Evolution and Internet Sharing Sims / Results of 18 million cycles of evolution
« on: March 29, 2009, 09:13:52 AM »
Hi again! It's been a while since I've posted something or even logged on, but I've been reading the board pretty frequently. My time is pretty limited since in I'm in the army at the moment, but I've been running a simulation whenever I'm home.
I remember reading somewhere in the forums that viral evolution can be really fast and interesting so I decided to try it. I modified my first and only league bot to a shepherd bot to provide some evolution pressure and limit population and started a medium sized sim with modified Animal Minimalis and Alga Minimalis. I also tweaked mutation rates to preserve DNA length (default rates provide much more deleting mutations than inserting ones). Later I added a couple of shapes.
First thing I noticed that I had setup the virus all wrong and it quickly disappeared. I still decided to carry on with the sim and see where it would go. So after 17,8 million cycles and 1800 mutations I deciphered the new DNA and found the results somewhat disappointting.
The original DNA was this:
And it turned into:
...which boils down to:
Theres some fuzziness in aiming, but the basic idea is this.
The sims been very stabile for a long while and that probably is the reason for this little evolution. Still, I'm a bit baffled how little 1800 mutations, 18 000 000 cycles and more than 40k generations changed the DNA. On the other hand, this shows that DNA can remain pretty much the same even in highly mutating enviroment of DB and with only 100-200 population.
Next I'm going to get DNA longer by tweaking mutation rates and see if something new will emerge.
Has anyone else had same kind of sims? Also, any thougths on how to spice up the sim are very much appreciated.
The sim is attached.
EDIT: Fixed the cleaned dna, I had missed one store.
I remember reading somewhere in the forums that viral evolution can be really fast and interesting so I decided to try it. I modified my first and only league bot to a shepherd bot to provide some evolution pressure and limit population and started a medium sized sim with modified Animal Minimalis and Alga Minimalis. I also tweaked mutation rates to preserve DNA length (default rates provide much more deleting mutations than inserting ones). Later I added a couple of shapes.
First thing I noticed that I had setup the virus all wrong and it quickly disappeared. I still decided to carry on with the sim and see where it would go. So after 17,8 million cycles and 1800 mutations I deciphered the new DNA and found the results somewhat disappointting.
The original DNA was this:
Code: [Select]
*.eye3 *.eye7 !=
*.eye3 *.eye7 sub .aimsx store
*.vel 10 !=
30 *.vel sub .up store
*.refeye *.myeye !=
*.eye5 0 > and
*.refvelup 30 add .up store
*.refveldx .dx store
*.eye5 50 > and
*.refvelup .up store
-1 .shoot store
*.nrg *.body >
30 .strbody store
*.body *.nrg >
100 .fdbody store
*.nrg 10000 >
33 .repro store
*.nrg 5000 >
*.vtimer 0 = and
*.thisgene .mkvirus store
*.vtimer 1 =
50 .vshoot store
And it turned into:
Code: [Select]
*.eye2 -740 ++ over *.eye7 sqr *.eye7 ++ *.eye3
-- start
sub .aimleft store
-2 abs -4 swap clearbool
*272 -707
~ true
*.refeye store
*.eye5 63 *.refveldx swapbool
.dx store
mod store
~ inc
*.trefvelyourdn 7 dup ceil dec
>> pyth ++ sqr 6894 dropbool
840 .repro store
-394 sqr !=
1 - store
rnd -3 -675 or
*.shoot !~=
*.dx false
...which boils down to:
Code: [Select]
*.eye7 *.eye3 !=
*.eye3 *.eye7 sub .aimleft store
*.refveldx .dx store
*.refeye *.myeye = 'This was -707 ~ *.refeye store, but as alga minimalis and my shepherd have zero eyes, the errect is this.
706 .aimdx store
*.eye5 63 >
.dx inc
.shoot dec
40 .repro store
Theres some fuzziness in aiming, but the basic idea is this.
The sims been very stabile for a long while and that probably is the reason for this little evolution. Still, I'm a bit baffled how little 1800 mutations, 18 000 000 cycles and more than 40k generations changed the DNA. On the other hand, this shows that DNA can remain pretty much the same even in highly mutating enviroment of DB and with only 100-200 population.
Next I'm going to get DNA longer by tweaking mutation rates and see if something new will emerge.
Has anyone else had same kind of sims? Also, any thougths on how to spice up the sim are very much appreciated.
The sim is attached.
EDIT: Fixed the cleaned dna, I had missed one store.