« on: December 16, 2016, 12:09:54 PM »
My broken SSD drive is a Vertex 2 and because it broke already after 4 years I will never by a hard drive of that brand again. Instead I have bought a Force SATA 3 drive, which turned out to be a lot smaller, so I could only attach it with one screw. Fortunately it's very light so I think it will be enough. It kind of hangs in there with only one screw. If this breaks too within a few years I'll be back and tell you not to buy this either. I have no idea what quality this drive is. It's the only one the retailer had left and I was desperate.
When I was to install Windows I accidently formatted my other drive where I had all my other files. So now I've had to use a program to restore those files and move them elsewhere, which is extremely time consuming, but I think I should be done with that late tonight. Then I can begin installing everything else. :-]
By the way the program I use to restore the files is Recuva, which i downloaded from Piriform.com. It seems to be working well so I can recommend that if this happens to you. There are two versions; a desktop and a portable. The portable is useless, so I had to install Windows first and then run the dektop version.