs *.eye5 40 sub sgn 0 floor mult .fixpos store
 99 .sharenrg store
 -1 .tieloc store
 -1000 .tieval store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  1 Ends at position  566  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  2 Begins at position  567  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eyef 0 =
 *.numties .memloc store
 .tie inc
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  2 Ends at position  577  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  3 Begins at position  578  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.nrg 3000 >
 *.body 100 >
 50 300 1 rnd 2 mult add .dx store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  3 Ends at position  595  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  4 Begins at position  596  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.dnalen *.memval !=
 *.refnrg 0 >
 314 rnd *.aim add .setaim store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  4 Ends at position  611  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  5 Begins at position  612  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.numties 2 >
 .deltie inc
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  5 Ends at position  619  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  6 Begins at position  620  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.nrg 3000 >
 *.body 100 <
 100 *.body sub .strbody store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  6 Ends at position  633  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  7 Begins at position  634  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 0 >
 *.myeye *.refeye !=
 *.maxvel *.vel sub 2 div .up store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  7 Ends at position  649  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  8 Begins at position  650  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.myeye *.refeye !=
 *.eye5 0 >
 *.refxpos *.refypos angle .setaim store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  8 Ends at position  663  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  9 Begins at position  664  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 1000 >
 *.dnalen *.memval !=
 *.reffixed 0 !=
 *.nrg 10 div .shootval store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  9 Ends at position  680  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  10 Begins at position  681  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 40 >
 *.dnalen *.memval !=
 *.reffixed 0 !=
 -6 .shoot store
 .tie inc
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  10 Ends at position  697  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  11 Begins at position  698  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 40 >
 *.dnalen *.memval !=
 *.reffixed 0 =
 .shootval inc
 216 .shoot store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  11 Ends at position  714  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  12 Begins at position  715  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.nrg 1000 >
 45 .repro store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  12 Ends at position  723  '''''''''''''''''''''''

Mutations / Hybrid of a tiefeeder and Alga Chloroplastus
« on: March 05, 2014, 02:59:13 PM »
This was made with Bot's manual crossover app. It actually responds to day/night- it gos sex-wild in day, sits there at night. It, of course, produces chloroplasts.

Code: [Select]
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 *.eye5 0 =
 .aimleft inc
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  1 Ends at position  37  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  2 Begins at position  38  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 0 !=
 *.refxpos *.refypos angle .setaim store
 *.refveldx .dx store
 *.eye5 20 <
 *.refxpos *.refypos dist 1 .mkchlr store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  2 Ends at position  60  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  3 Begins at position  61  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.body 50 >=
 0 inc
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  3 Ends at position  67  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  4 Begins at position  68  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.nrg 30000 >
 .mrepro inc
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  4 Ends at position  75  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  5 Begins at position  76  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.nrg 10000 >
 *.body 1000 >
 1 .strbody store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  5 Ends at position  87  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  6 Begins at position  88  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.nrg 10000 >
 *.body 3999 >
 *.nrg 1000 >
 50 .repro store
 32 .aimright store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  6 Ends at position  105  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  7 Begins at position  106  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.refxpos 0 >
 *.chlr *.light <
 *.daytime 1 =
 -8 .shoot store
 30 .sexrepro store
 100 .dn store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  7 Ends at position  126  '''''''''''''''''''''''[code]

Untagged bots / Przykrość 2.0 [Vexator](F3)(MysticalDumpling)1.3.14
« on: March 01, 2014, 06:41:39 AM »
Przykrość, but completely revamped, in/out removed and with Quickdraw's repro trick. Hopes it does better!

Code: [Select]
def maxpop 971
def type 972

50 .repro store
341 .aimsx store
500 .dn store
500 .dx store
*.thisgene .delgene store
1 rnd .type store

50 .repro store
341 .aimsx store
500 .dn store
500 .dx store
*.thisgene .delgene store

50 .repro store
341 .aimsx store
500 .dn store
500 .dx store
*.thisgene .delgene store

50 .repro store
341 .aimsx store
500 .dn store
500 .dx store
*.thisgene .delgene store

50 .repro store
341 .aimsx store
500 .dn store
500 .dx store
*.thisgene .delgene store

'1-gene, but not SStr format.
*.numties sgn abs .deltie mult inc

*.body 15 >
*.nrg 300 > and
*.totalmyspecies .maxpop 2 mult < and
314 rnd .aimsx store
50 .repro store

*.body 30 >
10 .fdbody store
*.nrg 500 >
10 .strbody store

*.robage 0 =
50 rnd 0 mod 2 rnd 1 floor mult *.type store
314 rnd .aimdx store
700 .maxpop store
*.maxvel .dn store
'Choose type                             
*.robage 0 =
50 rnd 1 floor 0 =
1 rnd .type store

'Turn and move
*.eyef 0 >
*.myshoot *.refshoot !=
*.refxpos *.refypos angle .setaim store
*.refvelup 0 >
*.refveldx .dx store
30 *.refvelup add *.maxvel ceil .up store

'Turn if I see cons or nothin'
*.eyef 0 =
*.myshoot *.refshoot !=
20 .aimsx store

'Hey... Food! Lemme at 'im
*.myshoot *.refshoot !=
*.eyef 1000 >
*.type 0 =
-6 .shoot store

*.myshoot *.refshoot !=
*.eyef 1000 >
*.type 1 =
-1 .shoot store

*.pain 100 >
*.pain .dx store

-4 *.eye1 *.eye9 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye8 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye4 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye3 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye2 sub sgn 0 floor mult 4 *.eye9 *.eye8 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye4 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye3 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye2 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add -3 *.eye2 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye2 *.eye8 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye4 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye3 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add 3 *.eye8 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye8 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye8 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye8 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye8 *.eye4 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye8 *.eye3 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye8 *.eye2 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye8 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add -2 *.eye3 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye3 *.eye8 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye3 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye3 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye3 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye3 *.eye4 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye3 *.eye2 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye3 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add 2 *.eye7 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye7 *.eye8 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye7 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye7 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye7 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye7 *.eye4 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye7 *.eye2 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye7 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add -1 *.eye4 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye8 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye7 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye4 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye4 *.eye3 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye2 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add 1 *.eye6 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye6 *.eye8 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye6 *.eye7 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye6 *.eye6 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye6 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye6 *.eye3 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye6 *.eye2 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye6 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add 4 add *.focuseye 4 add sub dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult inc -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult inc -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult inc -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult inc -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult inc -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult inc -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult inc -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult inc -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult inc -- 9 add - dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult dec -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult dec -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult dec -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult dec -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult dec -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult dec -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult dec -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult dec -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult dec --

Interesting behaviour bots / Hitchhiker, Swinging Amoeba (evo)27.2.14
« on: February 27, 2014, 12:59:01 PM »
In an evosim, this pair evolved. One sends out ties and seems to move about with them by making amoebas, and the other latches on for a ride to find food. They are Martian Tanks at 2m cycles.

Code: [Select]
 *.tiepres -3 >
 * stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  1 Ends at position  7  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 453 1000 455 cond
 *.sx 0 =
 .tie inc
 7 .memloc store
 7 dist store
 -2 836 .ploc store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  2 Ends at position  29  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.robage 1 =
 .deltie inc
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  3 Ends at position  37  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.waste 500 >
 -4 .shoot store
 0 .shflav store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  4 Ends at position  49  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.eye1 *.eye2 >=
 *.eye1 *.eye3 >=
 *.eye1 *.eye4 >=
 *.eye1 *.eye5 >=
 *.eye1 *.eye6 >=
 *-668 *.eye1 *.eye7 >=
 *.eye1 *.eye8 >=
 *.eye1 *.eye9 >=
 mult -140 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  5 Ends at position  82  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.eye9 *.eye2 >=
 *.eye9 *.eye3 >=
 *.eye9 *.eye4 >=
 *.eye9 *.eye5 >=
 *.eye9 *.eye6 >=
 *.eye9 *.eye7 >=
 *.eye9 *.eye8 >=
 *.eye9 *.eye1 >=
 140 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  6 Ends at position  113  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.eye2 *.eye9 >=
 *.eye2 *.eye3 >=
 *.eye2 *.eye4 >=
 *.eye2 *.eye5 >=
 *.eye2 *.eye6 >=
 *.eye2 *.eye7 >=
 *.eye2 *.eye8 >=
 *.eye2 *.eye1 >=
 mult -105 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  7 Ends at position  145  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.eye8 *.eye9 >=
 *.eye8 *.eye3 >=
 *.eye8 *.eye4 >=
 *.eye8 *.eye5 >=
 *.eye8 *.eye6 >=
 *.eye8 *.eye7 >=
 *.eye8 *.eye2 >=
 *.eye8 *.eye1 >=
 mult 105 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  8 Ends at position  177  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.eye3 *.eye9 *.eye3 >=
 *.eye8 *.eye3 >=
 *.eye4 >=
 *.eye3 *.eye5 >=
 *.eye3 *.eye6 >=
 *.eye3 *.eye7 >=
 *.eye3 *.eye2 >=
 *.eye3 *.eye1 >=
 mult *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.eye7 *.eye9 >=
 *.eye7 *.eye8 >=
 *.eye7 *.eye4 >=
 *.eye7 *.eye5 >=
 *.eye7 *.eye6 >=
 *.eye7 *.eye3 >=
 *.eye7 *.eye2 >=
 *.eye7 *.eye1 9
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  9 Ends at position  234  ''''''''''''''''''''''' start
 mult 70 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  10 Ends at position  238  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye9 *.eye4 !=
 *.myeye *.refeye >=
 *.eye4 *.eye8 >=
 *.eye4 *.eye7 >=
 *.eye4 *.eye5 >=
 *.eye4 *.eye6 >=
 *.eye3 >=
 *.eye4 *.eye2 >=
 *.eye4 *.eye1 >=
 mult -35 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  11 Ends at position  269  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.eye6 *.eye9 >=
 *.eye6 *.eye8 >=
 *.eye6 *.eye7 >=
 *.eye6 *.eye5 >=
 *.eye6 *.eye4 >=
 *.eye6 *.eye3 >=
 *.eye6 *.eye2 >=
 *.eye6 *.eye1 >=
 mult 35 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  12 Ends at position  301  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *606 *.myeye !=
 *.eye5 *.eye9 >=
 *.eye5 *.eye8 >=
 *.eye5 *.eye7 >=
 *.eye5 *.eye6 >=
 *.eye5 *.eye4 >=
 *.eye5 *.eye3 >=
 *.eye5 *.eye2 >=
 *.eye5 *.eye1 >=
 mult stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  13 Ends at position  332  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 0 >
 *.refeye *.myeye =
 mult 900 rnd 100 add 100 .up store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  14 Ends at position  349  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye1 =
 *.eye2 =
 0 *.eye3 =
 0 *.eye4 =
 0 *.eye5 =
 0 *.eye6 =
 0 *.eye7 =
 0 *.eye8 =
 0 *.eye9 =
 0 *.robage 50 mod =
 0 start
 mult 900 rnd 100 add stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  15 Ends at position  389  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 -2 *.shoot =
 *.eye5 !=
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 mult 500 .up store
 mult 900 rnd and
 add stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  16 Ends at position  410  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.nrg 5100 >
 mult 599 50 inc
 50 .repro store
 100 .strbody store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  17 Ends at position  427  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *50 0 >
 mult 628 50 dec
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  18 Ends at position  437  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 .aimright store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  19 Ends at position  442  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye1 =
 0 *.eye2 =
 0 *.eye3 =
 0 *.eye4 =
 0 *.eye5 =
 0 *.eye6 =
 0 *.eye7 =
 0 *.eye8 =
 0 *.eye9 =
 0 start
 100 .up store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  20 Ends at position  475  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 0 >
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.refxpos *.refypos angle .setaim store
 *.refveldx .dx store
 *.refvelup 30 add .up dec
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  21 Ends at position  497  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 25 >
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.memval -2 !=
 *.refeye 0 !=
 50 .shootval store
 -3 .shoot store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  22 Ends at position  518  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 25 >
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.memval -2 sub sgn abs 1 sub -1 mult *.refeye 0 sub sgn abs 1 sub -1 mult add sgn abs 1 =
 *.refpoison *.refshell 0 start
 16 .shootval store
 -6 .shoot store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  23 Ends at position  559  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 25 >
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.memval sgn sub -2 abs 1 sub -1 mult *.refeye 0 sub sgn abs 1 sub -1 div add sgn abs 1 =
 *.refpoison *.refshell <
 16 .shootval store
 -1 .shoot store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  24 Ends at position  600  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.shflav 0 !=
 *.refpoison *.refshell <
 *.memval -2 =
 *.shang .aimshoot store
 32 .shootval store
 .up store
 0 .shflav store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  25 Ends at position  625  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.shflav 0 !=
 *.refpoison *.refshell %=
 *.memval -2 =
 .aimshoot store
 32 .shootval store
 -6 .shoot store
 0 .shflav store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  26 Ends at position  649  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.shflav 0 !=
 *.memval -2 !=
 *.shang .aimshoot store
 25 .shootval store
 -3 .shoot store
 0 .shflav store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  27 Ends at position  671  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.venom 250 <
 *.nrg 1000 !%=
 .strvenom store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  28 Ends at position  681  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.poison 500 1000 *.nrg <
 50 .mkpoison store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  29 Ends at position  693  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.shell 300 <
 *.nrg 1000 >
 50 .mkshell store

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  30 Ends at position  704  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.fixed add =
 .fixpos dec
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  31 Ends at position  712  '''''''''''''''''''''''

Code: [Select]
*.tiepres 0 >
 *.tiepres 455 1000 .tieval dec
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  1 Ends at position  10  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.robage 0 =
 .tie inc
 7 .memloc store
 7 .vloc store
 -2 .venval store
 7 .ploc store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  2 Ends at position  30  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.robage 1 =
 .deltie inc
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  3 Ends at position  38  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.waste 500 >
 *.waste .shootval store
 -4 .shoot store
 0 .shflav store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  4 Ends at position  53  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.eye1 *.eye2 >=
 *.eye1 *.eye3 >=
 *.eye1 *.eye4 >=
 *.eye1 *.eye5 >=
 *.eye1 *.eye6 >=
 *-668 *.eye1 *.eye7 >=
 *.eye1 *.eye8 >=
 *.eye1 *.eye9 >=
 mult -140 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  5 Ends at position  86  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.eye9 *.eye2 >=
 *.eye9 *.eye3 >=
 *.eye9 *.eye4 >=
 *.eye9 *.eye5 >=
 *.eye9 *.eye6 >=
 *.eye9 *.eye7 *.eye8 *.eye9 >=
 *.eye9 *.eye1 >=
 mult 140 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  6 Ends at position  118  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.eye2 *.eye9 >=
 *.eye2 *.eye3 >=
 *.eye2 *.eye4 >=
 *.eye2 *.eye5 >=
 *.eye2 *.eye6 >=
 *.eye2 *.eye7 >=
 *.eye2 *.eye8 >=
 *.eye2 *.eye1 >=
 mult -105 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  7 Ends at position  150  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.eye8 *.eye9 >=
 *.eye8 *.eye3 >=
 *.eye8 *.eye4 *.eye8 *.eye5 >=
 *.eye8 *.eye6 >=
 *.eye8 *.eye7 >=
 *.eye8 *.eye2 >=
 *.eye8 *.eye1 >=
 mult 105 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  8 Ends at position  181  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.eye3 *.eye9 >=
 *.eye3 *.eye8 >=
 *.eye3 *.eye4 >=
 *.eye3 *.eye5 >=
 *.eye3 *.eye6 >=
 *.eye3 *.eye7 >=
 *.eye3 *.eye2 >=
 *.eye3 over *.eye1 >=
 mult *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.eye7 *.eye9 >=
 *.eye7 *.eye8 >=
 *.eye7 *.eye4 >=
 *.eye7 *.eye5 >=
 *.eye7 *.eye6 >=
 *.eye7 *.eye3 >=
 *.eye7 *.eye2 >=
 *.eye7 *.eye1 >=

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  9 Ends at position  239  ''''''''''''''''''''''' start
 mult 70 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  10 Ends at position  243  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye9 *.eye4 !=
 *.myeye *.refeye >=
 *.eye4 *.eye8 *.eye4 *.eye7 >=
 *.eye4 *.eye5 >=
 *.eye4 *.eye6 >=
 *.eye3 >=
 *.eye4 *.eye2 >=
 *.eye4 *.eye1 >=
 mult -35 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  11 Ends at position  273  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.eye6 *.eye9 >=
 *.eye6 *.eye8 >=
 *.eye6 *.eye7 >=
 *.eye6 *.eye5 >=
 *.eye6 *.eye4 >=
 *.eye6 *.eye3 >=
 *.eye6 *.eye2 >=
 *.eye6 *.eye1 >=
 mult 35 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  12 Ends at position  305  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.eye5 *.eye9 >=
 *.eye5 *.eye8 >=
 *.eye5 *.eye7 >=
 *.eye5 *.eye6 >=
 *.eye5 *.eye4 >=
 *.eye5 *.eye3 >=
 *.eye5 *.eye2 >=
 *.eye5 *.eye1 >=
 mult stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  13 Ends at position  336  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 0 >
 *.refeye *.myeye =
 mult 900 rnd 100 add 100 .up store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  14 Ends at position  353  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye1 =
 0 *.eye2 =
 pyth 0 *.eye3 =
 0 *.eye4 =
 0 *.eye5 =
 0 *.eye6 =
 0 *.eye7 =
 0 *.eye8 =
 0 *.eye9 =
 0 *.robage 50 mod >=
 0 start
 mult 900 rnd 100 add stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  15 Ends at position  394  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 -2 *.shoot =
 0 *.eye5 *.dx *.refeye *.myeye !=
 mult 900 rnd 100 add stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  16 Ends at position  412  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.nrg 5100 >
 abs 628 50 inc
 .repro store
 100 .strbody store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  17 Ends at position  429  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *50 0 >
 mult 628 50 dec
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  18 Ends at position  439  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 .aimright store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  19 Ends at position  444  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye1 =
 0 *.eye2 =
 0 *.eye3 >
 0 *.eye4 =
 0 *.eye5 =
 0 *.eye6 =
 0 *.eye7 =
 0 *.eye8 =
 0 *.eye9 =
 0 else
 100 .aimleft store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  20 Ends at position  477  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 0 >
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.refxpos *.refypos angle .setaim store
 *.refveldx .dx store
 *.refvelup 30 add *.up dec
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  21 Ends at position  499  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 25 >
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.memval -2 !=
 *.refeye -4 !=
 50 .shootval store
 -3 .shoot store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  22 Ends at position  520  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 25 >
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 -2 sub sgn abs 1 sub 16 mult *.refeye 0 sub sgn abs 1 sub -1 mult add sgn abs 1 =
 *.refpoison *.refshell 1 start
 16 .shootval store
 -6 .shoot store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  23 Ends at position  560  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.eye5 25 >
 *.refeye *.myeye !=
 *.memval sgn sub -2 abs 1 sub -1 mult *.refeye 0 sub sqr sgn abs 1 sub -1 sgn abs 1 =
 *.refpoison *.refshell <
 16 .shootval store
 -1 .shoot store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  24 Ends at position  600  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.shflav 0 !=
 *.refpoison *.refshell <
 *.memval -2 =
 *222 .aimshoot store
 32 .shootval store
 -1 .shoot store
 0 .shflav store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  25 Ends at position  624  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 0 *.shflav *.refpoison *.refshell inc
 *.memval -2 =
 *.shang .aimshoot store
 32 .shootval store
 -6 .shoot store
 0 .shflav store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  26 Ends at position  648  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.shflav 0 !=
 *.memval -2 !=
 *.shang .aimshoot store
 25 .shootval store
 -3 .shoot store
 0 .shflav store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  27 Ends at position  670  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.venom clear <
 *.nrg 1000 >
 50 .strvenom store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  28 Ends at position  682  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.poison 500 1000 *.nrg <
 50 .mkpoison store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  29 Ends at position  694  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.shell 300 <
 *.nrg 1016 >
 38 .mkshell store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  30 Ends at position  706  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.fixed 1 =

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  31 Ends at position  710  ''''''''''''''''''''''' start
 .fixpos dec
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  32 Ends at position  714  '''''''''''''''''''''''

Its the closest to symbiosis I ever seen, as well as evolved tie locomotion. I used F1 default costs but no tie costs.
Hitchhiker's native locomotion quickly mutates to a much more effective one- guess I chose the defunc strain  :P However, the new strain doesn't rely on the amoeba to locomote, making it less interesting

Mutations / Evolved Tribolis (F2MB/F3MB)(evo)(mut)(MysticalDumpling)25.2.14
« on: February 25, 2014, 06:59:45 PM »
Code: [Select]
#generation: 94
'#mutations: 101
 0 =
 .tie inc
 654 .out1 store
 1 999 store
 654 .tout1 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  1 Ends at position  16  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.robage 1 %=
 628 .aimright store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  2 Ends at position  27  '''''''''''''''''''''''
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  3 Ends at position  29  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 0 *.numties start
 *.tin9 ++ .tout9 store
 dist stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  4 Ends at position  39  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.numties 0 =
 .tout9 store
 3 999 store
 50 .repro store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  5 Ends at position  53  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *999 1 =
 10 *.tout9 3 mult add *.vel sub .up store
 628 .fixang store
 *.eye9 sub sgn mult floor 0 *.eye1 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye5 sub sgn mult *.eye1 *.eye4 add sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye3 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye2 sub dup 0 floor mult 4 *.eye9 *.eye8 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye5 0 sgn ~ ^ sub mult *.eye9 *.eye4 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye3 sub sgn 0 !=
 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye2 sub sgn 0 ceil mult *.eye9 *.eye1 sub sgn mult sgn ++ add -3 *.eye2 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye2 *.eye8 sub sgn 0 floor *.eye2 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.trefnrg sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye4 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye3 sub sgn 0 floor *.eye2 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ add mult sub 3 *.eye8 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye8 *.eye7 sub angle sgn 0 floor *.eye8 *.reffixed sub sgn 0 floor mult *.tin9 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye8 *.eye4 sub sgn 0 xor
 floor mult *.eye8 *.eye3 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye8 *555 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye8 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add -2 *.eye3 *.eye9 swap sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye3 *.eye8 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye3 *.eye7 sub floor 0 sgn mult *.eye3 *.eye6 floor sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye3 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye3 *.eye4 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye3 *.eye2 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye3 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye7 !~=
 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye7 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye7 *.eye6 sub over 0 floor mult *.eye7 *.eye5 sub sub 0 floor *.eye4 *.eye7 mult sub sgn !~=
 ++ sgn mult *.eye7 *.eye2 *.refypos ++ *.eye7 mult sgn *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add -1 *.eye4 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ mult sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye7 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor *.eye5 *.eye4 mult sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye4 <
 *.eye3 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye2 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye1 sub sgn ++
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  6 Ends at position  461  ''''''''''''''''''''''' start
 sgn mult add 1 *.eye4 ++ angle sub sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye8 sgn ++ sgn clear *.eye4 *.eye7 sub abs ++ sgn mult *.eye4 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye5 sub over 0 floor mult *.eye4 *.eye3 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye2 sub sgn ++ abs mult *.eye4 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add 0 *.eye5 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye5 *.eye8 sub sgn dec
 ++ sgn mult *.eye5 *.eye7 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye5 *.eye6 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye5 *.eye4 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye5 *.eye3 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye5 *.eye2 sub sgn ++
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  7 Ends at position  569  ''''''''''''''''''''''' else
 mult *.eye5 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn add add .focuseye store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  8 Ends at position  582  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *999 1 =
 *.eyef 0 >
 *.in1 *.out1 !=
 *.refxpos *.refypos angle .setaim store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  9 Ends at position  599  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *999 1 =
 *.eyef *.in1 =
 *.out1 =
 *.shang .aimright store
 .shflav store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  10 Ends at position  614  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.in1 *.out1 !=
 *.eye5 dec
 40 >
 *999 1 =
 4 *.reffixed 28 mult add 14 store
 -6 *.refshell sgn 5 mult add .shoot store
 *.veldx .sx store
 *.vel 2 sub .dn store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  11 Ends at position  650  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *999 2 =
 *.tout9 3 mult *.vel sub .up store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  12 Ends at position  663  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *999 >
 100 *.mkshell =
 2 start
 *.waste .shootval store
 -4 .shoot store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  13 Ends at position  678  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *999 2 =
 *.eye5 18
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  14 Ends at position  684  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.in1 start
 *.out1 4 *.reffixed 28 mult add .shootval store
 -1 -17 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  15 Ends at position  701  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *999 311 10 *.tout9 750 *.body =
 mult add >
 20 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  16 Ends at position  716  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *999 3 =
 *.in1 *.out1 !=
 *.eye5 30 >
 0 =
 .shootval inc
 216 .shoot store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  17 Ends at position  735  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *999 3 =
 *.shflav 0 =
 *.eyef 0 ~=
 *.in1 or
 *.out1 start
 *.trefxpos *.trefypos angle 628 add .setaim store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  18 Ends at position  758  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *999 3 =
 *.reffixed 0 >
 *.eye5 30 .shoot store
 896 .dn store
 .vloc store
 *.venom .shootval store
 -3 .shoot store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  19 Ends at position  781  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *999 3 =
 *.in1 *.out1 =
 0 !=
 *.shang .aimright store
 .shflav store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  20 Ends at position  797  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.shflav -1 =
 50 *.poison sub .mkpoison store
 7 834 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  21 Ends at position  810  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.numties 1 =
 *999 1 =
 *.nrg . dec
 *.eye5 30 <
 *.robage 25 >
 2 999 store
 50 .repro store
 314 .aimright inc
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  22 Ends at position  838  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 0 0 cond
 *998 *.nrg >
 *.numties >
 .tout9 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  23 Ends at position  851  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.tin1 !=
 -1 .tieloc store
 -1000 .tieval store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  24 Ends at position  862  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.timer 50 mod 1 =
 angle start
 10 .shareshell store

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  25 Ends at position  873  ''''''''''''''''''''''' start

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  26 Ends at position  874  ''''''''''''''''''''''' start
 40 .stifftie store
 100 .tielen store
 -15 *999 3 sub sgn abs -- drop mult .eye5width store
 *999 .tout2 store
 *.numties 998 store
 *999 2 sub sgn abs -- abs 314 mult *.timer 2 mod 2 mult -- mult dup .aimshoot inc
 525 50 .sharenrg store
 50 dropbool
 500 *.tout9 10 mult add *.body clear -- dup .strbody store
 - .fdbody store
 .fixpos store
 .backshot store
 *.mkvirus 340 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  27 Ends at position  945  '''''''''''''''''''''''

It still functions as a MB, but does a lot of strange things
It starts out as a bibot that both tiefeeds and shots. Reproduction causes it to fall apart into little blobs of tied bots. It is actually rather effective- but it dies out quick if the smaller offspring don't fling over to food

Internet Mode Commentary / IM is kinda, sorta working
« on: February 25, 2014, 04:53:58 PM »
However, go to,6285.msg1389000.html#msg1389000 Unzip in the main Darwinbots folder, not any of the subfolders and create the subfolder IM, with 2 folders inside that- inbound and outbound. It is rather large, though. So far, do not put spaces in your IM username.

Suggestions / Free Radicals and chloroplasts
« on: February 25, 2014, 04:24:29 PM »
From my limited knowledege of biology, chloroplasts produce huge amounts of free radicals, and high light intensity drives up the equivalent of point mutations. So:

-If a bot has chloroplasts, boost mutation rates linearly
-Free radicals can also be expressed as special waste
-This radical waste also affects memory, making it super-nasty. It should have a much lower threshold.
-If a bot is in a high-light position, (turn body, ect. into radicals, not necessary) as well as just add some
-The amount of slime or shell a bot has decreases the amount of free radicals- or even create a new substance, like the waxy bloom or fuzz found on many Mediterranean plants. 0Even better, create several with different costs, effectivenesses, and other properties [blocking venom, shots, and whatnot]  :D )

This might balance out the chloroplast problem. Also, it would increase the barrier b/w plants and animals- plants would have special functions to get rid of the more toxic free radical waste due to chloroplasts. This most likely mean new sysvars, but not something simple, like just shooting it out. No, veggies should have to go through some sort of metabolism to get rid of it! Maybe intermediate steps, like what real living things do. They must have something to move the waste to the vesicle (but they must form the vesicles, too!) metabolise it into normal waste, then get rid of it, or something like that.

The light function causing damage to bots could also cause interesting behavior, like finding/making shelter

On a completely unrelated note, I just realized the code-box button (the pound sign)  :wub:

RANT / Slow sexrepro
« on: February 25, 2014, 02:49:15 PM »
Heh. I like IM...

Maybe put in some LoveBots and rape/crash/murder some sims.

RANT / Of Many Celebrations! IM is working!
« on: February 24, 2014, 06:26:23 PM »

*now l can put random crap in IM...*

F3 bots / Przykrość [Vexation] (F3)(MysticalDumpling)23.2.14
« on: February 23, 2014, 02:13:56 PM »
This is my first F3 bot. Not all of the features may be working, but it seems to do well. It has
-Fruitfly reproduction gene
-Alpha's hunting mechanisms
'Przykrosc - pain or botherance
'F3 bot that forms clouds of teeny bots
'Uses .body funcs to make tiny high-nrg bots

'Shares potential targets via in/out and a qualifier
'qualifier -1
'x- 3
'y- 4

'-6 shots

Code: [Select]
def bxpos 21
def bypos 22
def hunting 23

0 0 0
'Reproduce, fruit-fly style!
*.body 5 >
*.nrg 80 >
*.maxvel .dn store
50 .repro store

'Handle body and nrg
*.nrg 500 >
50 *.body 10 mult sub 0 floor .strbody store

*.body 20 >
*.body 10 mult 10 sub 0 floor .fdbody store

'Set baby stuff
*.robage 1 =
1886 .out1 store
.deltie inc
314 rnd .aimsx store

'Use in/out to share targets
*.in1 *.out1 =
*.in1 *.bxpos mult *.bypos mult 0 !=
*.out3 .bxpos store
*.out4 .bypos store

'Search for prey
'If there is nothing, use x/ypos defs
'If everything is empty, spin!
*.myup *.refup =
*.eyef 0 =
*.hunting 0 <=
*.bxpos *.bypos mult 0 !=
*.bxpos *.bypos angle .setaim store
1 .hunting store
*.bxpos *.bypos mult 0 =
100 rnd .aimsx store
0 .hunting store

 -4 *.eye1 *.eye9 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye8 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye4 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye3 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye1 *.eye2 sub sgn 0 floor mult 4 *.eye9 *.eye8 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye4 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye3 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye2 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye9 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add -3 *.eye2 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye2 *.eye8 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye4 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye3 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye2 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add 3 *.eye8 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye8 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye8 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye8 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye8 *.eye4 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye8 *.eye3 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye8 *.eye2 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye8 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add -2 *.eye3 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye3 *.eye8 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye3 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye3 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye3 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye3 *.eye4 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye3 *.eye2 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye3 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add 2 *.eye7 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye7 *.eye8 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye7 *.eye7 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye7 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye7 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye7 *.eye4 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye7 *.eye2 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye7 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add -1 *.eye4 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye8 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye7 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye6 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye4 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye4 *.eye3 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye2 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye4 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add 1 *.eye6 *.eye9 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye6 *.eye8 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye6 *.eye7 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye6 *.eye6 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye6 *.eye5 sub sgn 0 floor mult *.eye6 *.eye3 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye6 *.eye2 sub sgn ++ sgn mult *.eye6 *.eye1 sub sgn ++ sgn mult add 4 add *.focuseye 4 add sub dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult inc -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult inc -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult inc -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult inc -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult inc -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult inc -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult inc -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult inc -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult inc -- 9 add - dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult dec -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult dec -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult dec -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult dec -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult dec -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult dec -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult dec -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult dec -- dup sgn -- sgn ++ .focuseye mult dec --

'Withdraw from any pain and report the roundabouts
'This gene is not always functional...
*.pain 100 >
*.xpos .out3 store
*.ypos .out4 store
*.shang .setaim store
1000 .dn store

'Approach prey
*.eyef 0 !=
*.myup *.refup !=
*.refveldx .dx store
*.refvelup 55 add .up store

 *.refup *.myup !=
 *.eyef 2000 >
 *.refxpos *.refypos angle .setaim store
 *.refxpos *.refypos angle *.refaim *.refvel mult 40 *.refxpos *.xpos sub 2 pow *.refypos *.ypos sub 2 pow add sqr div mult 60 *.focuseye mult mult .aimdx store
 *.refxpos *.refypos angle `(*.refaim *.aim sub abs mult) .aimshoot store
 *.refvelup .up store
 -6 .shoot store


The Gene depository / Powerful half-evolved shooting gene
« on: February 22, 2014, 04:42:22 PM »
This evolved froma complex web of Blue On Blue evolution sims- whatever it is, it works well! I do not know how evolved it is, exactly.

*.eyef 0 !=
 *.refxpos *.refypos angle .setaim store
 *.refxpos *.refypos angle *.refxpos *.refypos dist 700 div *.maxvel mult *.refvelup add 9 floor *.maxvel mult .up store
 *.veldx .sx store
 -6 .shoot store
 *.nrg 50 div 20 floor 1000 ceil 15 store

However, you have to add a conspec line to the top.


F1 bots / Evolved BlueOnBlue Evolved(F2,F1,evo)(MysticalDumpling)21-2-14
« on: February 21, 2014, 06:07:23 PM »
Apparently, the wiki was right- this rather powerful bot formed at the extreme edge of the environment. I put a copy of the first BlueonBlue evo sim under very high gravity, and this formed. Sadly, the bots were overcome after about 3h. (It is very hard to reproduce when there was no falling vegs to tie to.)

Since it was started in a new program, the generations and mutations are a bit off.

Again, I do not know why this works better than the original, other than breakdown of certain "useless" genes. Be warned- sometimes these can be cannibotistic (very weak conspec)

Code: [Select]
'#generation: 39
'#mutations: 14
 *.robage 3 =
 .tie inc
 100 .shell store
 600 986 store
 1000 985 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  1 Ends at position  16  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.in1 0 !=
 *.in1 *.out1 <
 *.in1 .out1 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  2 Ends at position  28  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.in2 0 !=
 *.in2 *.out2 !=
 *.in2 .out2 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  3 Ends at position  40  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.robage 5 >
 *.memval *.genes *.refbody *986 >
 *.refbody 30000
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  4 Ends at position  52  ''''''''''''''''''''''' else
 986 inc

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  5 Ends at position  55  '''''''''''''''''''''''
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  6 Ends at position  57  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 ceil 30000 *.refbody *.robage 5 >
 *.memval *.genes <
 *.refnrg *985 >
 *.refnrg store
 *.refnrg 30000 ceil .out2 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  7 Ends at position  78  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.robage 5 >
 *.memval *.genes =
 986 *.in3 stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  8 Ends at position  88  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.in3 .out3 store
 *.robage 5 >
 *.memval ceil =
 *.in4 *985 >
 2 *.in4 985 store
 *860 .out4 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  9 Ends at position  111  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *0 5 >
 *.memval *.genes =
 *.shflav -1 =
 200 50 *.poison *.nrg <
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  10 Ends at position  131  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.ploc 7 !=
 7 .ploc store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  11 Ends at position  140  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.refage *987 *.robage 0 !=
 *.aim 280 add .setaim store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  12 Ends at position  153  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.memval *.genes =
 *.refage 0 >
 *.eye5 0 pow >
 angle 280 add *.setaim store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  13 Ends at position  170  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *987 *.refage !=
 *.robage 0 !=
 *.memval *.genes !=
 *.refxpos *.refypos angle .setaim store
 *.refxpos *.refypos angle *.refxpos *.refypos dist 700 div *.maxvel mult *.refvelup add 9 floor *.maxvel mult .up store
 *.veldx .sx store
 -6 .shoot store
 *.nrg 50 div 20 floor 1000 ceil 15 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  14 Ends at position  220  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *990 0 !=
 *.aim *71 628 add .setaim store
 990 dec
 1 .deltie store
 0 .shoot store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  15 Ends at position  240  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.refage !=
 *.robage 0 !=

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  16 Ends at position  246  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.genes =
 *.aim 628 add .setaim store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  17 Ends at position  256  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *987 *.refage <
 *.robage 0 !=
 *.nrg *985 >
 *.body *974 >
 *990 0 =
 25 .repro store
 628 mod .setaim store
 1 990 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  18 Ends at position  284  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 angle *.tiepres 0 *.memval or
 0 start
 *.tiepres .deltie store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  19 Ends at position  296  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.shell 30 <
 *.shflav 3 =
 *.shflav -3 =
 *.shell 32000 <
 *.nrg 1000 >
 100 *.shell sub .shell store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  20 Ends at position  322  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.body 31901 <
 *.nrg >
 100 .strbody store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  21 Ends at position  333  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.nrg 300 <
 100 .fdbody store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  22 Ends at position  342  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.robage 32000 =
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  23 Ends at position  348  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.waste 50 >
 *.memval *265 !=
 dist -4 .shoot store

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  24 Ends at position  359  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  25 Ends at position  360  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.fixpos 0 >
 .fixpos dec
 0 *.delgene
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  26 Ends at position  370  '''''''''''''''''''''''
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  27 Ends at position  372  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 0 340 *.up stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  28 Ends at position  377  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.shoot -2 =
 0 .shoot store
 << 0 floor .shootval store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  29 Ends at position  391  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.paralyzed 0 >
 0 763 store
 0 8 *984 0 !=

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  30 Ends at position  404  ''''''''''''''''''''''' start
 0 997 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  31 Ends at position  409  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 div cond
 *981 0 =
 *.memval *.genes !=
 *.refaimsx *.myaimsx <
 *987 *.refage !=
 *.robage 0 !=
 *.refeye 0 !=
 953 sub *.refaimsx *.myaimsx stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  32 Ends at position  436  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *981 0 =
 *.memval *.genes !=
 *.refaimdx *.myaimdx <
 *987 *.refage !=
 *.refeye -1 !=
 *.myaimdx *.refaimdx sub 980 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  33 Ends at position  460  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *979 0 *.genes *.memval =
 *.refeye *.myeye << <
 *956 *.refage !=
 *.robage 0 !=
 *.refeye 0 inc
 *.myeye sub 979 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  34 Ends at position  487  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.genes dec
 mult *.fixed 216 340 *318 sub dup div mult *.robage sgn mult store
 .genes inc
 368 .memloc store
 *136 *.refage 987 store


F1 bots / BlueOnBlue evolved(evo)(F1)(MysticalDumpling)20-2-14
« on: February 20, 2014, 05:19:09 PM »
This is BlueOnBlue evolved for 80k cycles- there used to be huge diversity, but it almost hit 0 when this formed. I got it in a size 5 sim with a running alga and F1 default costs.

I wonder how well it will run against an f1 bot...
Code: [Select]
'#generation: 41
'#mutations: 34
 *.robage 0 =
 .tie inc
 100 .shell store
 600 986 store
 1000 985 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  1 Ends at position  16  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.in1 0 !=
 *.in1 *.out1 !=
 *.in1 .out1 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  2 Ends at position  28  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.in2 0 !=
 *.in2 *.out2 !=
 *.in2 .out2 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  3 Ends at position  40  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.robage 5 >
 *.memval *.genes !=
 *.refbody *986 >
 *.refbody 30000 ceil 986 store
 *.refbody 30000 ceil .out1 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  4 Ends at position  62  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.robage 5 >
 *.memval *.genes !=
 *.refnrg *985 >
 *.refnrg 30000 ceil 985 store
 *.refnrg 30000 ceil .out2 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  5 Ends at position  84  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.robage 5 >
 *.memval *.genes =
 *.in3 *986 >
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  6 Ends at position  95  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.in3 986 store
 *.in3 .out3 store
 *.robage 5 >
 *.memval *.genes =
 *.in4 *985 >
 *.in4 985 store
 *.in4 .out4 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  7 Ends at position  120  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *0 0 >
 *.memval *.genes =
 *.shflav -1 =
 *.poison 50 200 *.nrg <
 100 *.poison sub .mkpoison store
 0 inc
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  8 Ends at position  147  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.ploc 7 !=
 7 .ploc store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  9 Ends at position  156  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.refage *987 *.robage 0 !=
 *.aim 280 add .setaim store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  10 Ends at position  170  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.memval *.genes =
 *.refage 0 >
 *.eye5 0 >
 angle 280 add .setaim store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  11 Ends at position  186  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *987 *.refage !=
 *.robage 0 !=
 *.memval *.genes !=
 *.refxpos *.refypos angle .setaim store
 *.refxpos *.refypos angle *.refxpos *.refypos dist 700 div *.maxvel mult *.refvelup add 9 floor *.maxvel ceil .up store
 *.veldx .sx store
 -6 .shoot store
 *.nrg 50 div 20 floor 1000 ceil .shootval store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  12 Ends at position  236  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *990 0 !=
 *.aim 628 add .setaim store
 990 dec
 1 .deltie store
 0 .shoot store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  13 Ends at position  255  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.robage 1 *.refage !=
 *.robage 0 !=
 *.memval *.genes =
 *.aim 628 add .setaim store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  14 Ends at position  273  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *987 *.refage =
 *.robage 0 !=
 *.nrg *985 >
 *.body *974 >
 *990 0 =
 25 .repro store
 628 mod .setaim store
 1 990 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  15 Ends at position  301  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.tiepres 0 >
 *.numties 0 >
 *.tiepres .deltie store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  16 Ends at position  314  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.shell 30 <
 *.shflav 3 =
 *.shflav -3 =
 *.shell 32000 <
 *.nrg 1000 >
 100 *.shell sub .shell store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  17 Ends at position  339  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.body 31901 <
 *.nrg 1000 >
 100 .strbody store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  18 Ends at position  351  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.nrg 300 <
 100 .fdbody store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  19 Ends at position  360  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.robage 32000 =
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  20 Ends at position  366  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.waste 50 >
 *.memval *265 !=
 dist -4 .shoot store

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  21 Ends at position  377  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  22 Ends at position  378  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.fixpos 0 >
 .fixpos dec
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  23 Ends at position  386  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.delgene 0 !=
 0 .delgene store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  24 Ends at position  395  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.shoot -2 =
 0 .shoot store
 << 0 .shootval store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  25 Ends at position  408  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.paralyzed 0 >
 0 .mkshell store
 0 .shootval store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  26 Ends at position  420  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *984 0 !=
 0 984 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  27 Ends at position  429  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *981 0 =
 *.memval *.genes !=
 *.refaimsx *.myaimsx <
 *987 *.refage !=
 *.robage 0 !=
 *.refeye 0 !=
 953 sub *.refaimsx *.myaimsx stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  28 Ends at position  455  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *981 0 =
 *.memval *.genes !=
 *.refaimdx *.myaimdx <
 *987 *.refage !=
 0 !=
 *.refeye 0 !=
 *.myaimdx *.refaimdx sub 980 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  29 Ends at position  480  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *979 0 *.genes *.memval =
 *.refeye *.myeye << <
 *956 *.refage !=
 *.robage 0 !=
 *.refeye 0 inc
 *.myeye sub 979 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  30 Ends at position  507  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 *.genes 340 216 *.fixed mult dec
 *.thisgene sub dup div mult *.robage sgn mult store
 .genes inc
 341 .memloc store
 *136 *.refage 987 store
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  31 Ends at position  534  '''''''''''''''''''''''

Bugs and fixes / DEf limit?
« on: February 14, 2014, 07:53:26 PM »
I tried to create a bot to see whether eyeval evolution has an effet. Half of the defs are 0 in the sim. Helpings?

'Evals (stored in epigemem)
def e1w 971
def e2w 972
def e3w 973
def e4w 974
def e5w 975
def e6w 976
def e7w 977
def e8w 978
def e9w 979

def e1 980
def e2 981
def e3 982
def e4 983
def e5 984
def e6 985
def e7 986
def e8 987
def e9 988

'If it is 1, coose random eyevals
def ie1w 21
def ie2w 22
def ie3w 23
def ie4w 24
def ie5w 25
def ie6w 26
def ie7w 27
def ie8w 28
def ie9w 29

def ie1 30
def ie2 31
def ie3 32
def ie4 33
def ie5 34
def ie6 35
def ie7 36
def ie8 37
def ie9 38

*.robage 0 =
1 rnd .ie1 store
1 rnd .ie1 store
1 rnd .ie2 store
1 rnd .ie3 store
1 rnd .ie4 store
1 rnd .ie5 store
1 rnd .ie6 store
1 rnd .ie7 store
1 rnd .ie8 store
1 rnd .ie9 store
1 rnd .iew1 store
1 rnd .iew2 store
1 rnd .iew3 store
1 rnd .iew4 store
1 rnd .iew5 store
1 rnd .iew6 store
1 rnd .iew7 store
1 rnd .iew8 store
1 rnd .iew9 store

-1221 1221 rnd *.iew1 .ew1 mult store
-1221 1221 rnd *.iew2 .ew2 mult store
-1221 1221 rnd *.iew3 .ew3 mult store
-1221 1221 rnd *.iew4 .ew4 mult store
-1221 1221 rnd *.iew5 .ew5 mult store
-1221 1221 rnd *.iew6 .ew6 mult store
-1221 1221 rnd *.iew7 .ew7 mult store
-1221 1221 rnd *.iew8 .ew8 mult store
-1221 1221 rnd *.iew9 .ew9 mult store

-1221 1221 rnd *.ie1 .ew1 mult store
-1221 1221 rnd *.ie2 .ew2 mult store
-1221 1221 rnd *.ie3 .ew3 mult store
-1221 1221 rnd *.ie4 .ew4 mult store
-1221 1221 rnd *.ie5 .ew5 mult store
-1221 1221 rnd *.ie6 .ew6 mult store
-1221 1221 rnd *.ie7 .ew7 mult store
-1221 1221 rnd *.ie8 .ew8 mult store
-1221 1221 rnd *.ie9 .ew9 mult store

*.e1 521 store
*.e2 522 store
*.e3 523 store
*.e4 524 store
*.e5 525 store
*.e6 526 store
*.e7 527 store
*.e8 528 store
*.e9 529 store

*.ew1 531 store
*.ew2 532 store
*.ew3 533 store
*.ew4 534 store
*.ew5 535 store
*.ew6 536 store
*.ew7 537 store
*.ew8 538 store
*.ew9 539 store

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