You never know man , some high education people consider even precalcules or even trigonometry the same thing, although not a one to one function witch is were I have to give them credit.
(def one to one = 'all A is B does not imply its converse') for lack of better english
(now I have to learn Trig and Algebra, not only trig ;) ) My real precalc teacher I had in highschool was actualy trying to teach me theckniques of intergrating stuff to get the basic calcules math work done. Shows you that the highest eductation you ever will get is in preschool.
You should see the way I flonked ONLY trig, (one week after I wrote the code above) on the plasment test. Thats what happens to people when they don't force themselfs to do somthing when they think its too boaring (ehm... :puke: any fomiliure?)