PY also notes that Bots has apparently left the realms of partial sanity to pursue a new direction into utter lunacy.
Not quite, what we have here is a nature of it. It is a self fueling prosses....
Thats how I always been all this time, I did not get better or worse. I just managed to project it on others for like 2 years you knew me people. Gess luck ran out :/ sorry, hopefully it will be another 2 years since it happens again.
A.) I promise not to rant of flame ( next 2 weeks I will try not to post my feeling towards things at all, so mostly I wont post) but,
B.) Very promising resolts due to (I did not intend this, but turns out that) evolving first bot on my max-hyper rates actualy produces resolts. If its better then then the starting first bot, I will post; In the bestary.