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Messages - Slavakion

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / Want to earn 1000000 USD?
« on: June 06, 2005, 07:40:11 PM »
Which string theory would that be then?

At the last count there were 5 competing string theories all based on 10 dimensional space time.

Then they discovered that they were all wrong and there were actually 11 dimensions. This led to the discovery that each of the five theories were actually different aspect of the same thing  :lol:

It also led to the conclusion that string theory was a thing of the past. It is now Membrane theory or Brane theory if you prefer.

You can prove that if you like but don't waste time on old hat stuff like strings.  :rolleyes:
Oh, man. I'm really behind. I need to go to the library...

Bugs and fixes / Menu Errors
« on: June 05, 2005, 11:07:24 AM »
Some other buttons are broken as well.

Off Topic / Want to earn 1000000 USD?
« on: June 05, 2005, 11:03:13 AM »
Yeah, I'll get right on those after proving string theory.

Off Topic / Avatar
« on: June 02, 2005, 09:42:15 PM »
You made Ayanami Rei look fat... :/

Bugs and fixes / Broken Buttons
« on: June 01, 2005, 09:38:26 AM »
Under the General tab in settings, the up/down buttons for Light and Population Control don't work.

Under Physics, the buttons next to Proportional Change change the value by .02, and the buttons for Fixed change the value for Proportional by 20.

Under Mutations, the buttons for Oscillation Frequency at 16x change the value for Cycles At, and Cycles At doesn't change anything.

Evolution and Internet Sharing Sims / Internet Sharing
« on: May 31, 2005, 02:40:59 PM »
Seems to work... although whatever came through was destroyed almost instantly... :P

Evolution and Internet Sharing Sims / Internet Sharing
« on: May 31, 2005, 12:57:34 PM »
In the mean time, internet sharing!  Internet sharing!
How exactly does internet sharing work? I setup a sim with sharing enabled, and then what does DB do with my robots? And what does this accomplish?

Sounds intriguing, though.

DNA - General / Vision
« on: May 31, 2005, 12:00:52 PM »
I have the following code for my vision/tracking. I was wondering if the *.eye4 0 = is necessary, or if it should be changed.
Code: [Select]
  *.eye1 *.eye9 !=
  *.eye2 *.eye8 !=
  *.eye4 *.eye6 !=
  *.eye4 0 =
  *.eye1 *.eye9 sub

  *.eye2 *.eye8 !=
  *.eye4 *.eye6 !=
  *.eye4 0 =
  *.eye2 *.eye8 sub

  *.eye4 *.eye6 !=
  *.eye4 *.eye6 sub

Newbie / A Few Questions
« on: May 31, 2005, 08:58:01 AM »
Code: [Select]
'*.vtimer = 1 then shoot virus
*.vtimer 2 sub sgn
'-1 if ready, 1 else
-1 mult
'1 if ready, -1 else
1 add 3 div
'1 if ready, 0 else
.vshoot mult store

'*.vtimer = 0 then make virus
*.vtimer 1 sub sgn -1 mult
'now have 1 if making, -1 else
1 add
'2 if making, 0 else
3 div
'1 if making, 0 else
.mkvirus mult store
The last line of each "subgene" -- shouldn't the mult operator come before .vshoot or .mkvirus? Or does it not matter because you haven't stored the number yet, just declared that it's going to be stored in .vshoot? I hate Reverse Polish Notation...

Newbie / A Few Questions
« on: May 30, 2005, 09:26:57 PM »
Is there a limit to how many store commands can be executed in a cycle -- or more importantly, a limit to how much energy can be wasted on stores?
Code: [Select]
' Virus Proper // Gene 9
' =========
  77 *42 !=
  *.nrg 1 >
  *.eye5 *.eye5
  100 .up store
  -100 .up store
... [bunch more]
  100 .up store
  -100 .up store
  999 rnd
Just for foolin' around until I get the hang of it. A couple of eye references to throw off refeye conspecific avoidance, a bunch of stores to eat energy, and a random number tossed on the stack to throw off navigation.

I was reading the self-propagating virus example, and what does the sgn operator do? Change signs?

Bot Tavern / simple bot virus 2
« on: May 30, 2005, 08:31:57 PM »
Code: [Select]
*.vtimer 1 >

Is this really necessary? As I understand it, vtimer is zero when there's no virus, and counts down to one when creating a virus. The only time you need to do anything is when vtimer equals zero (make another) and one (shoot it).

Newbie / A Few Questions
« on: May 30, 2005, 05:48:31 PM »
or you could just compare refvariables such as myeye and refeye

ie *.myeye *.refeye !=
I had been doing it that way, but what if another bot had the same amount of eye references, unlikely as it'd be? And if I'm going to tinker with a virus system, this will help.

Now I need to figure out how to clean up my stores without borking the navigation...

EDIT: Figured that one out -- aimdx instead of aimsx...

Do -6 shots trigger poison?

Newbie / A Few Questions
« on: May 30, 2005, 03:42:57 PM »
How do you use memloc? Just something like this?
Code: [Select]
def species_id 600
77 .species_id store
  *.memloc *.species_id !=
  shoot sum stuff

I'll see if I can figure out that Spanish Conquistador... Sometimes it'll have some crazy comebacks, and cancer explosions are always fun to watch.

Oh, and can an internal value like my .species_id be used as an immunity to my own virus by having a condition in the gene be that .species_id != whatever?

Newbie / A Few Questions
« on: May 30, 2005, 11:28:05 AM »
If I'm designing an F1 bot, is the current league table still valid? I saw that PY had said it was horribly out of date. If it is, my bot could place in the top 15. (yay)

Is .shoot a free action? I didn't think it was, but I've seen some bots that seem to constantly shoot.

Are viruses stopped by shells like normal shoot? And what is the cost for making/shooting a virus? Could a virus be realistically implemented as another weapon alongside .shoot and .tie?

If I used an initialization gene to set a number for .out, could that work as an ID to avoid conspecifics? How accurate is the reading of .out? If I used that, and Dad happened to swim by while Junior was fighting competition, would Junior all of a sudden think he was shooting family and stop?

Eh, I'm sure I'll think of some more. :)


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