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Messages - Commander Keen

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Bot Challenges / combat challenge
« on: May 03, 2008, 07:52:33 PM »
Changing it to size dynamically? Wouldn't that result in slowdowns as VB copies the whole array into a new section of memory?
You could do it so it resizes in increments of 100, that would reduce the overhead of resizing the array every time a new bot is born or dies, or making the array larger when needed, but not shrinking it.

Short bots / Cockroach v1 (F1)(Commander Keen)(01-05-2008)
« on: April 30, 2008, 09:14:36 PM »
This bot is annoying!

The virus makes bots kill themselves firing an uber-virus. This affects veggies as well, unfortunately.

It needs to spread out more, and should probably be adjusted to not kill veggies. Also, older versions reproduced at 1000 energy, I found they died a lot, so I upped it to 2000. They still die a lot, but that's when they suicide due to being infected with the virus, rather than accidentally killing themselves by other means...

Code: [Select]
' Cockroach version 1 by Commander Keen

' Set conspec
*.robage 0 =
*.dnalen 50 store

' Reproduce
*.nrg 2000 >
50 .repro store
.strbody inc

' Viral gene, causes uber-virus suicide
*341 335 store
*310 *336 *50 sub abs sgn mult 1 add 338 store

' Main gene
*.eye5 .tie store
99 .sharenrg store
.sharewaste inc
50 .aimdx store
1 .vshoot store

Interesting behaviour bots / Whirlwind
« on: April 11, 2008, 08:08:02 PM »
Or you could just save the starting settings and the random seed, and provided the two DB versions were equal they could calculate an exact replica of the sim...

Bot Tavern / The F1 League lives again!
« on: April 10, 2008, 02:50:00 AM »
Quote from: bacillus
my understanding is that Commander Keen is running F2, where we will take the top 30 of each and condense them
Yup, this is correct, I did get halfway through rerunning F2, I'm hoping my laptop will get fixed (runs db 2x faster than desktop) so I can get this done all in one afternoon, but if not, I'm considering leaving my desktop on overnight.

Bot Tavern / The F1 League lives again!
« on: April 04, 2008, 06:39:00 PM »
Just tried running a quick test, but console commands don't seem to work in F1 mode, so I was unable to engineer a test case. Although while testing I saw the invisible bot problem, so I saved the sim anyway.

I'm a VB programmer, so if the code isn't too confusing I could take a look...

Bot Tavern / The F1 League lives again!
« on: April 04, 2008, 06:12:11 PM »
Quote from: EricL
Quote from: bacillus
Quote from: Numsgil
The contest wasn't over.  The score was 1-2
That has never occurred to me before; are you positive that you didn't accidentally set it to 3 rounds?
I've seen it.  It's real.  Pretty rare though.  Don't have a solid repro and haven't managed to catch it in the IDE...  yet.

I've seen it too. I think it happens when all bots in the contest die in the same cycle. I'll try running some tests sometime. I saved a sim where it happened, I'll see if I can dig it up.

Newbie / Hiya and wiki
« on: March 31, 2008, 07:56:54 PM »
I've never had any problems with wiki speed, but I'm on dialup, so maybe I'm just rather patient  

F1 bots / Cornered Wolf(F1)(bacillus)-29.03.08
« on: March 28, 2008, 10:30:23 PM »
Quote from: bacillus

 *.nrg 5000 >

I think part of the code is missing here...

Bot Tavern / The F1 League lives again!
« on: March 28, 2008, 06:53:50 PM »
I've never had any recurring problems with the league function, although it does seem to be a bit flaky at times, and the way of doing it could be simpler.

I'm running the F2 league, using the DB league "automator", with defenders winning after 10 rounds. Once I've run the league with it's current bots, I'll test all the other F2 bots out there. Haven't had any problems at all. Possibly Bacillus's problems are related to his installation, I can't remember if I gave him the old installer and the new exe, or if I just copy/pasted my DB folder. Also, I think you need the bots to go in the League folder to work. Thats ...(Darwinbots root folder)\Leagues\(LeagueName)
I had problems initially, but I accidentally put my League folder in the robot folder.

We still need volunteers for the MB/SB leagues. I think the SB league is worth running, it's pretty competitive, and I really think MB's need more attention. Multibots are really cool, unfortunately they aren't very efficient.

Bot Tavern / The F1 League lives again!
« on: March 27, 2008, 04:48:52 PM »
 Yay for the leagues!  

If everyone does a league each it could reduce load. I could do the F2 league...

Bug reports / Touch senses ain't workin. RESOLVED (NO BUG)
« on: March 26, 2008, 05:55:24 PM »
There are some sysvars that change when you hit something. hitup hitdn hitsx and hitdx I think, it was something like that.

EDIT: Checked the wiki, there are 5 sysvars: hit, hitup, hitsx, hitdx and hitdn.

Bot Tavern / Viruses that are part of vital code
« on: March 25, 2008, 12:53:07 AM »
I've yet to meet a programmer who doesn't use Wesonth graphics

Hooray for Wesnoth!

I'll start by recruiting excalibur, pacifist, and etch. Your turn Konrad...

Formula 1 / Occura Amplificis
« on: March 25, 2008, 12:49:56 AM »
dup duplicates the last variable on the stack.

So "5 dup mult .repro store" for instance, is the same as "5 5 mult .repro store"

If you ever use the same number or variable, duplicating it can save a whole load of code.

So *.nrg 3 div *.body sub dup .strbody store - .fdbody store would do this:

*.nrg 3 div *.body sub - energy / 3 minus body

So that lot resolves to a number, then dup duplicates the number. So the stack has the number twice. Then .strbody store stores the value in strbody, but since there is 3 values on the stack (nrg/3-body, nrg-3/body, .strbody) store only uses two, leaving one of the nrg/3-body 's on the stack, which is used by the next store.

I hope that makes sense...

Bot Tavern / Viruses that are part of vital code
« on: March 24, 2008, 08:02:20 PM »
Those positions are Epigenetic Memory Locations

Btw. nice pic, where's it from?

Wesnoth. It's one of the portraits for the elvish marksman.

Formula 1 / Occura Amplificis
« on: March 22, 2008, 04:09:27 AM »
This can beat Excalibur!!!    

I tried it vs. Excalibur in an F1 contest, and it won. Excalibur won 5 matches and Occura Amplificus won 14.

You might want to consider changing the code to
 -32000 .shootval store
-1 .shoot store


 -32000 .shootval store
.shootval .shoot store

just constantly shoots out info shots that don't do anything useful...

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