Darwinbots Forum

Code center => Bugs and fixes => Solved Bugs => Topic started by: Griz on October 27, 2005, 08:12:04 PM

Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Griz on October 27, 2005, 08:12:04 PM
attn Nums!!!!!!!!!

I reported this before.

I keep getting this same runtime error 6 overflow.
in the Senses modual ... lookoccurr routine.
rob(o).vx is out of range.

now ...
you said the following would fix this ...
but you didn't specify if all of this had to be changed or where to insert it.

if abs(rob(o).vx) > rob(o).MaxVel then rob(o).vx = sgn(rob(o).vx) * rob(o).MaxVel
if abs(rob(o).vy) > rob(o).MaxVel then rob(o).vy = sgn(rob(o).vy) * rob(o).MaxVel

rob(n).mem(refvelup) = (rob(o).vx * Cos(rob(n).aim) + rob(o).vy * Sin(rob(n).aim) * -1) - rob(n).mem(velup)
rob(n).mem(refveldn) = rob(n).mem(refvelup) * -1
rob(n).mem(refveldx) = (rob(o).vy * Cos(rob(n).aim) + rob(o).vx * Sin(rob(n).aim)) - rob(n).mem(veldx)
rob(n).mem(refvelsx) = rob(n).mem(refvelsx) * -1

please, please, please, please ...
would you tell me exactly where in the following rountine this code goes ...
because if I put this at the top of the routine ...
I get a compile error ...
"method or data member not found."
and this highlighted:
Public Sub lookoccurr(n As Integer, o As Integer)

you guys want us to be specific when reporting the bugs ....
would you please be as specific with the fixes? ;)

and/or ...
might someone who now has a stable 2.37.4 upload it as 2.37.4b or something.
I sure would like to be running it as well.

thank you

' copies the occurr array of a viewed robot
' in the ref* vars of the viewing one
Public Sub lookoccurr(n As Integer, o As Integer)
  If rob(n).Corpse Then Exit Sub
  Dim t As Byte
  'If rob(n).lastviewed <> rob(o).AbsNum Then
    For t = 1 To 8
      rob(n).mem(occurrstart + t) = rob(o).occurr(t)
    Next t
    rob(n).lastviewed = rob(o).AbsNum
  'End If
  If rob(o).nrg < 32001 Then
    rob(n).mem(occurrstart + 9) = rob(o).nrg
    rob(n).mem(occurrstart + 9) = 32000
  End If
  rob(n).mem(occurrstart + 10) = rob(o).age '.refage
  rob(n).mem(in1) = rob(o).mem(out1)
  rob(n).mem(in2) = rob(o).mem(out2)
  rob(n).mem(711) = rob(o).mem(18)      'refaim
  rob(n).mem(712) = rob(o).occurr(9)    'reftie
  rob(n).mem(refshell) = rob(o).Shell
  rob(n).mem(refbody) = rob(o).body
  rob(n).mem(refypos) = rob(o).mem(217)
  rob(n).mem(refxpos) = rob(o).mem(219)

if abs(rob(o).vx) > rob(o).MaxVel then rob(o).vx = sgn(rob(o).vx) * rob(o).MaxVel
if abs(rob(o).vy) > rob(o).MaxVel then rob(o).vy = sgn(rob(o).vy) * rob(o).MaxVel

  'give reference variables from the bots frame of reference
  rob(n).mem(refvelup) = (rob(o).vx * Cos(rob(n).aim) + rob(o).vy * Sin(rob(n).aim) * -1) - rob(n).mem(velup)
  rob(n).mem(refveldn) = rob(n).mem(refvelup) * -1
  rob(n).mem(refveldx) = (rob(o).vy * Cos(rob(n).aim) + rob(o).vx * Sin(rob(n).aim)) - rob(n).mem(veldx)
  rob(n).mem(refvelsx) = rob(n).mem(refvelsx) * -1
  rob(n).mem(refvelscalar) = CInt((CLng(rob(n).mem(refvelup)) ^ 2 + CLng(rob(n).mem(refveldx)) ^ 2) ^ 0.5)

'replaced following line. overflow
  'rob(n).mem(refvelscalar) = Sqr(rob(n).mem(refvelup) ^ 2 + rob(n).mem(refveldx) ^ 2) ' how fast is this robot

moving compared to me?
  rob(n).mem(713) = rob(o).mem(827)     'refpoison. current value of poison. not poison commands
  rob(n).mem(714) = rob(o).mem(825)     'refvenom (as with poison)
  rob(n).mem(715) = rob(o).kills        'refkills
   If rob(o).Multibot = True Then
    rob(n).mem(refmulti) = 1
    rob(n).mem(refmulti) = 0
  End If
  If rob(n).mem(474) > 0 And rob(n).mem(474) <= 1000 Then 'readmem and memloc couple used to read a

specified memory location of the target robot
    rob(n).mem(473) = rob(o).mem(rob(n).mem(474))
    'rob(n).mem(474) = 0
  End If
  If rob(o).Fixed Then                  'reffixed. Tells if a viewed robot is fixed by .fixpos.
    rob(n).mem(477) = 1
    rob(n).mem(477) = 0
  End If
  rob(n).mem(825) = rob(n).venom
  rob(n).mem(827) = rob(n).poison
End Sub

There, fix should be self evident (unless you're color blind ;))
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 27, 2005, 08:14:58 PM
I've posted changes in your post in red.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 27, 2005, 09:17:41 PM
Griz says it's still crashign so whoever actually attempts to fix this bug in an official version double check over everything.  The idea should be basically sound...
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Ulciscor on October 27, 2005, 09:19:35 PM
OK then, so the fix doesn't work. It's back in reports so people can say what happened, if there was any change using the fix, etc.   ^_^

Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 28, 2005, 09:11:16 AM
OK, this is my task for the day. To figure out what is wrong with this routine.

Has anyone else ever seen this error? and if so, how do I reproduce it because I can't get it to break.  :(
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 28, 2005, 09:14:37 AM
Are we saying that rob(o).vx is a whole lot bigger than it should be?

I'm not seeing it
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 28, 2005, 09:25:31 AM
Probably since you're subtracting velup at the end, and velocity was insanely huge prior, that's where the problem is.

abs(velup) should be less than MaxVel I think.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 28, 2005, 09:27:41 AM
It certainly should.

In fact since the addition of the maxvel variable I don't think I have ever seen an insanely large velocity. That's why I put Maxvel in, to stop this kind of stuff dead. Thought it had!  :(
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 28, 2005, 09:30:18 AM
You could check all the routines that modify velocity to see if they're bounds checked against MaxVel.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 28, 2005, 09:37:44 AM
There is something weird going on here.  :blink:

In this code there is no such thing as .MaxVel

It simply does not exist as a data member of rob() so your lines of code would actually cause a crash.

I added MaxVel as a data member of rob() ages ago so where the F%$# has it gone?  :blink:
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 28, 2005, 10:11:52 AM
I just remembered what happened.

.MaxVel never existed.

maxvel was added as a sysvar and is based on a local variable called "Maxspeed" that is calculated in subroutine "updpos" in the Physics module.

The formula for Maxspeed is

Code: [Select]
Maxspeed = 30 / (.mass / 2)
Since robots are supposed to have a minimum mass of 1, this results in a ceiling value of 60

I have extensively tested the actual speed limit code (also found in the same subroutine) by manually entering all kinds of weird and huge numbers into .vx and/or .vy and can safely say there is nothing wrong with this part of the code.

Code: [Select]
vt = Sqr(.vx ^ 2 + .vy ^ 2)
    If vt > Maxspeed Then     'top speed limit routine 2 changed faster speeds for lower mass robots
       Reduce = vt / Maxspeed
      .vx = .vx / Reduce
      .vy = .vy / Reduce
    End If

So the only thing left is that somehow the mass of the robot is getting too small so that Maxspeed is coming back huge.

So I'm off to test that now.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 28, 2005, 10:42:45 AM
Next update.

Robot mass is defined in routine "updvars2" in the "Robots" module

Code: [Select]
.mass = 1 + (.body / 10000) + (.Shell / 200)   'set value for mass
    Maxspeed = 30 / (.mass / 2) 'Set maximum speed. Absolute max = 60

You will note that the same Maxspeed calculation is in here too. This one is applied to limit acceleration vectors prior to passing the program flow to the afore mentioned "updpos" routine

As you will see from this formula, the only way to make Maxspeed bigger than 60 is to have a mass of less than 1.
this can be achieved in two ways
One way is to have a body size that is large and negative, A body of -10000 would yield infinite Maxvel and would crash the program right here.
Another is for shell to be negative and close to 200 in size.

I have manually put all kinds of values in here and none cause the crashes reported since even a maxspeed value of 32000 doesn't crash anywhere

Since the reported crashes only occur when one robot sees another with a huge velocity, this isn't really surprising. It could go un-noticed for a few cycles before it becomes an issue.

However, a negative body could not go un-noticed as the bot will die on the following cycle.

Negative shell? Now that is a different matter. It won't have any direct effect on the bots life other than dramatically reducing its mass.

The plot thickens and the delving into the code continues. More in a bit.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 28, 2005, 10:57:40 AM
Unable to find any way to make .shell or .body negative. Every test was caught by the automatic limits already in place in the software and set back to a valid value.

The only remote possibility is if the offending robot is a corpse which would allow it to have a negative body (maybe)

I have modified the code in "updvars2" in the robots module as follows


Code: [Select]
With rob(n)
       .mass = 1 + (.body / 10000) + (.Shell / 200)   'set value for mass
    Maxspeed = 30 / (.mass / 2) 'Set maximum speed. Absolute max = 60
    Absaccel = 0                'reset acceleration
    If Abs(.vx) > 32000 Then .vx = 32000 * Sgn(.vx)
    If Abs(.vy) > 32000 Then .vy = 32000 * Sgn(.vy)
    .absvel = Cos(.aim) * .vx * -1 + Sin(.aim) * .vy 'formula changed to give velocity in the direction robot is facing rather than always a positive number. Make *.vel work properly.


Code: [Select]
With rob(n)
    If .Shell < 0 Then .Shell = 0
    If .body < 0 Then .body = 0: .Dead = True
    .mass = 1 + (.body / 10000) + (.Shell / 200)   'set value for mass
    Maxspeed = 30 / (.mass / 2) 'Set maximum speed. Absolute max = 60
    Absaccel = 0                'reset acceleration
    If Abs(.vx) > 32000 Then .vx = 32000 * Sgn(.vx)
    If Abs(.vy) > 32000 Then .vy = 32000 * Sgn(.vy)
    .absvel = Cos(.aim) * .vx * -1 + Sin(.aim) * .vy 'formula changed to give velocity in the direction robot is facing rather than always a positive number. Make *.vel work properly.

This should prevent any possible huge value of Maxspeed ever occuring.
Without huge Maxspeed, you can't have huge speed so the refvel stuff where the error was actually spotted, should be fixed.

I won't move this to the fixed thread yet until the repair is confirmed.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 28, 2005, 10:58:18 AM
Could someone please confirm that Corpses were enabled in sims that produced this fault?
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Testlund on October 28, 2005, 11:04:12 AM
I allways have corpses turned on so it could very well be. But I'm getting a little confused here now. You're talking about more than one solution here for the same overflow error, is that right? I've lost track what to change first. see my post 'Still get overflows' where you mension another solution.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 28, 2005, 11:12:31 AM
Not more than one fix.

Num's idea in the other thread is a work-around. It addresses the symptom without finding the root cause.

This fix here will stop the robots moving too fast in the first place so the other issue will never even arise.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Testlund on October 28, 2005, 11:25:35 AM
So... These are not needed anymore?

if abs(rob(o).vx) > rob(o).MaxVel then rob(o).vx = sgn(rob(o).vx) * rob(o).MaxVel
if abs(rob(o).vy) > rob(o).MaxVel then rob(o).vy = sgn(rob(o).vy) * rob(o).MaxVel

I'll only change the robot code you mensioned here, is that it?

But the code that was there before I put the .maxwell codes in are gone, so I doubt it will work just like that. I think I need to download the sourcecode again and just add the latest solutions you've mensioned here. ..I guess. O, my...
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 28, 2005, 12:03:40 PM
In 2.4 I believe I changed MaxVel to either a SimOpts member or a robot member and set it equal to 60 for all bots (since heavier bots now cost more to move... didn't seem right to limit their max velocity if they can output the energy to get there).
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 28, 2005, 12:05:40 PM
Not only are these lines not needed. They are impossible

rob(o).MaxVel does not exist and will cause a crash as soon as you try to execute it.

Here is the original, unaltered code for the entire lookoccur routine.
Code: [Select]
' copies the occurr array of a viewed robot
' in the ref* vars of the viewing one
Public Sub lookoccurr(n As Integer, o As Integer)
  If rob(n).Corpse Then Exit Sub
  Dim t As Byte
  'If rob(n).lastviewed <> rob(o).AbsNum Then
    For t = 1 To 8
      rob(n).mem(occurrstart + t) = rob(o).occurr(t)
    Next t
    rob(n).lastviewed = rob(o).AbsNum
  'End If
  If rob(o).nrg < 32001 Then
    rob(n).mem(occurrstart + 9) = rob(o).nrg
    rob(n).mem(occurrstart + 9) = 32000
  End If
  rob(n).mem(occurrstart + 10) = rob(o).age '.refage
  rob(n).mem(in1) = rob(o).mem(out1)
  rob(n).mem(in2) = rob(o).mem(out2)
  rob(n).mem(711) = rob(o).mem(18)      'refaim
  rob(n).mem(712) = rob(o).occurr(9)    'reftie
  rob(n).mem(refshell) = rob(o).Shell
  rob(n).mem(refbody) = rob(o).body
  rob(n).mem(refypos) = rob(o).mem(217)
  rob(n).mem(refxpos) = rob(o).mem(219)
  'give reference variables from the bots frame of reference
  rob(n).mem(refvelup) = (rob(o).vx * Cos(rob(n).aim) + rob(o).vy * Sin(rob(n).aim) * -1) - rob(n).mem(velup)
  rob(n).mem(refveldn) = rob(n).mem(refvelup) * -1
  rob(n).mem(refveldx) = (rob(o).vy * Cos(rob(n).aim) + rob(o).vx * Sin(rob(n).aim)) - rob(n).mem(veldx)
  rob(n).mem(refvelsx) = rob(n).mem(refvelsx) * -1
  rob(n).mem(refvelscalar) = Sqr(rob(n).mem(refvelup) ^ 2 + rob(n).mem(refveldx) ^ 2) ' how fast is this robot moving compared to me?
  rob(n).mem(713) = rob(o).mem(827)     'refpoison. current value of poison. not poison commands
  rob(n).mem(714) = rob(o).mem(825)     'refvenom (as with poison)
  rob(n).mem(715) = rob(o).kills        'refkills
   If rob(o).Multibot = True Then
    rob(n).mem(refmulti) = 1
    rob(n).mem(refmulti) = 0
  End If
  If rob(n).mem(474) > 0 And rob(n).mem(474) <= 1000 Then 'readmem and memloc couple used to read a specified memory location of the target robot
    rob(n).mem(473) = rob(o).mem(rob(n).mem(474))
    'rob(n).mem(474) = 0
  End If
  If rob(o).Fixed Then                  'reffixed. Tells if a viewed robot is fixed by .fixpos.
    rob(n).mem(477) = 1
    rob(n).mem(477) = 0
  End If
  rob(n).mem(825) = rob(n).venom
  rob(n).mem(827) = rob(n).poison
End Sub

Note. In future when entering new lines of code, just comment out the old ones until you are sure you will never need them again.  :D
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Testlund on October 28, 2005, 12:19:24 PM
Ok, I downloaded the sourcecode again and started over. I made the changes in the robots module as PY mensioned in this topic. After that I got the overflow again.


rob(n).mem(refvelup) = (rob(o).vx * Cos(rob(n).aim) + rob(o).vy * Sin(rob(n).aim) * -1) - rob(n).mem(velup)

This was supposed to have been fixed by making the changes in the robots module, right? Looks like that's not enough.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 28, 2005, 12:21:24 PM
Can yuo hover-find the values of the varaibles again?
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 28, 2005, 12:21:47 PM
Can't remember if you listed it before but what exactly is rob(o)

Is it a corpse?
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Testlund on October 28, 2005, 12:24:41 PM
Can yuo hover-find the values of the varaibles again?
Sorry. I have to run a simulation again first and wait for another crash. Looks like the code line must be marked with yellow for the value pop-ups to appear. I'll be back.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 28, 2005, 12:29:20 PM
No it doesn't have to be yellow. It just has to be in debug mode which you enter on a crash.

When it breaks again, don't restart. There are loads of diagnostic stuff we can do while it is in debug mode.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 28, 2005, 12:38:52 PM
You can also enter debug mode by going to VB and hitting pause, but this won't help if you're bug hunting because the code might be (and probably will be) just fine and without error.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 28, 2005, 12:43:11 PM
And it also breaks in the wrong place and won't give access to variables by mouse hovering.

A better way is to set a break point in the routine where you want to debug.

Still no good if all the values are perfectly within normal parameters though. That is why I go into another routine (one which calls the one I want to debug), break it there with a break point, then modify values from the immediate window. Hit the go button to continue past the break point then see if you can force a crash in the routine that you are trying to debug.

That was the way I checked the Maxspeed, shell, mass and so forth earlier.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 28, 2005, 12:45:47 PM
YAY!!!!!!  :D

I managed to recreate the error by running corpses in pond mode with Bouyancy turned on.

Now to hit the debug tools.

(cracks knuckles)
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 28, 2005, 12:46:18 PM
You can set a line to break on by going o it with your mouse and hitting F9.  A red circle will appear beside it to tell you it's now a beak line.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 28, 2005, 01:01:10 PM
You can set a line to break on by going o it with your mouse and hitting F9.  A red circle will appear beside it to tell you it's now a beak line.
Never tried it that way.

Easier just to left click with the mouse in the left magin next to the line where you want code execution to break.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Testlund on October 28, 2005, 01:04:01 PM
YAY!!!!!!  :D

I managed to recreate the error by running corpses in pond mode with Bouyancy turned on.

Now to hit the debug tools.

(cracks knuckles)
Graaah! I SUSPECTED there were something different with how we run the simulations. Try this settings file out and see what you get.

After you've loaded the settings file you need to manually change the following the the values I use, because they don't get saved in the settings file:

General tab:

Waste Treshold: 100

Boyancy: Checked

Corpse mode: Enabled

Repopulation cooldown period: 10

NRG/veggie/cycle: 10

Right after I've started the sim I enter mutations tab and change to 32x, then I lower it one step every 5000 cycles. I want to start with large diversity and later on let the natural selection decide wich bots survives. Never get very far though.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 28, 2005, 01:21:15 PM
OK the weirdness begins.

First the offending robot o is not a corpse. Second, it is fixed so it isn't even moving even though its .vy is showing 66085.34.

Pretty fast for a bot that is rooted to the spot don't you think?  :blink:

What is even weirder is that after tracing where the call to "Lookoccur" comes from, I found it comes from the very top of "Writesenses" (senses module) before any manipulation of variable could take place.

Tracing back further shows the call to "Writesenses" comes from "Updatepos" (Robots module)

A few lines up "Updatepos" I find this chunk of code.
Code: [Select]
If .mem(216) <> 0 Then
   .Fixed = True
   .vx = 0
   .vy = 0

This sets .fixed to true (as it is in the offending rob(o)). It sets both .vx and .vy to zero also

You know what is missing?  :D

Something to reset .vx and .ax if the bot is already fixed.

The code I examined earlier (updatepos in the physics module) doesn't do this. Here it is again

Code: [Select]
If t <> moving And Not rob(t).Fixed Then
    Maxspeed = 30 / (.mass / 2) 'Set maximum speed. Absolute max = 60

You see it specifically excludes fixed robots from this entire calculation routine to save processing time.

We have two choices.I think the latter will run faster

find this section of code in "Updatepos"
Code: [Select]
If .mem(216) <> 0 Then
   .Fixed = True
   .vx = 0
   .vy = 0
   .Fixed = False
End If

and change it to
Code: [Select]
If .mem(216) <> 0 Then
   .Fixed = True
   .Fixed = False
End If
if .Fixed then
   .vx = 0
   .vy = 0

That should hopefully put this problem to bed once and for all.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 28, 2005, 01:38:17 PM
After applying this fix, I had to restart the sim since a huge number of the bots had screwed up memories with massive values in them. While it is possible to repair them one by one as the program runs, I got sick of doing so after the first 30 or so.  :rolleyes:
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Testlund on October 28, 2005, 02:01:37 PM
Wich window is the above mensioned code supposed to go?

Oh, the robots module!   :)
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 28, 2005, 02:58:28 PM
Tracing back further shows the call to "Writesenses" comes from "Updatepos" (Robots module)

That one. As I said before.

Sorry if I wasn't being explicit enough. I thought I was.  :(
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Testlund on October 28, 2005, 03:02:28 PM
Just one more thing before you leave!

This fix is instead of the other ones mensioned in this topic, right, or should those be aplied as well?
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 28, 2005, 03:36:53 PM
find this section of code in "Updatepos"
Code: [Select]
If .mem(216) <> 0 Then
   .Fixed = True
   .vx = 0
   .vy = 0
   .Fixed = False
End If

and change it to
Code: [Select]
If .mem(216) <> 0 Then
   .Fixed = True
   .Fixed = False
End If
if .Fixed then
   .vx = 0
   .vy = 0
The two are logically identical (that is, they both do the same thing).
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 28, 2005, 03:37:33 PM
The other fixes aren't hurting anything, so they can be kept or dropped, it doesn't matter.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 28, 2005, 04:25:47 PM
Actually the hovering over the values again was so I could see if it was breaking in the same old way or in a new way.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 28, 2005, 05:15:25 PM
velocity is always going to be <= 32000 beacuse they're stored in ints.

What you want to check is that it's <= MaxVel (which is 60 in 2.37.4)
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 28, 2005, 05:45:42 PM
Maybe velocity is stored as longs?

Still shouldn't be > 60.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Testlund on October 28, 2005, 05:51:40 PM
After 1 h 20 min I got the run-time error 6 again.

PY's solution above didn't work, as none of the solutions so far. We need something new to try, I think.


rob(n).mem(refveldx) = (rob(o).vy * Cos(rob(n).aim) + rob(o).vx * Sin(rob(n).aim)) - rob(n).mem(veldx)

Location: Senses module at line 481.


rob(n).mem(refveldx) = 14660

n = 381

refveldx = 697

rob(o).vy = 53168,43

o = 456

rob(n).aim = 5,700001

rob(o).vx = 21,39198

rob(n).mem(veldx) = 2460

veldx = 198
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Testlund on October 28, 2005, 05:56:53 PM
It's gonna crash, Griz. Just you wait!  :evil:
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Testlund on October 28, 2005, 06:08:50 PM
[QUOTEdid you put it in an try it yet?
Yep, I did. If you go back a little in this topic you see that I've posted that I still get the run-time error 6 overflow.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 28, 2005, 06:15:02 PM
code a hard limit rob(o).vx and .vy to 60 right before the crash.

I'm sort of in a rush in the moment (going to SixFlags tomorrow, hve to drive 3.5 hours to get there) so I can't produce the code to do it, but that should do it.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Testlund on October 28, 2005, 06:21:32 PM
You're talking about reproducing the crash here, right? I guess that's for you developers. I don't need to force the program to crash. lol :lol:
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 28, 2005, 06:32:30 PM
No I mean before the lines that cause it to crash.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Testlund on October 28, 2005, 06:42:04 PM
I don't understand what you are talking about. Either you're talking about reproducing the crash; why should I do that, or either you're talking about preventing the crash; if so I don't understand how exactly to put that value above the offending code line you're suggesting.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 28, 2005, 06:44:42 PM
Well, since the line is after the crash, I don't see it making a difference.

I can't remember if it should be commented out or not.  When I started here months ago *.vel was returning an incorrect value.  THat may be a relic from way back then.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Testlund on October 28, 2005, 06:59:16 PM
I tried Griz' example. Didn't change anything for me. Got the same crash after 9 min. No freezing. just same old run-time error 6.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Testlund on October 28, 2005, 07:11:27 PM
Yes, it's commented out here in my version too.

Ok, now both Nums and PY is gone for awhile. I guess I'll leave this alone and go back to my adventure in Neverwinter Nights for the rest of the weekend. By the way, happy birthday, griz. Goodnight folks.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 29, 2005, 11:36:21 AM
find this section of code in "Updatepos"
Code: [Select]
If .mem(216) <> 0 Then
   .Fixed = True
   .vx = 0
   .vy = 0
   .Fixed = False
End If

and change it to
Code: [Select]
If .mem(216) <> 0 Then
   .Fixed = True
   .Fixed = False
End If
if .Fixed then
   .vx = 0
   .vy = 0
The two are logically identical (that is, they both do the same thing).
Actually they aren't quite the same thing.

The first one sets .fixed to true or false depending on the value in the sysvar .fixpos
It also sets .vx and .vy to zero at this point

The second one takes the .vx and .vy resets out of the sysvar conditional and resets them whenever .fixed is true since it is quite possible for .fixed to be true without the corresponding sysvar value.

Take veggies that are fixed from the GUI or bots that are fixed due to Altzheimers
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 29, 2005, 11:45:31 AM
With rob(n)
.mass = 1 + (.body / 10000) + (.Shell / 200) 'set value for mass
Maxspeed = 30 / (.mass / 2) 'Set maximum speed. Absolute max = 60
Absaccel = 0 'reset acceleration
If Abs(.vx) > 32000 Then .vx = 32000 * Sgn(.vx)
If Abs(.vy) > 32000 Then .vy = 32000 * Sgn(.vy)
.absvel = Cos(.aim) * .vx * -1 + Sin(.aim) * .vy 'formula changed to give velocity in the direction robot is facing rather
than always a positive number. Make *.vel work properly.


With rob(n)
If .Shell < 0 Then .Shell = 0
If .body < 0 Then .body = 0: .Dead = True
.mass = 1 + (.body / 10000) + (.Shell / 200) 'set value for mass
Maxspeed = 30 / (.mass / 2) 'Set maximum speed. Absolute max = 60
Absaccel = 0 'reset acceleration
If Abs(.vx) > 32000 Then .vx = 32000 * Sgn(.vx)
If Abs(.vy) > 32000 Then .vy = 32000 * Sgn(.vy)
.absvel = Cos(.aim) * .vx * -1 + Sin(.aim) * .vy 'formula changed to give velocity in the direction robot is facing rather
than always a positive number. Make *.vel work properly.

btw ... I just commented out the old code ... just in case. wink.gif

This is in the physics module right?

Then it won't work.

The reason is that for any robot that is fixed, this entore routine is skipped.

If the code in this routine is actually executed then it works perfectly every time without the added limits. No matter what values of .vx and .vy come in here, they always come out at less than Maxspeed (60)

If you want this routine to work, take out the conditional at the top which excluded fixed bots. Then you don't even need to add lines of code. This was answer one in my previous options.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 29, 2005, 11:53:53 AM
The root cause of all this crap is that rob(o) or the robot being viewed, has a velocity of some huge number.

It only happens when rob(o) is fixed

The cause is that somewhere down the line, the accelerations are just being added to a fixed bot and velocity is not being reset.

Answer. Reset all .vx, .vy, .ax and .ay variables for all fixed bots on every cycle

If my previous fix didn't work I think it may have been because it wasn't resetting accelerations but was only resetting velocities. Accelerations are added to current velocities later in the program cycle so if accelerations continue to grow, then eventually we are going to add one that pushes velocity out of bounds.

That would explain how my previous fix allowed the program to run for longer before crashing since it wasn't compounding the error on each cycle.

Try this instead.

Code: [Select]
If .mem(216) <> 0 Then
  .Fixed = True
  .vx = 0
  .vy = 0
  .Fixed = False
End If

and change it to
Code: [Select]
If .mem(216) <> 0 Then
  .Fixed = True
  .Fixed = False
End If
if .Fixed then
  .vx = 0
  .vy = 0
  .ax = 0
  .ay = 0
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Testlund on October 29, 2005, 02:20:02 PM
Looks like we're not gonna find a solution any time soon, eh?



:shoot: rob(n).mem(refvelup) = (rob(o).vx * Cos(rob(n).aim) + rob(o).vy * Sin(rob(n).aim) * -1) - rob(n).mem(velup)


rob(n).mem(refvelup) = 0

n = 794

refvelup = 699

rob(o).vx = 0

o = 800

rob(n).aim = 5,91204

rob(o).vy = 210549,3

rob(n).mem(velup) = 7980

velup = 200

I added a picture to show how the simulation looked like when it crash. maybe it whould give someone a hint, I don't know.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Testlund on October 29, 2005, 08:37:14 PM
Well, it's any of those codes in that routine, choices at random. I'm quite sure it's the pond mode that is causing it.

My suggestion is: either get rid of 'Pond mode' (whould be a little boring I think) or make it work!
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 30, 2005, 03:11:32 PM
find this section of code in "Updatepos"
Code: [Select]
If .mem(216) <> 0 Then
   .Fixed = True
   .vx = 0
   .vy = 0
   .Fixed = False
End If

and change it to
Code: [Select]
If .mem(216) <> 0 Then
   .Fixed = True
   .Fixed = False
End If
if .Fixed then
   .vx = 0
   .vy = 0
The two are logically identical (that is, they both do the same thing).
Actually they aren't quite the same thing.

The first one sets .fixed to true or false depending on the value in the sysvar .fixpos
It also sets .vx and .vy to zero at this point

The second one takes the .vx and .vy resets out of the sysvar conditional and resets them whenever .fixed is true since it is quite possible for .fixed to be true without the corresponding sysvar value.

Take veggies that are fixed from the GUI or bots that are fixed due to Altzheimers
To me it seems that they are identical in effect (not in implementation obviously).  Try walking trhough it manually with different values for different things and see if you can provide a case where they're not.  I could just be a little sleepy.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 30, 2005, 03:14:30 PM
You guys, if desperate, can actually comment out the lines that are crashing.  They provide information to the bots but don't hurt the simulation if mising.

Some bots (mostly mine) won't work without it, but many bots will.  Dominator Invincibalis for one.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Testlund on October 30, 2005, 05:44:22 PM
What does that code do for the bots anyway. Whouldn't want to comment out something that whould cripple the bots or make them less advanced or something.

Right now I don't see any use for the program as I can't load a saved sim or insert a bot that's been autosaved. Can't evolve bots if I have to start over with a new simulation all the time. I think maybe that worked in version 2.36.7, but you don't have the sourcecode for that version, do you?
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Endy on October 30, 2005, 09:21:11 PM
Windiff over on the downloads section at bottom. Allows you to select diff pages and find changes between them.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 30, 2005, 10:12:06 PM
The one in downloads is actually better than the standard one that comes with VB because it ignores capitalization differences.

I modified it myself ;)
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 31, 2005, 09:07:28 AM
Regarding the change I made to the code by separating out the acceleration resets and .fixed stuff.
Code: [Select]
If .mem(216) <> 0 Then
  .Fixed = True
  .vx = 0
  .vy = 0
  .Fixed = False
End If

and change it to

Code: [Select]
If .mem(216) <> 0 Then
  .Fixed = True
  .Fixed = False
End If
if .Fixed then
  .vx = 0
  .vy = 0

Numsgil answered

To me it seems that they are identical in effect (not in implementation obviously). Try walking trhough it manually with different values for different things and see if you can provide a case where they're not. I could just be a little sleepy.

I agree totally. In terms of code the two would appear to be exactly the same. In practice though they don't seem to be. I often find this with VB.
by putting break points in both conditionals I have caught my new conditional in a true state without the first one running at all.
I can't explain why because this is logically impossible. Nevertheless it happened.  :blink:
And that is why I made this change. VB is weird!
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 31, 2005, 09:13:35 AM
OK I just got the same damn crash again.

This time rob(o) is NOT fixed.
Every other time it has been but not now.

Looks like I may have been on the wrong track all along with this.

Welcom to the world of debugging programs.  :)

Do you see why Num and I take so long to get this stuff sorted now? It isn't easy.

Back to the drawing board again. Please ignore all previous fixes on this thread as none of them really hit the root cause of this problem.

Some of the workarounds that Num posted will get the program running but they don't address the true problem that is causing all this.
I hate workarounds but DB is full of them.  :angry:
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 31, 2005, 10:18:13 AM
I take it all back.

My fix DID work.

This time the offending robot changed from a fixed normal robot to a corpse during the cycle in which the program crashed.
By doing this it managed to bypass both of the velocity control loops in the program during its first cycle as a corpse.

The bugger found a loophole  :blink:

I have plugged it and am waiting to see if it finds another one.

The modification is right at the top of "updpos" in the "physics" module.

I changed

Code: [Select]
With rob(t)
  If t <> moving and not .fixed Then
    Maxspeed = 30 / (.mass / 2) 'Set maximum speed. Absolute max = 60
Code: [Select]
With rob(t)
  If t <> moving Then
    Maxspeed = 30 / (.mass / 2) 'Set maximum speed. Absolute max = 60

This line of code was deliberately preventing fixed robots from having the velocity limits applied to them. After all they aren't moving so why would they need it.

No more loophole now.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 31, 2005, 11:32:48 AM
I'd leave them in, if for no other reason than that they don't hurt the program.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 31, 2005, 11:58:41 AM
The resetting of ax, ay, vx and vy aren't bandaids. they are a necessary and integral part of the program.

Fixes that check the value of stuff directly before acyually using it ARE bandaids and as Nums says, they are at worst doing no harm other than to add a tiny bit of time to the program cycle.

Personally I would like to get rid of all bandaid fixes and get to the root of each problem but often that is extremely tricky to do.

I am now at 40,000 cycles since the last fix and going strong.

Damn this is slow. About 4 cycles per second with all graphics off.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 31, 2005, 12:01:34 PM
You can do like 2.4 does and havea the compiled version save the sim when it crashes.

Then you can load that into VB front end and find the crash.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 31, 2005, 02:18:00 PM

Bet you are. I was when the same old bug came back to bite my ass again.

I ran test after test to figure out what was going on and at every step, the main loop of the program kept the active robot's velocity values in check.

Then I suddenly had a thought.  :idea:

The problem always occurs in the robot that isn't active when the loop goes to "lookoccur".
But how can that be?
ALL robots go through the main loop so ALL robots should be limited by the software in those loops.
But what if one of the robots has its velocity modified after it has been through the main loop? It would not be subject to the speed limits. If it went through several times then .vx and .vy could get pretty huge.

Then I went searching for how that could happen. here is what I found

subroutine "Repel" in the "physics" module, accelerates two robots away from each other after a collision. If rob(a) has already passed through the main loop but is then crashed into by rob(B) then the resultant acceleration applied to rob(a) could feasibly push it's .vx and .vy to very large numbers without any check.

Put in a couple of break point to find out what was going on and sure enough both robots are leaving the collision with velocities in the hundreds or thousands on almost every collision. The active robot has this sorted in the main loop but the other doesn't. If the other happens to be fixed then it get even worse since it was never reduced to a managable value at all (prior to my other fixes). It just compounded with each cycle.

here is the code for the entire subroutine.
Code: [Select]
' gives to too near robots an accelaration towards
' opposite directions, inversely prop. to their distance
Private Sub repel(k As Integer, t As Integer)
  Dim d As Single
  Dim dx As Integer
  Dim dy As Integer
  Dim dxlk As Single
  Dim dylk As Single
  Dim dxlt As Single
  Dim dylt As Single
  Dim kconst As Single
  Dim llink As Single
  Dim accel As Long  'new acceleration to apply
  Dim difKE As Long
  Dim maxcel As Single
  Dim angl1 As Single
  Dim angl2 As Single
  Dim colldist As Integer
  Dim totx As Single 'total x velocity
  Dim toty As Single 'total y velocity
  Dim totv As Single 'total absolute velocity
  Dim totaccel As Single
  Dim decell As Single
  Dim kmovx As Single
  Dim kmovy As Single
  Dim tmovx As Single
  Dim tmovy As Single
  Dim kKE As Single
  Dim tKE As Single
  Dim kxm As Single   'robot k x momentum
  Dim kym As Single   'robot k y momentum
  Dim txm As Single   'robot t x momentum
  Dim tym As Single   'robot t y momentum
  Dim xmean As Single  'Mean of both x momentums
  Dim ymean As Single  'Mean of both y momentums
  Dim totKE As Single
  Dim kPer As Single    'percentage of acceleration to give to robot k based on mass
  Dim tPer As Single    'same for robot t
  Dim moveaway As Single  'The amount to directly move a robot away from a collision
  'If xmoveaway(k, t) Then GoTo bypass2
  'If ymoveaway(k, t) Then GoTo bypass2
  dx = (rob(t).x - rob(k).x)
  dy = (rob(t).Y - rob(k).Y)
  colldist = RobSize + (rob(k).body / factor + rob(t).body / factor) 'amount of overlap based on size of robot
  d = Sqr(dx ^ 2 + dy ^ 2) + 0.01   'inter-robot distance
  decell = 1
  maxcel = 40
  'GoTo bypass2
  kKE = rob(k).mass * rob(k).vx + rob(k).mass * rob(k).vy
  tKE = rob(t).mass * rob(t).vx + rob(t).mass * rob(t).vy
  kxm = rob(k).mass * rob(k).vx     'rob(k) x momentum signed
  kym = rob(k).mass * rob(k).vy     'rob(k) y momentum signed
  txm = rob(t).mass * rob(t).vx     'rob(t) x momentum signed
  tym = rob(t).mass * rob(t).vy     'rob(t) y momentum signed
  xmean = (Abs(kxm) + Abs(txm)) / 2 'absolute mean of x momentums. Both counted as positive
  ymean = (Abs(kym) + Abs(tym)) / 2 'absolute mean of y momentums. Both counted as positive
  If rob(k).mass = 0 Then rob(k).mass = 0.01
  rob(k).vx = rob(k).vx + (xmean / rob(k).mass) * kxColdir(k, t) * decell
  rob(t).vx = rob(t).vx + (xmean / rob(t).mass) * txColdir(k, t) * decell
  rob(k).vy = rob(k).vy + (ymean / rob(k).mass) * kyColdir(k, t) * decell
  rob(t).vy = rob(t).vy + (ymean / rob(t).mass) * tyColdir(k, t) * decell
  'totKE = tKE + kKE   'calculates total momentum of both robots
  'difKE = kKE - tKE   'difference in momentum
  'tPer = rob(k).mass / (rob(k).mass + rob(t).mass)  'percentage of total momentum in bot k
  'kPer = rob(t).mass / (rob(k).mass + rob(t).mass)  'percentage of total momentum in bot t
  'If rob(k).vx = 0 Then rob(k).vx = 0.00001
  'If rob(t).vx = 0 Then rob(t).vx = 0.00001
  'mvanglt = Atn(rob(k).vy / rob(k).vx)
  'mvangla = Atn(rob(t).vy / rob(t).vx)
  'angledifference = angnorm(AngDiff(mvanglt, angl))
  'exitangle = angnorm(angl - angledifference)
  'newvx = (rob(k).vx + rob(t).vx) * (rob(t).mass / (rob(k).mass + rob(t).mass))
  'newvy = (rob(k).vy + rob(t).vy) * (rob(t).mass / (rob(k).mass + rob(t).mass))
  'newvx = newvx * 0.95
  'newvy = newvy * 0.95
  'llink = 1000
  'totx = Abs(rob(k).vx) + Abs(rob(t).vx)
  'totx = rob(k).vx + rob(t).vx
  'toty = Abs(rob(k).vy) + Abs(rob(t).vy)
  'toty = rob(k).vy + rob(t).vy
  'totv = totx + toty
  angl1 = angle(rob(k).x, rob(k).Y, rob(t).x, rob(t).Y) 'angle from rob k to rob t
  angl2 = angle(rob(t).x, rob(t).Y, rob(k).x, rob(k).Y) 'angle from rob t to rob k
  'colldist = colldist * 1.2
  'dxlk = absx(angl1, totKE, 0, 0, 0) * tPer
  'dylk = absy(angl1, totKE, 0, 0, 0) * tPer
  'dxlt = absx(angl2, totKE, 0, 0, 0) * kPer
  'dylt = absy(angl2, totKE, 0, 0, 0) * kPer
  'totaccel = Abs(dxl) + Abs(dyl)
  'kconst = 0.01
  'dxl = (dx - (llink * dx) / d)
  'dyl = (dy - (llink * dy) / d)
  moveaway = (colldist - d) / 2 'move away based on half of overlap
  If d < colldist Then
    kmovx = absx(angl1, moveaway, 0, 0, 0)
    kmovy = absy(angl1, moveaway, 0, 0, 0)
    tmovx = absx(angl2, moveaway, 0, 0, 0)
    tmovy = absy(angl2, moveaway, 0, 0, 0)
    If Not rob(t).Fixed Then
      rob(t).x = rob(t).x - tmovx
      rob(t).Y = rob(t).Y - tmovy
    End If
    If Not rob(k).Fixed Then
      rob(k).x = rob(k).x - kmovx
      rob(k).Y = rob(k).Y - kmovy
    End If
    kmovx = 0
    kmovy = 0
    tmovx = 0
    tmovy = 0
  End If
End Sub

Add a new limit code in here and hopefully this will fix the problem for good at source instead of patching it. (heard that before somewhere. Wonder where?  :rolleyes: )
Code: [Select]
Maxspeed = 30 / (rob(t).mass / 2)
  totv = Sqr(rob(t).vx ^ 2 + rob(t).vy ^ 2)
  If totv > Maxspeed Then     'top speed limit routine 2 changed faster speeds for lower mass robots
    maxcel = totv / Maxspeed
    rob(t).vx = rob(t).vx / maxcel
    rob(t).vy = rob(t).vy / maxcel
  End If
  Maxspeed = 30 / (rob(k).mass / 2)
  totv = Sqr(rob(k).vx ^ 2 + rob(k).vy ^ 2)
  If totv > Maxspeed Then     'top speed limit routine 2 changed faster speeds for lower mass robots
    maxcel = totv / Maxspeed
    rob(k).vx = rob(k).vx / maxcel
    rob(k).vy = rob(k).vy / maxcel
  End If

This is where it goes. Probably easier to just copy the entire routine.

Code: [Select]
' gives to too near robots an accelaration towards
' opposite directions, inversely prop. to their distance
Private Sub repel(k As Integer, t As Integer)
  Dim d As Single
  Dim dx As Integer
  Dim dy As Integer
  Dim dxlk As Single
  Dim dylk As Single
  Dim dxlt As Single
  Dim dylt As Single
  Dim kconst As Single
  Dim llink As Single
  Dim accel As Long  'new acceleration to apply
  Dim difKE As Long
  Dim maxcel As Single
  Dim angl1 As Single
  Dim angl2 As Single
  Dim colldist As Integer
  Dim totx As Single 'total x velocity
  Dim toty As Single 'total y velocity
  Dim totv As Single 'total absolute velocity
  Dim totaccel As Single
  Dim decell As Single
  Dim kmovx As Single
  Dim kmovy As Single
  Dim tmovx As Single
  Dim tmovy As Single
  Dim kKE As Single
  Dim tKE As Single
  Dim kxm As Single   'robot k x momentum
  Dim kym As Single   'robot k y momentum
  Dim txm As Single   'robot t x momentum
  Dim tym As Single   'robot t y momentum
  Dim xmean As Single  'Mean of both x momentums
  Dim ymean As Single  'Mean of both y momentums
  Dim totKE As Single
  Dim kPer As Single    'percentage of acceleration to give to robot k based on mass
  Dim tPer As Single    'same for robot t
  Dim moveaway As Single  'The amount to directly move a robot away from a collision
  'If xmoveaway(k, t) Then GoTo bypass2
  'If ymoveaway(k, t) Then GoTo bypass2
  dx = (rob(t).x - rob(k).x)
  dy = (rob(t).Y - rob(k).Y)
  colldist = RobSize + (rob(k).body / factor + rob(t).body / factor) 'amount of overlap based on size of robot
  d = Sqr(dx ^ 2 + dy ^ 2) + 0.01   'inter-robot distance
  decell = 1
  maxcel = 40
  'GoTo bypass2
  kKE = rob(k).mass * rob(k).vx + rob(k).mass * rob(k).vy
  tKE = rob(t).mass * rob(t).vx + rob(t).mass * rob(t).vy
  kxm = rob(k).mass * rob(k).vx     'rob(k) x momentum signed
  kym = rob(k).mass * rob(k).vy     'rob(k) y momentum signed
  txm = rob(t).mass * rob(t).vx     'rob(t) x momentum signed
  tym = rob(t).mass * rob(t).vy     'rob(t) y momentum signed
  xmean = (Abs(kxm) + Abs(txm)) / 2 'absolute mean of x momentums. Both counted as positive
  ymean = (Abs(kym) + Abs(tym)) / 2 'absolute mean of y momentums. Both counted as positive
  If rob(k).mass = 0 Then rob(k).mass = 0.01
  rob(k).vx = rob(k).vx + (xmean / rob(k).mass) * kxColdir(k, t) * decell
  rob(t).vx = rob(t).vx + (xmean / rob(t).mass) * txColdir(k, t) * decell
  rob(k).vy = rob(k).vy + (ymean / rob(k).mass) * kyColdir(k, t) * decell
  rob(t).vy = rob(t).vy + (ymean / rob(t).mass) * tyColdir(k, t) * decell
  Maxspeed = 30 / (rob(t).mass / 2)
  totv = Sqr(rob(t).vx ^ 2 + rob(t).vy ^ 2)
  If totv > Maxspeed Then     'top speed limit routine 2 changed faster speeds for lower mass robots
    maxcel = totv / Maxspeed
    rob(t).vx = rob(t).vx / maxcel
    rob(t).vy = rob(t).vy / maxcel
  End If
  Maxspeed = 30 / (rob(k).mass / 2)
  totv = Sqr(rob(k).vx ^ 2 + rob(k).vy ^ 2)
  If totv > Maxspeed Then     'top speed limit routine 2 changed faster speeds for lower mass robots
    maxcel = totv / Maxspeed
    rob(k).vx = rob(k).vx / maxcel
    rob(k).vy = rob(k).vy / maxcel
  End If
  'totKE = tKE + kKE   'calculates total momentum of both robots
  'difKE = kKE - tKE   'difference in momentum
  'tPer = rob(k).mass / (rob(k).mass + rob(t).mass)  'percentage of total momentum in bot k
  'kPer = rob(t).mass / (rob(k).mass + rob(t).mass)  'percentage of total momentum in bot t
  'If rob(k).vx = 0 Then rob(k).vx = 0.00001
  'If rob(t).vx = 0 Then rob(t).vx = 0.00001
  'mvanglt = Atn(rob(k).vy / rob(k).vx)
  'mvangla = Atn(rob(t).vy / rob(t).vx)
  'angledifference = angnorm(AngDiff(mvanglt, angl))
  'exitangle = angnorm(angl - angledifference)
  'newvx = (rob(k).vx + rob(t).vx) * (rob(t).mass / (rob(k).mass + rob(t).mass))
  'newvy = (rob(k).vy + rob(t).vy) * (rob(t).mass / (rob(k).mass + rob(t).mass))
  'newvx = newvx * 0.95
  'newvy = newvy * 0.95
  'llink = 1000
  'totx = Abs(rob(k).vx) + Abs(rob(t).vx)
  'totx = rob(k).vx + rob(t).vx
  'toty = Abs(rob(k).vy) + Abs(rob(t).vy)
  'toty = rob(k).vy + rob(t).vy
  'totv = totx + toty
  angl1 = angle(rob(k).x, rob(k).Y, rob(t).x, rob(t).Y) 'angle from rob k to rob t
  angl2 = angle(rob(t).x, rob(t).Y, rob(k).x, rob(k).Y) 'angle from rob t to rob k
  'colldist = colldist * 1.2
  'dxlk = absx(angl1, totKE, 0, 0, 0) * tPer
  'dylk = absy(angl1, totKE, 0, 0, 0) * tPer
  'dxlt = absx(angl2, totKE, 0, 0, 0) * kPer
  'dylt = absy(angl2, totKE, 0, 0, 0) * kPer
  'totaccel = Abs(dxl) + Abs(dyl)
  'kconst = 0.01
  'dxl = (dx - (llink * dx) / d)
  'dyl = (dy - (llink * dy) / d)
  moveaway = (colldist - d) / 2 'move away based on half of overlap
  If d < colldist Then
    kmovx = absx(angl1, moveaway, 0, 0, 0)
    kmovy = absy(angl1, moveaway, 0, 0, 0)
    tmovx = absx(angl2, moveaway, 0, 0, 0)
    tmovy = absy(angl2, moveaway, 0, 0, 0)
    If Not rob(t).Fixed Then
      rob(t).x = rob(t).x - tmovx
      rob(t).Y = rob(t).Y - tmovy
    End If
    If Not rob(k).Fixed Then
      rob(k).x = rob(k).x - kmovx
      rob(k).Y = rob(k).Y - kmovy
    End If
    kmovx = 0
    kmovy = 0
    tmovx = 0
    tmovy = 0
  End If
End Sub

It even appears that this has a slight impact on the way that bots collide. Looks a bit more normal to me but then I could be biased.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on October 31, 2005, 02:19:29 PM
without all this documented in a central place ...
it's very difficult to even find the appropriate threads and purposed fixes.

But it IS documented in one place.

It is all in this thread. Why is that a problem?
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 31, 2005, 03:42:19 PM
You can do like 2.4 does and havea the compiled version save the sim when it crashes.

Then you can load that into VB front end and find the crash.
can I easily snag that code from somewhere in 2.44?
It's in the sub function in Form1 I think called "main".

It's like 3 lines of code.
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 31, 2005, 03:44:47 PM
[2.4 plug]

Collisions can't produce too large velocities in 2.4 because the accelerations are saved for later

Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Ulciscor on October 31, 2005, 09:26:49 PM
OK well as soon as some other people confirm this as working then it can be mvoed to fixed section  :D
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 31, 2005, 10:40:32 PM
If it works, PY will probably go ahead and release it as 2.37.5 or something.  (hint ;))
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: Numsgil on October 31, 2005, 11:54:28 PM
I forget the exact name of the function to be honest.  I do know it used the function "frnd".
Title: runtime 6/compile error
Post by: PurpleYouko on November 15, 2005, 10:38:59 AM
This stuff is all hunky dory now so thread moved to "solved bugs" for posterity. (or posterior if you prefer)