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Messages - Jez

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Newbie / Help !!!
« on: July 18, 2007, 06:27:19 AM »
Before you click 'start new' check your loaded species list, they are the bots your new simulation will use.

The first one is normally Alga_Minimalis, it should have the vegtable box ticked (if you select it), following that are normally the bots you are playing with. (Which don't have the vegtable box ticked).

From the sounds of it though you haven't got any bots in the loaded species list and if that's the case click 'add new species' and choose some bots from there.

If there are bots in the list (and you can't see any bots when you start the sim) then click on each of them and check that the 'individuals' and 'starting energy' boxes have (normally) 5 and 3000

The bots should appear as moving circles on the screen, if you still can't see anything though then tell us and we'll check some other bits.

Darwinbots3 / Bot DNA
« on: July 18, 2007, 06:02:30 AM »
I am following this Googlyeye, as best I can, codules and multi threading are a bit beyond my ken though!

I worry that the new code will be difficult for your average Joe to follow. Then again it was difficult reading the current code when I first started so that's probably not much of a problem.

Other than that the ability of bots to use tan or sin to accurately calculate trajectory and shot angle seems a bit more than the bots should have.

But I have trust in Nums ability to choose wisely, he has put a lot of work in to researching the ins and outs of different possibilities (as he is now). He's taken my opinion and ideas onboard in the past as he has with many other people. This is a thread about bots coding though and it's best left to people who have a good understanding of such things IMO.

Announcements / quote limit & max post length
« on: July 18, 2007, 05:16:34 AM »
Have been changed!  

Nums has now increased the maximum post length from 1KB to 1MB so bots like Guardian can be posted in one piece and increased the number of quotes you can use.  

Short bots / Guardian v0.9 (F1)(Trafalgar)-15.07.07
« on: July 17, 2007, 06:57:59 PM »
Quote from: Trafalgar
This is not F2-valid at the moment, mainly because it tie-feeds from veggies, and uses sharenrg on them too. It also keeps an mkvirus timer going at all times
Tie feeding is a no-no but sharenrg is allowed for F2 (sharenrg needs a permanent tie).

Quote from: Trafalgar
Other things it does that I think F2 should forbid, but which it apparently doesn't:
Instakill using ties (setting strvenom to 10000)
Instakill using shots (same way)
There shouldn't be instakill methods, that's why F2 allows this. Will probably add these to known bugs.

Quote from: Trafalgar
Here's a link to it,
Hope this is your updated version, this is the one I have just run in the league!

Guardian came first btw, as expected, very nice bit of programming!!  

Newbie / Help !!!
« on: July 17, 2007, 06:41:43 PM »
When you install the latest stuff if if it asks if you want to overwrite stuff always choose yes. If you don't overwrite the older sysvars when it asks you to DB will still work but it won't let you use any of the newer syvars.

If it doesn't ask you to overwrite stuff you don't need to do it manually though, not any more, our esteemed programers have got the whole thing pretty much sorted on that front.

Hope that helps. If you are still having problems we will be happy to try and sort them out!

Sorry about the *.pain thing confusing you btw, was just an inhouse joke, sort of like it's cruel to make your bot feel pain. Maybe something that should be removed from the Wiki in future to stop other people getting confused.  

Darwinbots3 / Bot DNA
« on: July 16, 2007, 03:34:06 PM »
Quote from: Trafalgar
Edit: I don't know why the quotes aren't working, but I have to leave, so I'm not going to try to figure it out now.
The forum only allows a certain number of quotes per post IIRC, try splitting your post in half or thirds and I'll move this one, or replace some of your quotes with [code]

Quote from: Trafalgar
It might be better to streamline stores by eliminating the store operator. If referencing an address with a . caused a store, then evolution might manage to evolve stores more often. This would make SGizing conditions impossible, though,

Still a good idea IMO, 1G bots and the current evo bots can be a real pain to read.

Quote from: Trafalgar
Also, I'm finding it a pain to deliberately infect a particular bot with a virus, since the virus shot actually flies off in a random direction, and completely ignores aim commands (I checked the source to verify that - the documentation on vshoot is wrong).

  The game was meant to have been changed to work like that, added to known bugs.

I'm also a fan of making bots own input relative.

Not a fan of any form of instakill, sysvars have been changed before because of that so I hope the mkshell/slime variable gets sorted.

Off Topic / What I've been up to other than Darwinbots
« on: July 16, 2007, 03:08:09 PM »
Sweet! You mean we can look forward to a new DB with those little critters from that youtube video swimming on a 3d world (with erosion and various niches) that we can walk around?

We can but dream...

Bot Tavern / Rabidus v1.1 (F1)(Googlyeyesultra)-15.07.07
« on: July 16, 2007, 02:47:12 PM »
Quote from: abyaly
Jez, do you think you can move most of this thread somewhere? It seems we've derailed a bit from talking about rabidus.

Can't seperate posts in topic AFAIK so have moved this thread to bot tavern and re-entered bot in starting gate. If you feel like posting your congrats again in the new thread I'm sure Googlyeye won't mind!

Quote from: abyaly
Eh? I try and make mine as readable as I can. I think the only mystic things about Aura is how I butchered the conspec ID and the stack math that goes into its navigation.

Just goes to show how good I am at deciphering 1G bots I guess!

F1 bots / Rabidus v1.1 (F1)(Googlyeyesultra)-15.07.07
« on: July 16, 2007, 02:29:31 PM »
Quote from: googlyeyesultra
In my own personal runs, this one was able to beat the entire F1 league EXCEPT for Etch. Curse you, Etch! Some of 'em take a little while, though.

Code: [Select]
'Rabidus: A bot by googlyeyesultra.

'Conspec, Self-Virus Protection, Set Eyewidth
*.myeye *.myshoot add 998 *.robage sgn 1 sub -1 mult mult store
65 999 *.robage sgn 1 sub -1 mult mult store
1221 .eye5width *.robage sgn 1 sub -1 mult mult store

*.refxpos *.refypos angle .setaim
*.eye5 sqr dup div
*997 *998 sub dup div mult mult store

*.refveldx *.veldx sub .dx
*.eye5 sqr dup div
*997 *998 sub dup div mult mult store

*.refxpos *.refypos dist 2 div *.refvelup add *.velup sub .up
*.eye5 sqr dup div
*997 *998 sub dup div mult mult store

'Sharefeed if multi
99 .sharenrg *.multi mult store
.sharewaste *.multi mult inc

*.nrg 850 >
*.body 50 >=
100 .strbody store
49 .repro store

*.refeye *.refshoot add *997 !=
*.refeye *.refshoot add 997 store

'Birthie cut
*.robage 2 <
.tie *.robage -1 mult 1 add mult inc
.deltie inc
11 990 store

'Spread out when born
*.eye5 0 !=
*997 *998 =
*.robage 20 <
*.robage 2 >
*.refxpos *.refypos angle 628 add .setaim store
*.eye5 .up store

'Shoot feed
*.eye5 30 >
*997 *998 !=
*.refpoison *.refshell >=
-6 .shoot store

*.eye5 30 >
*997 *998 !=
*.refpoison *.refshell <
-1 .shoot store

'Making venom
*.nrg 300 >
*.body 40 >
*.nrg 2 div 100 75 *.venom sub >
75 *.venom sub .strvenom store

'Firing venom
*.eye5 30 >
*997 *998 !=
*997 0 !=
*.venom 25 >
*.robage 10 sub *990 >
.setaim .vloc store
*.aim .venval store
*.venom 25 sub rnd 25 add .shootval store
-3 .shoot store
*.robage 990 store

'Deltie enemy ties/conspec ties
*.numties 0 >
*.tiepres *996 !=
*.trefshoot *.trefeye add *998 = or
*.tiepres .deltie store

*.eye5 30 >
*997 *998 !=
*.numties 0 =
999 rnd 996 store
*996 .tie store

'Tiefeed/Counter leach
*.numties 0 >
*.trefshoot *.trefeye add *998 !=
*996 .tienum store
*.tieval sgn .tieloc store
-1000 .tieval store

'Body to Energy Conversion
*.nrg 850 <
*.body 50 >
*.body 50 sub 100 ceil 10 mult .fdbody store

'Energy to Body Conversion
*.nrg 250 >
*.body 50 <
*.body 50 sub 100 ceil .strbody store

'Waste Removal
*.waste 100 >=
-4 .shoot store
*.waste .shootval store

'Shoot Virii
*.eye5 15 >
*.nrg 150 >
*.vtimer 1 =
50 .vshoot store

'Make Virii
*.vtimer 0 =
*.thisgene 1 add .mkvirus store

65 *999 !=
*.thisgene .mkvirus store
*.myeye *.myshoot add 31999 mult 50 floor .vshoot store
.delgene dec

'Chameleon genes
*.in1 0 !=
*.in1 *.out1 !=
*.in1 .out1 store

*.in2 0 !=
*.in2 *.out2 !=
*.in2 .out2 store

'Some various code defenses
*.fixed 0 !=
0 .fixpos store

*.delgene 0 !=
0 .delgene store

*.shoot -2 =
0 .shoot store

*.mrepro 0 !=
0 .mrepro store

*.sexrepro 0 !=
0 .sexrepro store

*.repro 49 !=
*.repro 0 !=
0 .repro store

'End of Program

Bot Tavern / Rabidus v1.1 (F1)(Googlyeyesultra)-15.07.07
« on: July 15, 2007, 03:28:58 PM »
Quote from: abyaly
Someone noticed ^^.

I tried,    it's hard enough for me to decipher 1G anyway though without the particular brand of mysticism you work on them as well!  

Quote from: abyaly
My experiments with social behavior have usually been detrimental to league performance. I would like to see one that is effective so that I can steal it.

I have noticed in the past, pre Aura days, how to much group behaviour is detrimental. Using the .out method to transmit target location I found it best if only the closest bots responded. Spiral might be better if it didn't work in such large groups for instance.
Small groups (max that can get to veg before veg disappears maybe) did seem to have a positive affect, at least on the bots I tested it on.

F1 bots / Rabidus (F1)(Vir)(Googlyeyesultra)-01.07.07
« on: July 15, 2007, 03:04:26 PM »
Quote from: Trafalgar
I thought checking the "Use F1 contest conditions" box in the 'Restart and Leagues' section would apply all the correct settings?

So did I but apparently not! You also need to check points 3 and 4 in my previous post are set to metal and F1 default as well. *note to self; add these points to 'running league yourself' info.

Thanks Abyaly and Trafalger for also checking the league ranking for this bot.  

Googlyeye are you happy to move this bot to the bestiary then and just enter your new bot, or would you like this one entered officially as well?

Newbie / Some questions ?!
« on: July 15, 2007, 02:41:51 PM »
I'll check it out for you as soon as I can Nikica, it's so long since I had to install that I don't remember either.

I imagine it's a problem with the wiki rather than the download, if you install the 2.01 and 2.43 works when you overinstall then that'll be what everyone else has done anyway.

Maybe someone who has recently installed will be able to confirm this.

Bugs and fixes / Known Problems with DB v 2.43
« on: July 13, 2007, 06:13:58 PM »
League problems;

Physics & costs - Make sure 'big blue screen is set to 'metal' - it's not set as default.

Physics & costs - Make sure 'costs' are set to F1 default - it's not set as default.

F1 bots / Rabidus (F1)(Vir)(Googlyeyesultra)-01.07.07
« on: July 13, 2007, 06:09:14 PM »
Found four things (first two shouldn't matter I think);

1; graphing rate was 1000 on mine 200 on yours.

2; use of velup instead of vel, last line of Targetting/Movement gene in copy you posted.

3; Physics and costs/Big blue screen acts like - mine was set to custom not metal.  

4; Physics and costs/Costs - mine was set to custom not F1 default.  

Resetting last two got your bot upto about position 16, lost to Callidus so there is hope yet!

Points 3 & 4, as far as I knew should have been defaulted to your settings when F1 conditions were ticked so I'll add those to known bugs. I'm also going to have to appologise to all the owners of bots I have tested in case that made a difference. So p'd off about that, might mess up all the leagues, have to think about how to sort that.

I don't see why point 2 would make a difference but I'll check that anyway, if that doesn't help I'll see if I can spot anything else that might affect things.

Thank you as well for helping bring this problem, default settings and my league tests, to light; I'm going to go hide in a corner for a while now...  

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