.inspectveg - Returns 1 if veggie, returns 0 if bot
.inspectspcie - This is a non-numerical returning sysvar, it would return as a string the name of a bot (useful in leagues maybe/sims to identify what to just sprint away from at all nrgs (I no longer say costs.)) Just like a animal being able to see what another animal looks like, or pick up their scent
.inspectcorpse - Returns 1 if corpse, 0 if living
.inspectdscndnt - Returns 1 if a descendant/direct relative (mum/dad, grandad/grandma and so on...but doesnt return 1 for cousins or uncles) or if not one of those it returns 0
.inspectdnasmlrty - Returns how different the DNA is (some algorithm) to you which would be useful to kill of extremely mutated bots in a MB or to kill off bots of the same species that are just unrecognisable to you (better than botsareus's apparently implemented autoforking)
especially inspectdscndnt would be incredibly useful if you want to create a bot which wont breed with its direct relatives (just to be accurate?) or if you want it to hunt its own species that arent its relatives.
EDIT: Some extra eye commands as well
.eye0 and .eye10 which face directly sideways from the bot on their respective sides
.eye0inv with all the .eye[number]inv's through to .eye10inv which is exactly the same as the normal .eye's but facing for example .eye5inv faces directly backwards
and a extra .eye command
For when your using more than 1 eye only
.eyerespective5 would return how many degrees (or whatever our complex DB2 equivilant is) from .eye5 it is, not sure how this would work when multiple things are in the vision though. Good for aiming a bot, alternatively, you can always add to the sysvars page on the wiki how many degree's you have to turn to get to the position of the center of each eye...that make my job of turning alleyes much easier.