Been playing with Fam2, it seems pretty stable for long runs, I had one manage over 700,000 cys before finally dying out seemingly more from my own coding than the canni's that poped up. I think waste buildup may be playing a benneficial role here also, normally waste wouldn't affect the bots dna, but since these rely so heavily on memlocs they can be wiped out by a replaced value.
I'm going to work on improving their dna somewhat, add better hunting genes, and maybe some deffensive genes.
Yeah, I've been looking into epigenetics(Lamarkian Evolution) a bit myself. It's kind of interesting to note that animals utilize this at a level so basic, it actually removes their ability to, for the most part, assexually reproduce.
Here's wikipedias version
Imprinting/EpigeneticI'm not sure exactly what this bot's form of evolution could be called, my best guess would be it's a mixture of the two a sort of Darwinism/Lamarkian evolution types. Seems pretty good in allowing more variety in the bots, whatever it's called.