Darwinbots Forum

Bots and Simulations => Bestiary => Untagged bots => Topic started by: gymsum on May 20, 2008, 11:15:08 PM

Title: Preying Plankton
Post by: gymsum on May 20, 2008, 11:15:08 PM
I built this bot somehow and I wish I could have made a propper hunter gene basis, but its simply more efficient for veggies to use forcefull tactics. It starts as a blob as was first programed to do; the blob has its own id. Once the ties harden, the blob uses a contiunous kinetic source from the tie strechyness. Sometimes the blob fails to activate until something bumbs it; once chaos is started, the energy is continuously reused to produce movement. I don't want to say how I managed to make it do what it is does because thats my secret, but I will admit that it often has problems with tieing too much, this can cause blobs to improerly form. It has two stages of complete cycles; spinning motion causes the external bots to launch offspring; when two blobs meet they will atempt to sexually reproduce; blobs will not mate with same blobids. Regardless, all blobs build up poisons and venom to blind and rid enemy feeders. For this bot, I have to say it is finished. THe improper genes actually leave a window for them to form improperly, but the genes should correct it if it be a problem. If the starts fly off after the ratial genes can be set, the 'starts' will fail to produce a blob.
Title: Preying Plankton
Post by: bacillus on May 21, 2008, 03:52:36 AM
Now that's a cool bot. By the way, one of the blobs just exploded in a mass of abnormally huge movement vectors, no mutations whatsoever. What's happening there?
Title: Preying Plankton
Post by: gymsum on May 21, 2008, 09:14:17 AM
Quote from: bacillus
Now that's a cool bot. By the way, one of the blobs just exploded in a mass of abnormally huge movement vectors, no mutations whatsoever. What's happening there?

If a predator succesfully destroys any of the blob, chaos can cause the blob to run out of control, and the ties rupture. Its sort of a problem with the Seasnake, but its one of its defenses. I figure a spinning smaller bot blob is harder to hit than a buch of floating ones, but if it isn't the blob will attempt. I don't really know where its programed in the DNA for this to happen, but I remember deciding that it would be important for the species, so that the disrupted blob has a chance to start new ones; almost like a giant seed dispersal system. One of the most important features, is its memory. Once every ten cyckes it remembers a loacation which is used to move the bot back and forth so to say; that way the blob has some momentum away from where it just was. Let mutations go and you'll find soem really cool blob formations. Ran it on IE last night and Seasnake finally took over, but this plant had the seasnake well below normal populations I think; only weakness is I have no viral protection.

Glad you like it; should have called it the golfer because it kind of sets up seeds to be hit by the spinning blob.
Title: Preying Plankton
Post by: bacillus on May 22, 2008, 02:20:09 AM
There was no other bots on the map, by the way. The repro threshold was 2500 and the map size 8 though.
Title: Preying Plankton
Post by: gymsum on May 22, 2008, 09:53:18 AM
Quote from: bacillus
There was no other bots on the map, by the way. The repro threshold was 2500 and the map size 8 though.

Not sure then, I used XOR operators in the conditions, could be something happened in the eye or tie info that caused the tielen to shoot out and the ties broke.... Not to sure about that one... Are you running it in pond mode?
Title: Preying Plankton
Post by: bacillus on May 23, 2008, 12:34:22 AM
No, that could be the problem. How does that affect the bot?
Title: Preying Plankton
Post by: gymsum on May 24, 2008, 10:05:32 AM
Hmm... Im not sure. I always develop for pond mode; low-med friction... It remebers a location once every cycle and uses that past spot to produce forward momentum. It could be the friction is too high and/or a problem with how I wrote the code. It used to store to .vel but I tryed to fix it many times.
Title: Preying Plankton
Post by: gymsum on July 04, 2008, 02:26:05 PM
*.vel *.trefvel sub *.timer add mod 20 rnd 1 2 mult mod *.tin5 *.tielen mult *.mass mult *.eyef mod *.tin10 add *.numties *.tiepres add mult add .fixlen store

so it could have been this error here:
*.vel *.trefvel sub *.timer add mod 20 rnd 1 2 mult mod *.tin5 *.tielen mult *.mass mult *.eyef mod *.tin10 add *.numties *.tiepres add mult add .fixlen store
45 .stifftie store .fixlen store
45 .stifftie store

I removed the double stiftie store, and the redundant fixlen store. My guess is that somewhere the 45 from stifftie and the fixlen value found before were added or multiplied or something. I've managed to correct this in the next release of Plankton Kinetic. Also I still manage to find a new behavior every test, so Im going to try and figure out a way to get these behaviors ingrained as being able to be selected based on specification. For now tho, it acts just how I like it, so I may not change it beyond this third release.
Title: Re: Preying Plankton
Post by: Botsareus on April 30, 2014, 03:44:09 PM
Two reasons it is being moved to untagged.
1.) It no longer qualifies as Vegy.
2.) It is formatted wrong.