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Topics - Endy

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Interesting behaviour bots / Mister Magoo
« on: June 27, 2005, 01:44:19 AM »
' Mister Magoo

'A cool little blind bot able to reach decent population levels
' Bot is cannibotisitic, but is designed to avoid feeding on offspring and one another

.fixpos *.fixed mult dec
*.shup *.shdn add *.shdx add *.shsx add *.hitup add dup div .fixpos mult *.shflav 2 add dup div 1 sub -1

mult mult inc

*.robage 0 =
.tie inc

*.robage 1 =
.deltie inc
600 28 rnd 1 rnd mult add 28 rnd 1 rnd mult sub .aimdx store

' Motion
10 rnd *.vel sub 0 floor .up rnd store

' Evasion
.dx *.shup dup div mult
.dx *.shdn dup div mult add
.up *.shdx dup div mult add
.up *.shsx dup div mult add
*.shflav 1 add dup div 1 sub -1 mult mult store

' spin back to food
628 .aimdx *50 dup div mult store
50 *50 dup div mult dec

*.nrg 10000 >
50 .repro store
628 .aimdx store
50 inc

' Turn to side hit on
25 rnd .aimdx *.hitdx mult *.fixpos dup div 1 sub -1 mult mult store
25 rnd .aimsx *.hitsx mult *.fixpos dup div 1 sub -1 mult mult store
25 rnd .aimdx 1 rnd add *.hitup *.shup sub mult store

' Fire based on age and hitup
-1 .shoot *.robage sgn mult *50 dup div 1 sub -1 mult mult *.hitup mult store

Biology / Reproduction Stratagies
« on: June 23, 2005, 04:26:55 AM »
Found this page while surfing thought it'd be good for anyone interested to take a look at.
Reproduction Link

I think the part I like the best is talk about polyploid cells(cells having more than 2 chromosomes). Kind of curious how many chromo's the DB's will decide to use once the system is up.

Also ran into something called imprinting, not real clear on what it's describing, but seems like it might be important.

Endy B)

Short bots / Two (2G)(Mod)(Endy)-23.06.05
« on: June 23, 2005, 03:58:46 AM »
Code: [Select]
'Who says there can be only One?
'Mod by Endy
'Designed by Shen

' Not quite a finished product here, really just a basic demo of the virus bug I think I found.
' The vast majority of it's still Shen's bot, but with the speedier virus production it's able to defeat itself
' most of the time(Something like 14/15 times)

.mkvirus inc

*.eye5 *.eye5 sub inc
300 .vshoot *.thisgene 1 sub dup div mult store
'Feed and store body
100 *.nrg 1000 sub sgn 0 floor 500 *.body sub sgn 0 floor mult .strbody mult store
100 500 *.nrg sub sgn 0 floor .fdbody mult store

'shell and venom production
200 *.shell sub 0 floor 200 ceil 200 *.shell sub sgn abs .mkshell mult store
10 *.venom sub 0 floor 10 ceil *.venom 10 sub sgn abs .strvenom mult store

'tie codes
*.tiepres *51 *.tiepres sub sgn abs *.tiepres sgn mult .deltie mult store
*51 *.refeye sgn -1 mult 1 add *.refeye *.myeye sub sgn abs *.eye5 35 sub 0 floor sgn mult mult .tie

mult store
*51 *.tie sgn *.tiepres *51 sub sgn abs -1 mult 1 add add sgn .tienum mult store
-1 *.tie sgn *.tiepres *51 sub sgn abs -1 mult 1 add add sgn .tieloc mult store
-1000 *.tie sgn *.tiepres *51 sub sgn abs -1 mult 1 add add sgn .tieval mult store
*.robage sgn 1 sub abs .tie mult inc

'Venom lock code
.mkshell *.vloc sgn -1 mult 1 add .vloc mult store
-100 *.venval sgn 1 add .venval mult store

999 rnd 1 add *51 sgn -1 mult 1 add 51 mult store

200 *.aim add *.refeye *.myeye sub sgn abs -1 mult 1 add .setaim mult store
*.maxvel *.vel sub 0 floor *.robage sgn *.refeye *.myeye sub sgn abs mult .up mult store
*.refxpos *.refypos angle *.robage sgn *.refeye *.myeye sub sgn abs *.eye5 sgn mult mult .setaim mult

*.refveldx *.refeye *.myeye sub sgn abs *.eye5 sgn mult .dx mult store

*.refeye *.myeye sub sgn abs -1 mult 1 add 50 mult inc
0 *50 30 sub 0 floor sgn .refeye mult store
0 *50 30 sub 0 floor sgn 50 mult store

*.refshell 1 sub 0 floor sgn 3 mult 5 sub *.refeye sgn mult 1 sub *.refeye *.myeye sub sgn abs *.eye5

35 sub 0 floor sgn mult .shoot mult store
*.shoot 3 add sgn 10 mult 0 floor *.refeye sgn 30 mult add *.refshell 1 sub 0 floor sgn 20 mult sub *.

shoot sgn abs .shootval mult store

50 *.body 250 sub sgn 0 floor *.nrg 2000 sub sgn 0 floor *.eye5 30 sub 0 floor sgn -1 mult 1 add mult

mult .repro mult store

*.thisgene -1 mult 3 add abs *.genes 1 sub sgn .delgene mult store

Bugs and fixes / Virus Bug and The One defeated :)
« on: June 20, 2005, 06:04:05 PM »
I had been trying different modifications to One's code; it was late I was tired and having no luck with normal changes. What else could I do in the circumstance? I decided to try viruses as a last resort, well One's vtimer is something like 700 cycles, not very promising obviously. So I decided to add a small viral gene in front of the main dna, and 300 .vshoot store with added eyes in the main gene.

.mkvirus inc
.vshoot inc
.mkshell inc

as a method for plants to make shell. Not the greatest gene, but it was only supposed to be a test.

The new bot Two managed to defeat One at a break neck speed; I was amazed :blink: what had I managed? A bot that actually defeated The One?

Well, not quite, the plants and even some One's now had Two's dna; but this shouldn't have been possible given the huge time demands. The not so obvious answer was that the time had been shortened. That's when I realized how the virus was being made quicker but huge in size. Mkvirus was set to one and that is what vshoot shot out, but not the orginal gene. Delgene had deleted that gene at the start leaving the second as the first gene.

Alright lunch is drawing to a close and I need to get back. I'll post the full dna up later to show everyone what I'm talking about.

Endy B)

I'm not absolutly sure about everything here, but I figure I should still post it anyways. If I'm dead wrong please tell me :unsure:

Suggestions / A few suggestions(Endy)
« on: June 19, 2005, 04:42:48 AM »
Here are just a few ideas I've had in the past weeks; not sure how they'll be received. :unsure:

The first idea had is that it would be possible to have functions, of a sort, in DB. The idea is that functions would be defined and entered into the dna at the start.

f1 0 floor 1 ceil mult dec
f2 dup div mult inc
.fixpos *.fixed f2

This would be how you could write it, but for the bots all they would see and be able to seperatly is the actual code.

.fixpos dup div mult inc

This way no mutations in the functions could occur, but the code they mean would be capable of mutating.(not the normal method, I know, but most programmers don't have to worry about mutating code :) )

Another idea was a set of negative sysvars equal to the positive ones(abs num before storing). This way the bots could still use a negative store to produce a behavior.

The last idea I had was a "flip" command that would flip the top two stacked numbers. The only problem is how to have it activated for a specific peice of dna, I was thinking of it only flipping based on a number before/after it. Should allow an effect similar to rnd for evobots, allowing them greater versatility from a single strand of dna.

Alright that's all for now, hope you like the ideas, comments are appreciated. :D

Endy B)

Evolution and Internet Sharing Sims / The One Goes MB
« on: June 19, 2005, 12:36:35 AM »
Had just started up a Pit sim and this time decided to see how The One did with all the gravity. Boy did I get a surprise, I had the darn thing evolve into a MB within just a few thousand cycles :wacko: Bizzare to see, the bots would start floating around the screen able to reproduce easier and pick off veggies as soon as they appeared.

As best I can tell it managed it by disabling the tie deletion, venom making genes, and TF genes. Causing the tied babies to help the MB grow in size.

Managed to run an F1 test under the Pit settings and had the MB defeat it's ancestor (start normal mode, change settings and then shutdown F1 screen; causing F1 pop back up and keep tracking with new settings). :lol:

I'll try to post up the Sim and the bot's dna latter today.

Endy B)

Suggestions / Invisible Ties?
« on: June 17, 2005, 04:03:02 AM »
Could we have an option to make ties invisible? I figure it'd speed the program somewhat while it's viewed and cause some cool looking effects (imagine 4 aparrently unconnected bots making a turn). Saw this by during a few tests runing the program a cyc at a time, and it looked pretty cool.

Just in case anyone's been wondering, my job took me out to sea a few days. <_< Not the best of times, but it's kind of required :lol: I wouldn't mind it so much if only the Net was available :)

Endy B)

Suggestions / Renaming sexrepro?
« on: June 06, 2005, 02:20:40 AM »
Would it be possible to rename sexrepro in the sysvars file as something like conjrepro? I was reading about how bacteria were able to mix their dnas through a process called conjugation, similar to what we have now for sexrepro. When Nums gets done fine tuning the chromosome idea, we can perhaps give it the memory location 303(unused?) and a new name(or vice versa, whichever works best).

It might also be a good idea to have the new sexrepro be slower than the normal asexual repro, since this would help to base DB more on real life(increased cost to repro both chromo's, but better for evolution).

Endy B)

Bot Tavern / Alga Tier
« on: June 04, 2005, 10:04:55 PM »
Made Alga Tier it's able to expand and snap any ties to it using the new
Tielens 1-4. Extremly dificult for SF's to feed off of, even TheOne had some trouble feeding from this. As a species it's able to survive extremly well, going long periods before repopulating.

Nice bot to see in action, good for evolving since it doesn't follow the typical repop patterns.

' Alga Tier

' Able to push itself away from family and enemies using new tielen1-4
' Bot started as experiment with new tie stuff and ended up one deadly plant :)

.repro inc
.tie inc
314 rnd .aimdx store

' Gene allows plant to expand and eventually snap any tie (even birth tie!)
*.numties 0 !=
10000 .tielen1 3 rnd add store

' Gene3 added to stop TF's slight advantage over plant
*.numties 0 !=
*.pain 500 >
*.tiepres .deltie store

Veggies / Alga Tier (V)(Endy)-05.06.05
« on: June 04, 2005, 09:53:57 PM »
' Alga Tier

' Able to push itself away from family and enemies using new tielen1-4
' Bot started as experiment with new tie stuff and ended up one deadly plant

.repro inc
.tie inc
314 rnd .aimdx store

' Gene allows plant to expand and eventually snap any tie (even birth tie!)
*.numties 0 !=
10000 .tielen1 3 rnd add store

' Gene3 added to stop TF's advantage over plant
*.numties 0 !=
*.pain 500 >
*.tiepres .deltie store


The Gene depository / Messaging Bots
« on: May 31, 2005, 10:55:15 PM »
I think it'd be possible for the bots to cheaply send complex messages to each other.

The basic method could use just out1/2 changed to either 1, 0, -1(via inc/dec) to yield some 9 different messages.

The response could be seen as a single number with this code:

*.in1 10 mult *.in2 add

A more advanced method could use memval to yield some 27 different messages (or oddly enough, 26 discounting 0,0). Bots tied together could in addition use tmemval to yield up to a maximum of 81 messages.

*.tmemval 1000 mult *.memval 100 mult add *.in1 10 mult add *.in2 add

Now the only question remaining is what should these guys be talking about? :)

Endy B)

I haven't actually checked up to 81, 27 took long enough, the equation for it looks like the number of numbers to the power equal to the number of available spaces.

Darwinbots Program Source Code / What alga is repopulated?
« on: May 28, 2005, 10:10:13 PM »
I was just wondering exactly how repopulation works for veggies. How does the program decide which bot's or bots' dna to use for the repopulation?

From what I've seen it looks like the vegs face a repop race during evolution.

Endy :)

Off Topic / Invison Forum a Success!
« on: May 28, 2005, 05:08:26 PM »
Was working on the wiki history and noticed we've posted more posts here than ever in the Proboards forum.

Total Posts: 4,869
July 03 - Feb 05

Our members have made a total of 4,893 posts
Feb 05 - May 05

Definitly was a great idea to move. :)

Endy B)

Mutations / EvoFarmer
« on: May 20, 2005, 03:18:38 AM »
' Evo Farmer
' Designed for Evo Sims, most code made with rnd mutations in mind
' waits for refage to inc helps out with Cannibotism and ofen allows plants to inc in
' population before being eaten

' figured out method to help ensure bots deltie at birth properly by coupling child's
' actions by having parent perform similarly.
' Very slow bot don't expect it to make any long distance trips : )
.fixpos *.fixed mult dec
' below added to allow testing against near family
*.eye5 dup sub dec
*.eye5 dup sub dec

*.eye5 40 >
*.refage 20 >
*.refeye *.myeye !=
-1 .shoot *.robage dup div mult *.refage dup div mult store

*.robage 0 =
*.refage 0 = or
.tie inc

*.robage 1 =
*.tiepres 1 = or
.deltie inc

10 *.vel >
*.eye5 0 >
*.refeye *.myeye !=
10 *.vel sub 2 div .up store

' I think I got the rotation commands from one of PY's bots, not sure anymore

mult 0

*.eye2 *.eye8 !=
*.eye5 0 =
mult *.eye2 *.eye8 sub 2 div

*.eye3 *.eye5 !=
mult *.eye3 *.eye5 sub

*.eye7 *.eye5 !=
mult *.eye5 *.eye7 sub

*.refeye *.myeye =
*.eye5 0 = or
mult 324 rnd

*.nrg 10000 >
.repro inc
mult 300

.aimsx store

Bugs and fixes / Children Are Immune to Parent's Shots
« on: May 18, 2005, 02:36:30 AM »
There seems to be a limit in DB's code preventing the child from being affected by a parent's shots for 10 cy. Got annoyed after my bots lost their firing restriction coding and went looking for answers.

Endy B)

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