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Hey lads it's been a while. The last simulation i was running got corrupted somehow and i wasn't able to continue it so i started a new simulation by bringing over the bots from the corrupted save (for some reason it wouldnt run but i could still select and save the bots) and plonking them down in the new simulation. The conditions here are even more harsh with a cost of 5 every cycle just to stay alive. Well it turns out i forgot to disable chloroplasts so at some point some bots evolved into being plants and slowly took over the map. The only thing keeping them somewhat under control is the 100 million energy limit that turns it to night time whenever it goes above that, but they don't seem to be dying out even though i've been reducing the sunlight energy and doubling the cost to make chloroplasts.

There's still a small population of the original mobile bots around, but they're struggling to survive on the original chloroplasts that are being repopulated once in a while and maybe the occasional corpse of a dead plant bot because they simply refuse to eat the plant bots. They earlier (like way before the plant bots became a thing) evolved a behavior where whenever they see someone from the same species they run backwards while shooting at them. Very good at avoiding and fighting against cannibalism, and it still serves that purpose because bots that don't do that often just eat their own children. But at this point so many of the plant bots genomes related to shooting have degraded so much because they don't need that to survive (actually this behavior would be disastrous for plant bots because they're usually so heavy that they can't move away from their children and end up eating them) that they're totally incapable of shooting, so they don't pose a threat despite their massive size. There just needs to be some way for the mobile bots to be able to eat the plant bots while still avoiding cannibalism and they will absolutely wipe the floor with them

heres the dna of a mobile bot with 39 descendants

--- Code: --- substore

 ceil -1435 *.refeye *.myaimdx <
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  1 Ends at position  9  '''''''''''''''''''''''
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  2 Begins at position  10  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 .up addstore
 *.eye6 <
 -6 .shoot store
 div *342 dup -92 *-323 *.eye5 =
 << <=
 anglecmp ~ store
 root clear 415 *.kills 216 277 | 570 .aimright floorstore
 *.nrg stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  2 Ends at position  43  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  3 Begins at position  44  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 31852 >
 pyth 344 .repro store
 <<''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  3 Ends at position  52  '''''''''''''''''''''''

--- End code ---

and heres the dna of a plant bot with 17 descendants

--- Code: ---
 sqr 614 -1458 *.myaimdx start
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  1 Ends at position  7  '''''''''''''''''''''''
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  2 Begins at position  8  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 .up addstore
 *.eye6 <
 -88 -6 xor
 .shoot store
 *.refup dup *493 -25 & *-323 *500 =
 sqr & store
 *-813 5 .mkchlr floorstore
 *.nrg stop
''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  2 Ends at position  37  '''''''''''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  3 Begins at position  38  '''''''''''''''''''''''
 31138 >
 pyth 344 300 start
 <<''''''''''''''''''''''''  Gene:  3 Ends at position  46  '''''''''''''''''''''''

--- End code ---

I'm glad you're still running simulations.  I find your results really interesting.

For the mobile bots, their genome is mostly trashed at this point, except they've conserved the ability to eat ('-6 .shoot store') and reproduce ('344 .repro store'), which makes sense since otherwise you aren't going to produce any children.

Likewise the plants genome is mostly junk except for '5 .mkchlr floorstore', which allows it to make chloroplasts.


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