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Topics - EricL Newbie

Pages: [1]
Newbie / Memory shots
« on: March 12, 2006, 02:01:02 PM »
Newbie quesiton.  If I shoot a value into a memory location of another bot  e.g.

.myeye .shoot store
*.myeye .shootval store

how long does this last?  One cycle?  More?  The tutiorial is unclear on this.

If my bot references the value of that memory location the following cycle, will he get the new value or the 'real' value?


Newbie / Delurk
« on: March 09, 2006, 12:06:41 AM »
Hey there.

Okay, first things first.  DB rocks!  I have wanted to do something similar for years since I saw Karl Sim's Connections Machines demos in the 90s!  I've played with Avida and Tierra and even written a few thousands lines of mutation and selection code for Microsoft's .NET Terrarium, but those are either too acedemically focused or not focused on ALife.  I must say that DB is smack on what I've been looking for.  Well done guys.

Okay, second, is there a active Internet FTP bot location for sharing bots?  I have 2.37.6 up and running and would like to just watch different bots from different authors while I learn the language but neither the FTP site in the code nor the IP address in the Internet forum seems to be live.

Again, well done.  I look forward to authoring my own bots and playing around with 2.4.  Yes, at some point I can help with the code too.



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